Payment-method icon

iDEAL for API-only

Add iDEAL to an existing API-only integration.

iDEAL is moving to a more centralized infrastructure to process payments.

Adyen merchants currently using iDEAL have a deadline of 01 April 2025 to complete the following:

  • Remove the list of banks from their checkout pages.
  • Redirect shoppers to the central iDEAL payment page.

Follow instructions on this page to update your API-only integration now.

Accept iDEAL payments using our APIs, and build your own payment form to have full control over the look and feel of your checkout page.


Requirement Description
Integration type Make sure that you have built an API-only integration.
Setup steps Before you begin, add iDEAL in your test Customer Area.

Build your payment form for iDEAL

To show iDEAL in your payment form, you need to:

  1. Include iDEAL in the list of available payment methods.
    You do not need to collect any information from the shopper in your payment form.

  2. In your /paymentMethods request, specify:

  3. Make a /payments request after the shopper clicks the pay button.

Make a payment

In your /payments request, specify:

  • paymentMethod.type: ideal
  • returnUrl: The URL where the shopper will be redirected back to after they complete the payment. This URL can have a maximum of 1024 characters.

The /payments response includes the action object with information that you must use to redirect the shopper.

Handle the redirect

  1. To complete the payment, redirect the shopper to the action.url returned in the /payments response, taking into account the following recommendations:

    • When using the HTTP GET method:
      For security reasons, when showing the redirect in the app, we recommend that you use SFSafariViewController for iOS or Chrome Custom Tabs for Android, instead of WebView objects. Also refer to the security best practices for WebView.

    • Redirection for mobile integrations:
      For mobile integrations, we strongly recommended that you redirect the shopper to the default browser of their device. Redirecting to the default browser ensures the best compatibility, handling of multi-factor authentication, app-to-app redirection, and error handling.

  2. After the shopper is redirected back to your website, check the payment result by making a POST /payments/details request, specifying:

    • details: object that contains the URL-decoded redirectResult returned when the shopper was redirected back to your site.
  3. In the response note the following:

    • resultCode: use this to present the result to your shopper.
    • pspReference: our unique identifier for the transaction.

Present the payment result

Use the  resultCode that you received in the /payments/details response to present the payment result to your shopper.

The resultCode values you can receive for iDEAL are:

resultCode Description Action to take
Authorised The payment was successful. Inform the shopper that the payment has been successful.
You will receive the funds in 2-3 days.
Cancelled The shopper cancelled the payment while on their bank's website. Ask the shopper whether they want to continue with the order, or ask them to select a different payment method.
Optionally, you can configure an OFFER_CLOSED webhook for cancellations.
Error There was an error when the payment was being processed. Inform the shopper that there was an error processing their payment. The response contains a refusalReason, indicating the cause of the error.
Pending or
The shopper has completed the payment but the final result is not yet known. It may take minutes or hours for the iDEAL payments network to confirm this. Inform the shopper that you have received their order, and are waiting for the payment to be completed.
You will receive the final result of the payment in an AUTHORISATION webhook. If the transaction is not authorised within 30 minutes, the offer will close. Optionally, you can configure an OFFER_CLOSED webhook for expired offers.
Refused The payment was refused by the shopper's bank. Ask the shopper to try the payment again using a different payment method.

If the shopper closed the browser and failed to return to your website, wait for webhooks to know the outcome of the payment:

eventCode success field Description Action to take
AUTHORISATION false The transaction failed. Cancel the order and inform the shopper that the payment failed.
AUTHORISATION true The shopper successfully completed the payment. Inform the shopper that the payment has been successful and proceed with the order.

Recurring payments

Adyen supports recurring payments for iDEAL through SEPA Direct Debit. To make recurring payments, you need to:

  1. Create a shopper token.
  2. Use the token to make future payments for the shopper.

1. Create a token

We strongly recommend that you request explicit permission from the shopper if you intend to make recurring SEPA payments. Being transparent about the payment schedule and the charged amount reduces the risk of chargebacks.

To create a token, include in your /payments request:

  • amount: The transaction must have a minimum value of EUR 0.01.
  • storePaymentMethod: true
  • shopperReference: your unique identifier for the shopper (minimum length three characters). Do not include personally identifiable information (PII), such as name or email address.
  • recurringProcessingModel: Subscription or UnscheduledCardOnFile

    From Checkout v70, recurringProcessingModel is a required parameter when creating or using a token.

When the payment is settled, you receive a RECURRING_CONTRACT webhook containing:

  • originalReference: The pspReference of the initial payment.
  • pspReference: This is the token that you need to make recurring payments for this shopper.