When a shopper is ready to pay with Pix on your website:
- The shopper chooses to pay with Pix on your website.
- Your website shows a QR code or QR code data for the shopper to copy.
- The shopper opens their banking or wallet app participating in Pix.
- The shopper selects Pix, scans the QR code or pastes QR code data, and then confirms the payment.
Select the server-side flow that your integration uses:
Collect additional parameters in your payment form
Collect the following details from the shopper:
- Name: The first and last name of the shopper.
- CPF/CNPJ: CPF/CNPJ is a unique identifier similar to a social security number. The shopper can provide their Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) number or their Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ) number.
Pass the collected data to your server because you will need to submit both Name and CPF/CNPJ in the /payments request. This information will be shown to the shopper to help identify the payment.
API reference
Select which endpoint you are using: