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Walley for API-only

Add Walley to an existing API-only integration.

Accept Walley payments using our APIs, and build your own payment form to have full control over the look and feel of your checkout page.


Requirement Description
Integration type Make sure that you have built your API-only integration.

Walley for Web requires at least v66 of API-only.

Setup steps Before you begin, contact our Support Team to add Walley in your test Customer Area.

Build your payment form for Walley

Include Walley in the list of available payment methods.

To make a Walley payment, collect the following shopper details:

If you are using the /paymentMethods endpoint to show available payment methods to the shopper, specify in your request one of the following combinations of countryCode and amount.currency:

Country/region countryCode amount.currency
Denmark DK DKK
Finland FI EUR
Norway NO NOK
Sweden SE SEK

Payments in Denmark (DK) or with the DKK currency are available only for B2C payments.

The API response contains paymentMethod.type: walley for business-to-consumer and paymentMethod.type: walley_b2b for business-to-business.

Adyen provides a logo for Walley that you can use on your payment form. For more information, refer to Downloading logos.

Make a payment

You must include the following fields when making a /payments request:

Parameter name Required Description
telephoneNumber -white_check_mark- The shopper's telephone number.
You must collect a working mobile phone number (including country code) from the customer. Incorrect or missing numbers will fail Walley's validation.
shopperEmail -white_check_mark- The shopper's email address. -white_check_mark- The name of the company making the payment. This will be prefilled and presented to the shopper on Walley's payment form. Only required for walley_b2b payments.
company.registrationNumber Only relevant to business-to-business payments. The registration number of the company making the payment. -white_check_mark- The ID of the line item.
lineItems.description -white_check_mark- A description of the line item. Maximum length: 50 characters.
lineItems.amountExcludingTax -white_check_mark- The item amount excluding the tax, in minor units.
lineItems.taxAmount -white_check_mark- The tax amount, in minor units.
lineItems.taxPercentage -white_check_mark- The tax percentage, in minor units.
lineItems.quantity -white_check_mark- The number of items.