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Payment completion

Hosted Payment Pages are no longer available
This page is for the Hosted Payment Pages (HPP) integration, which has reached end-of-life. We are no longer processing transactions though HPP.

If you have any questions, contact our Support Team.

After completing a payment, shopper redirects to a default Adyen result page

PayPal handles incomplete or refused payments in a custom way. Most refused payments may return a result URL whose authorisation result URL parameter value is set to PENDING. This is because PayPal may offer shoppers the option to retry the payment. If the new attempt is successful, you receive a standard payment authorisation notification with eventCodeAUTHORISATION and success = true.

Partial captures

Refunds for PayPal can be made via modification as described in the API manual. In a case of multiple partial captures, the references of the refund modification request are used to identify the reference of the specific capture request to be refunded. Therefore, unknown references in the refund modification lead to a failure.  

To enable partial captures, contact Adyen Support.

Shopper statements

Some acquirers, including PayPal, support variable shopper statements. To submit variable shopper statements, you can include and set the shopperStatement field in your payment request to enhance and customize the shopper experience.

If shopperStatement field is not included in your payment request, PayPal populates the statement text field with the merchantreference data.


To review information on your PayPal settlements in the Adyen payments platform, browse for the External Settlement Report With Info (WIP) under ReportsScheduled Reports. The report is the same as our usual settlement reports available at Merchant level, but the external settlement report is available only at a company level.