Terminal-2 icon

Handle the Additional Data callback

Handle the callback

The TenderAdditionalData callback is tender-based and includes both a PED object and tender object as parameters. 


Name Type Description
pedObj PedDevice PED object that represents the terminal.
tenderObj Tender The tender associated with the additional data.
headerObj ResponseHdr Header object that includes generic statuses, information about merchant, additional data from the PED.

Confirm the additional data to the Adyen payments platform

Use ConfirmAdditionalData to provide additional data to the terminal. After the POS receives the additional data callback from the PED, the POS must confirm this in order to continue the transaction. At this point, based upon the information received during the callback, the amount can be adjusted. The currency must be the same as the original currency.


Name Type Required Description
adjustedAmountValue long -white_check_mark- Final (potentially adjusted) value of the transaction.
amountCurrency String -white_check_mark- Currency of the amount.
shopperReference String -x- Use this field to record the shopper reference with the transaction and for recurring or one-click functionality shopper data.
shopperEmail String -x- Supply a shopper reference and/or shopper email to allow for digital shopper recognition.
recurring_contract String -x- Recurring contract reference. Use this field to set up recurring or one-click functionality.
recurring_contract_detail_name String -x- Recurring contract details. Use this field to set up recurring or one-click functionality.