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Register the application with Adyen


Name Description
MerchantPos Extends AdyenPos. Class used to implement all functions that do not involve the PED. Implement the MerchantPos object yourself.




Authenticates and authorizes a POS application with the Adyen payments platform. Do this before processing transactions using a POS.

This method returns an immediate response of type LibraryResult. Check if this result is "OK", before continuing the operation. If the LibraryResult value is not "OK", the system will not return the related callback with the asynchronous result. See here for more on extracting data from an event or callback.

registerPosRequest Parameter

Name Description
registerPosRequest Signature of the registerPos method. One parameter object used to hold all the attributes. Use a builder pattern to create a registerPosRequest object and use it as parameter for  MerchantPos.registerPos()

registerPosRequest Attributes

Name Type Required Description
merchantAccountCode String -white_check_mark- The merchant account name
user String -white_check_mark- The username of your API credential. In the Adyen Customer Area, go to Developers > API credentials to create a new credential.
password String -white_check_mark- Basic authentication password for your API credential. In the Adyen Customer Area, go to Developers > API credentials to generate a new password.
posId String -white_check_mark- The unique POS ID.





Returns the result of registering the POS.

Callback Response Attribute

Name Description
PosInfo Contains the PosInfo object, which includes the PSP configuration as maintained in the Customer Area.