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API only integration

Learn how to add Indonesian payment methods to an existing API-only integration for mobile and web banking.

On this page, you can find information for accepting DOKU payment methods using our APIs, and build your own payment form to have full control over the look and feel of your checkout page.

Through our partner DOKU, we offer various bank transfer payment methods and convenience store payment methods in Indonesia.


Requirement Description
Integration type Make sure that you have built an API-only integration.
Setup steps Before you begin, add in your test Customer Area.

Build your payment form

To make a payment, you need to collect the following shopper details:

Name Description
firstName Shopper's first name.
lastName Shopper's last name.
shopperEmail Shopper's email address.

We provide logos for the different payment method types which you can use in your payment form. For more information, refer to Downloading logos.

You can also get the required fields from the /paymentMethods response as explained in our API-only integration guide.

In your /paymentMethods request, specify the following combination of countryCode and amount.currency:

Country/region countryCode amount.currency
Indonesia ID IDR

The required fields for different Doku payments are included in the object with the type that you want to integrate with.

name type Kind of payment method
Alfamart doku_alfamart Convenience store
Bank Transfer (Permata) doku_permata_lite_atm Bank transfer
BCA Bank Transfer doku_bca_va (only available with a local entity) Bank transfer
BNI VA doku_bni_va Bank transfer
BRI VA doku_bri_va (only available with a local entity) Bank transfer
CIMB VA doku_cimb_va Bank transfer
Danamon VA doku_danamon_va Bank transfer
Indomaret doku_indomaret Convenience store
Mandiri VA doku_mandiri_va Bank transfer

Make a payment

From your server, make a /payments request, specifying:

  • paymentMethod.type: The type of payment method, for example, doku_alfamart.
  • paymentMethod.firstName: The shopper's first name.
  • paymentMethod.lastName: The shopper's last name.
  • paymentMethod.shopperEmail: The shopper's email address.
  • amount.value: The amount of the transaction, in minor units without decimals. For example, submit a value of 10000 IDR as 10000.