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Japanese convenience stores Drop-in integration

Add payments through Japanese convenience stores to an existing Drop-in integration.

On this page, you can find additional configuration for adding Japanese convenience stores to your Drop-in integration.

Before you begin

This page assumes you have already:

import { AdyenCheckout, } from '@adyen/adyen-web'

API reference

You don't need to send additional fields for Japanese convenience stores. To see optional fields that you can send for all payment methods, choose the endpoint you integrated:

Drop-in configuration

Required configuration

There are no configuration steps specific to Japanese convenience stores required for Drop-in.

Optional configuration

You can add the following optional configuration:

Parameter name Description Default
personalDetailsRequired Set to false to hide the input fields for shopper name, email, and telephone number. Added in v5.2.0 true

If you want to add optional configuration, include this in a configuration object. The following example shows how to configure Drop-in to hide the input fields for shopper name, email, and telephone number:

const konbiniConfiguration = {
  personalDetailsRequired: false // Optional. Set to **false** to hide the input fields for shopper name, email, and telephone number.

Include the konbiniConfiguration object when creating a configuration object for Drop-in:

Pass the Drop-in configuration object when creating your instance of AdyenCheckout:

const checkout = await AdyenCheckout(configuration);

Test and go live

7-Eleven voucher payments can only be tested in the live environment. Contact our Support Team to set up 7-Eleven on the live environment for penny testing.

To test your integration, use the econtext simulator to complete voucher payments in Japanese convenience stores.

  1. Log in to the econtext Simulator using the following credentials:
    • Username: ectest
    • Password: #Gwecn25

  1. In the first box, provide 742001 as the shopID.

  1. In the second box, provide the acquirer reference following the format below:

    • pspReference-262320-econtext_stores
      For example, DZ4DPSHB4WD2WN82-262320-econtext_stores

    Get the pspReference from the AUTHORISATION webhook.

  1. In the third box you select what you want to test.
    • Leave as default for Convenience Stores
    • Select "セブンイレブン" for 7-Eleven
    • Select "Pay-easy(Bank Name)" for PayEasy ATM and PayEasy Online Banking

  1. Leave the fourth box 入金日時 (the time of payment) empty.

  1. Select 送信 (Submit).

  1. Wait for 15 minutes for the webhook.

Check the status of voucher payments in the test environment in your Customer Area:

  • Vouchers that are pending or that have expired, are under TransactionsOffers.
  • Vouchers that have been paid are under Transactions > Payments.

Before you can accept payments through Japanese convenience stores in live environment, you need to submit a request to add 7-Eleven or other Japanese convenience stores in your live Customer Area.

See also