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MOTO payments through API

Make API requests to make Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) payments.

You can make an API request to initiate a MOTO payment and use Web Drop-in to enter the shopper's payment details in your UI.

For example: when a shopper calls your call center, your user (for example, an agent in your call center) enters the shopper's card details in the Drop-in payment form and submits the payment.


Requirement Description
Setup steps Before you begin:
API credential roles Make sure that you have the following roles
  • Merchant PAL webservice role
  • Checkout webservice role
  • Checkout encrypted cardholder data
Webhooks Subscribe to the following webhook:

How it works

Use the Checkout API to initiate a payment session and enter the shopper's payment details in the Drop-in payment form.

  1. Your shopper contacts you to initiate a MOTO payment.
  2. Your user (for example, an agent in your call center) goes to your UI for MOTO payments.
  3. Your user enters the payment amount and other required information in your UI.
  4. Your UI application passes the payment amount and other required information to your server.
  5. Your server makes an API request to create a payment session.
  6. Your UI application creates an instance of Drop-in using the session data from the server.
  7. Drop-in shows the payment form.
  8. Your user enters the shopper's payment details in the payment form and submits the payment.
  9. Your webhook server receives the webhook containing the payment outcome.

Create a session

Create the payment session resource that includes payment amount information.

To create a payment session, make a /sessions request, including:

Parameter name Required Description
amount -white_check_mark- The currency and value of the payment, in minor units. This is used to filter the list of available payment methods to your shopper.
shopperInteraction -white_check_mark- Set to MOTO. This indicates that this is a MOTO payment.
allowedPaymentMethods -white_check_mark- Set to scheme. This indicates that this is a card payment.
merchantAccount -white_check_mark- Your merchant account name.
reference -white_check_mark- Your unique reference for the payment. Minimum length: three characters.
returnUrl -white_check_mark- URL where your user should be taken back to, in case of a redirection. Format:
- Maximum of 1024 characters
- Must include the protocol: http:// or https://.
You can also include your own additional query parameters like the order reference number.

The following example shows how to create a session for a payment of 10 EUR.

The response contains:

  • sessionData: the payment session data you need to pass to your front end.
  • id: a unique identifier for the session data.
  • The request body.

If you do not get an HTTP 201 response, use the errorCode field and the list of API error codes to troubleshoot.

Prepare your front end

Use Drop-in to show the payment form in your UI, where you enter the shopper's payment details.

Install Adyen Web

Use the Adyen Web npm package, or embed the Adyen Web script and stylesheet into your HTML file:

Drop-in resources are available on the window global variable.

Create a DOM element for Drop-in

Create a Document Object Model (DOM) container element on your page where you want to render Drop-in. We recommend that you include a descriptive id.

We strongly recommend that you do not put it in an iframe element, because it may cause issues.

If you are using JavaScript frameworks such as Vue or React, make sure that you use references instead of selectors and that you do not re-render the DOM element.

Create Drop-in

Drop-in consists of:

  • AdyenCheckout: represents one payment session.
  • Dropin: represents the interface where a shopper completes their payment.

With the AdyenCheckout instance, you can create a Dropin instance.

Create your instance of AdyenCheckout

Create a global configuration object that you use to create the instance of AdyenCheckout. The object contains configuration parameters and event handlers.

  1. Add configuration parameters.

    Parameter name Required Description
    session -white_check_mark- The payment session object from your call to /sessions. Contains a and session.sessionData.
    environment -white_check_mark- Use test. When you are ready to accept live payments, change the value to one of our live environments
    amount -white_check_mark- An object representing the amount to be displayed on the Pay Button. Its properties are value (the amount in the currencies smallest unit, for example cents for EUR) and currency.
    countryCode -white_check_mark- The shopper's country code.
    locale -white_check_mark- The language used in the UI. For possible values, see the list of available languages.
    By default, this is the either the shopperLocale from your /sessions request or, if this locale is not available on , en-US.
  2. Add event handlers, to handle events that get triggered during the payment.

    Event handler name Required Description
    onPaymentCompleted(result, component) -white_check_mark- Create an event handler, called when the payment is completed.
    onPaymentFailed(result, component) -white_check_mark- Create an event handler, called when the payment failed. A failed payment has result code Cancelled, Error or Refused.
    onError(error) Create an event handler, called when an error occurs in .

    If an error occurs, the onError event returns an object which contains details about the error:

    Error field Description The type of error. Use the values it returns to configure localized error messages for your shoppers:
    • NETWORK_ERROR: a call that made to the server has failed, for example because of a timeout, or if there is missing information in the request. Ask the shopper to try again.
    • CANCEL: the shopper cancelled the payment. Only applies for payment methods that allow explicit cancellation in the UI, for example Apple Pay or PayPal.
    • IMPLEMENTATION_ERROR: the method or parameter is incorrect or not supported.
    • ERROR: generic catch-all error. Tell the shopper something went wrong and ask them to try paying again, maybe with a different payment method.
    error.message Gives more information for each type of error. The message is technical so you shouldn't show it to your shoppers.
    For NETWORK_ERROR, the information in the message field depends on the environment:
    • test: you get a message with a generic error code to help you troubleshoot.
    • live: the message from the response.

    The error object may contain additional fields inherited from the Error() constructor.

    Combine the configuration parameters and event handlers into your global configuration object.

  3. Use this global configuration object to create an instance of AdyenCheckout.

Create your instance of Drop-in

  1. Create another configuration object for Drop-in including the following configuration:

    Parameter name Required Description
    paymentMethodComponents -white_check_mark- [Card]
    paymentMethodsConfiguration.card.hideCVC -white_check_mark- false
  2. Create an instance of Drop-in, passing the instance of AdyenCheckout and the Drop-in configuration object that you created.

  3. Mount the Drop-in to the DOM element you created.

Drop-in shows the payment form where your user enters the shopper's payment details.

Get the outcome

After your user submits the payment, you must wait for a webhook.

You get the outcome of each payment asynchronously, in an AUTHORISATION webhook. Use the merchantReference from the webhook to match it to your order reference.
For a successful payment, the event contains success: true.

For an unsuccessful payment, you get success: false, and the reason field has details about why the payment was unsuccessful.

Test and go live

Before going live, use our list of test cards to test your integration.

You can check the status of a test payment in your Customer Area, under TransactionsPayments.

To debug or troubleshoot test payments, you can also use API logs in your test environment.

When you are ready to go live, you need to:

1.Configure your live account

  1. Switch from test to our live endpoints.
  2. Load Drop-in from one of our live environments and set the environment to match your live endpoints:

    Endpoint region Value
    Europe (EU) live live
    United States (US) live live-us
    Australia (AU) live live-au
    Asia Pacific & Southeast (APSE) live live-apse
    India (IN) live live-in

See also