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Track transactions related to third-party transfers

Use our API to get updates about transactions with third-party bank accounts.

To keep track of funds movements in your balance platform, you can:

  • Get updates through webhooks.
  • Make API requests to keep track of transactions.
  • With the Transactions API, you can query the transactions for your whole balance platform, a particular account holder, or balance account.

    Get a list of transactions

    To get a list of transactions, make a GET /transactions request with the following query parameters:

    • Either balancePlatform, accountHolderId, or balanceAccountId
    • createdSince: Transactions created after this date and time are included in the response.
    • createdUntil: Transactions created before this date and time are included in the response.
    • (Optional) limit: The number of items returned per page.

    For the date fields, the date-time value must be in ISO 8601 format. For example, 2021-05-30T15:07:40Z.

    The response includes:

    • A data array containing all the transactions that match the query parameters. You can refer to certain objects to identify incoming and outgoing transactions.
    • A _links object containing links to the next or previous page when applicable. To page through the results, add the cursor value as a query parameter in your next request.

    If you want to only get details for a particular transaction, get the specific transaction ID and make a GET /transactions/{id} request.

    Identify incoming and outgoing funds

    Refer to the following fields and objects of the API response to find out if a transaction is outgoing or incoming.

    Field Incoming funds Outgoing funds
    amount Has a positive value, meaning funds are added to the balance account. Has a negative value, meaning funds are deducted from the balance account.
    transfer.reference The reference from the sender, if they sent any. The reference that you sent in the /transfers request.
    status The status of the transaction. It can be:
    • pending: The funds have not been added yet to the balance account. Check the valueDate to know when the funds will be available.
    • booked: The funds have been added to the balance account.
    The status of the transaction. It can be:
    • pending: The funds are reserved to be deducted from the balance account. Check the valueDate to know when the funds will be deducted.
    • booked: The funds have been deducted from the balance account.

    Here are examples of incoming and outgoing transactions.

    Booking and value dates

    For every transaction returned in the API response, you receive two date fields: the bookingDate and the valueDate.

    The dates in these fields may be different when a fund transfer is pending. For example, when you transfer funds from an Adyen business account after bank cutoff times, the funds are reserved but are not yet deducted. In this scenario, the dates will be:

    • bookingDate: The date when Adyen receives the transfer request.
    • valueDate: A future date, when the funds are expected to be deducted from the balance account.

    The transaction will also have a pending status.

    When the funds are finally deducted from the account at the specified valueDate, the status of the transaction changes to booked.