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Customize hosted onboarding

Customize your hosted onboarding page.

Here we explain how you can customize your hosted onboarding page for your users. You can:

Create a hosted onboarding theme

You can create themes for your hosted onboarding page using different templates in your Customer Area.

Remember that you need the Manage hosted onboarding themes role to create or edit themes. This role must be assigned by the admin user.

  1. In the navigation menu, select the merchant account linked to your balance platform.

  2. Select Platforms > Settings > Hosted onboarding.

  3. Select Add new from the dropdown menu.

  4. Add an optional description to identify the theme. If you do not add a description, the themeId is shown in the dropdown menu list.

  5. Add an optional brand logo. The file size limit is 5 MB in a PDF or JPG file.

  6. You can add other features for your theme that will appear on the hosted onboarding page. We recommend you use the following:

    Page name URL
    Support Your own support page
    Privacy statement Adyen privacy policy
    F.A.Q. Hosted onboarding FAQs
  7. Select Save.

Note that each theme has a unique id. You will need this when you create a hosted onboarding link.

Change the page language

By default, the hosted onboarding page is rendered in the language set in the browser settings. If the browser language is not supported, the page is rendered in en-US. You can change the language of the page by specifying the locale in your /legalEntities/{id}/onboardingLinks request.

The values for locale are a combination of the two letter ISO 639-1 language and ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. If an unsupported locale value is sent in the request, the page is rendered in the next available value for a given language. For example, if en-GB is sent, the page defaults to en-US.

The following languages are currently supported.

Language Locale
Bulgarian bg-BG
Croatian hr-HR
Czech cs-CZ
Danish da-DK
Dutch nl-NL
English en-US
Estonian et-EE
Finnish fi-FI
French fr-FR
German de-DE
Greek el-GR
Hungarian hu-HU
Italian it-IT
Latvian lv-LV
Lithuanian lt-LT
Norwegian no-NO
Polish pl-PL
Portuguese pt-PT
Romanian ro-RO
Slovak sk-SK
Slovenian sl-SI
Spanish es-ES
Swedish sv-SE

Change page settings

You can control particular actions that your user performs in the hosted onboarding page by specifying the settings in your /legalEntities/{id}/onboardingLinks request.

The settings are key-value pairs. The keys are the settings.

By default, these values are set to true. Set to false to not allow the action.

  • changeLegalEntityType: The user can change their legal entity type.
  • editPrefilledCountry: The user can change the country of their legal entity's address, for example the registered address of an organization.

By default, these value is set to false. Set to true to allow the action.

  • allowIntraRegionCrossBorderPayout: The user can select a payout account in a different EU/EEA country (including Switzerland and the UK) than the country of their legal entity.
  • allowBankAccountFormatSelection: The user can select the format for their payout account if applicable.

The following value is an array of strings in the two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code format. The array is empty by default and only countries supported by hosted onboarding are allowed.

  • acceptedCountries: The possible countries the user can select in the hosted onboarding page.

View hosted onboarding themes

You can view your hosted onboarding themes and assets in your Customer Area or by making API requests using the Legal Entity Management API.

To view the themes in your Customer Area:

  1. In the navigation menu, select the merchant account linked to your balance platform.
  2. Go to Settings > Hosted onboarding.
  3. Select a theme from the dropdown menu.

Update a hosted onboarding theme

To update a theme in your Customer Area:

  1. In the navigation menu, select the merchant account linked to your balance platform.
  2. Go to Platforms > Settings > Hosted onboarding.
  3. Select a theme from the dropdown menu.
  4. Make your changes and select Save.