Point-of-sale icon

Assign terminals

Prepare your payment terminals for boarding.

To make a terminal ready to accept payments, you need to assign it to a store or a merchant account representing a store, and then board the physical terminal.

There are three ways to assign terminals:

  • From the payment terminal itself. You turn on the terminal, select Board the terminal, and select your store from a list on the display.

    This method is not practical if:

    • You have to select from a large number of stores.
    • You have to assign a large number of terminals.
    • The terminal doesn't have a display, like the UX410.
    • The terminal asks for a password before you can select a store.

    Some terminals use a different boarding system, where you need to enter a 6-digit one-time password. This password is generated after the terminal is assigned. This means, you need to assign the terminal first using another method.

  • Through API requests. This enables you to automate assigning terminals.

  • From your Customer Area. You can pre-assign terminals to a store from the terminals list. You can also upload a CSV with the details if you want to assign a large number of terminals to many stores in one go.

Assign a terminal from your Customer Area

When we ship the terminals you ordered, we add them to the Inventory of your company account. From there, you assign the terminals to the stores where they will be boarded and used.

To assign one or more terminals to the same store:

  1. Log in to your Customer Area:

  2. Go to In-person payments > Terminals.

  3. Search for the terminal by serial number.

  4. Select the terminal. You can either select its checkbox or click on the row of the terminal. Use the checkboxes if you are assigning multiple terminals to the same store.

  5. Select Reassign.

  6. If a Terminal reassignment message appears, select Got it.
    The message gives information about reassigning terminals that are already boarded.

  7. Select the Store that you want to assign the terminal to.

    Select an Inventory if you want to reassign a terminal from a store back to an inventory.

  8. Confirm the assignment and Close the dialog.

To see how to assign a terminal from your Customer Area, you can also watch a video here:

Assign terminals in bulk

If you have a lot of terminals to assign, or various stores that you need to assign terminals to, you can do that in one go by uploading a CSV file with the details.

For this task you must have the following user role:

  • Merchant POS Terminal Management Admin role

To assign terminals in bulk:

  1. View the instructions for the file structure:

    1. In your Customer Area, go to In-person payments > Terminals.
    2. Select More options > Bulk reassignment.
    3. Select the links to view a description and download an example file.

  2. Prepare your CSV file according to the instructions.

  3. In your test Customer Area or live Customer Area, go to In-person payments > Terminals.

  4. Select More options > Bulk reassignment.

  5. In the box under Upload your CSV file, select the file you prepared.

    If errors are found, fix the errors and try again.

  6. Select submit.

Reassign boarded terminals

If you have a terminal that was already assigned and boarded to a store and now you want to use it for a different store, you need to reassign the terminal.

When you reassign a terminal that is boarded already, the terminal still uses the configuration of the old store until it synchronizes with the Adyen platform. This synchronization happens every three hours on average. The terminal then removes its configuration and shows Board the terminal again so that it can collect the new configuration.

When you reassign a terminal, the terminal synchronizes with the Adyen platform.

To reassign terminals that are already boarded:

  1. Follow the steps in Assign a terminal from your Customer Area.

    To successfully assign and board the terminals, note the following:

    • The terminals need to be turned on and have a stable internet connection.
    • It can take up to three hours before the reassignment takes effect. That is because the synchronization of the terminal with the Adyen platform happens every three hours.

      If you don't want to wait for three hours, you can also update the configuration manually. See Configuration changes for more information.

  2. Board the terminal again when the message Board the terminal appears.

See also