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Shopper insights

Use identifiers in payment details to understand your customers.

Because all payment data from all sales channels are processed on the same Adyen payments platform, we can give you a unified view on all your shoppers. Using identifiers in payment data, we can help you identify your shoppers and gain insights into trends and behaviors.

Benefits of shopper insights:

  • Connected data.

    • Get connected data across sales channels and across regions.
    • Build one common database using connected payment data.

  • Insights the way you want.

    • Gain high-level insights from easy-to-use Adyen dashboards in your Customer Area.
    • Collect payment data yourself and combine the data with your database, to run your own analyses.

  • Actions based on data.

    • Use the insights you gained to make business decisions. For example, where to open new stores, or what type of marketing campaign to start.

Data privacy

Before storing any customer data, including payment data, you need to consider data privacy.

  • Consult your legal department or an accredited third-party company to understand the data privacy regulations of the countries/regions that you operate in.
  • Ask for your customer's explicit permission to store their data, and be clear about what you intend to use it for. For this, you could use the Terms and Conditions on your website, or you can use the payment terminal to interact with the customer.

If the customer asks to remove their information, you can use our Data Protection API to remove any customer-related data that you have stored with Adyen. The API also enables you to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) right to erasure.

The data in the Adyen dashboards is aggregated, and individual transactions relating to individual shoppers are not visible.

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