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Alternative payment methods test credentials

Test your integration with alternative payment methods test credentials.

Use these test credentials to test alternative payment methods.

3x 4x Oney

You must use different test credentials for France and Spain.


Test card number Expiry date CVV
4970 1015 5874 4789 Any date less than 3 years from now Any value
4970 1090 4680 2374 Any date less than 3 years from now Any value
4970 1090 0325 6200 Any date less than 3 years from now Any value

You can test the different responses by changing the amount to be paid:

  • Authorised: Between EUR 150.00 and EUR 999.99
  • Pending: Between EUR 1000.00 and EUR 1499.99
  • Refused: Between EUR 1500.00 and EUR 2000.00


Test card number Expiry date CVV
4907 2720 1107 2841 Any date less than 3 years from now Any value
5410 0800 0888 8005 Any date less than 3 years from now Any value

You can test the different responses using different Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI, Spanish ID card) numbers:

  • Authorised: DNI 05696340E
  • Refused: DNI 75914068S


Account Owner's Name Bank account number Bank routing number Account Owner's Address
Any name Any correctly formatted account number. Example: 123456789 011000138 or 121000358 Any correctly formatted US address.


Username PIN Payment PIN 111111 111111

Alipay Hong Kong

Username PIN Payment PIN a111111 b111111

Apple Pay

For a full list of test cards and instructions how to add these to your test device, see Sandbox testing on Apple's Developer website.


Account nameAccount NumberSort Code

David Archer




For card payments processed through BillDesk, use the following details to test different responses.

Card number Static OTP Expiry CVV Response Type Country/region 3DS enrolled Allows create mandate Allows create network token
4622943127237569 123456 12/2024 744 Success Visa IN -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark-
4000000000000002 123456 12/2029 123 Success Visa IN -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark-
5400000000000005 123456 12/2029 123 Success Mastercard IN -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark-
370000000000002 123456 12/2029 1234 Success American Express IN -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark-
6522000000000006 123456 12/2029 123 Success Rupay IN -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark-
5252520200034065 112223 12/2029 123 PBE10002 Insufficient funds Mastercard - Credit IN -white_check_mark- -x- -x-


Format: Country Code + Resultcode Example success: "GB00" Example refusal: "DE11".

Boleto Bancário

Shopper Name Social security number Billing address Delivery date Shopper statement
Any name Any CPF or CNPJ number, for example, 56861752509 Any correctly formatted BR address Any ISO 8601 date and time in UTC format, for example, 2023-12-31T23:00:00.000Z Any. If left blank, the statement will be populated with default Portuguese text.

Brazil vouchers

Card type Card number Expiry Date CVC
Ticket (Edenred) 6033 4225 5384 5003 418
Ticket (Edenred) 6026 5145 1530 4787 265.
Sodexo (Alimentação) 6033 8902 5703 4050 11/2034 164
Sodexo (Refeição) 6060 7101 0440 1649 11/2032 507
VR 6370 3671 0000 0993 01/32 520

Cash Ticket

Card Number
0000 0000 0990 3188


Here are the simulators you can use to test payment completion via Indonesian bank transfers and convenience stores.


The Alfa Simulator allows you to test the part of the payment flow where the shopper completes the payment in cash, at a convenience store. When you create a test payment for Alfamart, the response will have an action.reference value which is the 16-digit reference code you need below.

Check the status of the payment

This step checks if the payment has expired or not. The shopper cannot make the payment if it expired.

  1. Go to the Alfa Simulator.
  2. Select the Inquiry tab.
  3. Append 00000002 to the 16-digit reference code and enter the new value in the Customer field.
  4. Select Submit. An Inquiry Success response confirms the payment has not expired.
  5. Make a note of the value for the Agent Trx ID in the response. You will need this in the next steps.

Complete the test payment

  1. Go to the Alfa Simulator.
  2. Select the Payment tab and enter:
    • Customer — the vaNumber.
    • Amount — the value of the payment in minor units.
    • Transaction Id — the Agent Trx ID.
  3. Select Submit.

A Payment Success response confirms you successfully simulated the shopper completing a payment.

Continue to the Commit tab below to get a webhook event from us for when the shopper completed the payment.

Get a webhook event for the completed payment

This step simulates the webhook event for when the shopper completed the payment.

  1. Go to the Alfa Simulator.
  2. Select the Commit tab and enter:
    • Customer — the 16-digit action.reference value.
    • Transaction Id — the Agent Trx ID.
  3. Select Submit.

A Commit Success response means you can expect a webhook event with eventCode set to AUTHORISATION and success set to true.


The BCA Simulator allows you to test the part of the payment flow where the shopper completes the payment using an ATM, online banking or mobile banking. When you create a test payment for BCA, the response will have an action.reference value which is the 16-digit reference code you need below.

Check the status of the payment

This step checks if the payment has expired or not. The shopper cannot make the payment if it expired.

  1. Go to the BCA Simulator.
  2. Select the Inquiry tab and enter:
    • Company code — the first 5 digits of the action.reference value.
    • Customer number — the last 11 digits of the action.reference value.
  3. Select Submit. An Inquiry Success response confirms the payment has not expired.
  4. Make a note of the value for the Agent Trx ID in the response. You will need this in the next steps.

Complete the test payment

  1. Go to the BCA Simulator.
  2. Select the Payment tab and enter:
    • Company code — the first 5 digits of the action.reference value.
    • Customer number — the last 11 digits of the action.reference value.
    • Request ID — value of the Agent Trx ID from the Inquiry tab response.
    • Name — shopper's first and last name.
    • Amount - the value of the payment in minor units.
  3. Select Submit.

A Payment Success response confirms you successfully simulated the shopper completing a payment.

You can expect a webhook event with eventCode set to AUTHORISATION and success set to true.


The BNI Simulator allows you to test the part of the payment flow where the shopper completes the payment using an ATM, online banking or mobile banking. When you create a test payment for BNI, the response will have an action.reference value which is the 16-digit reference code you need below.

Check the status of the payment

This step checks if the payment has expired or not. The shopper cannot make the payment if it expired.

  1. Go to the BNI Simulator.
  2. In the VA Number field, enter the 16-digit action.reference value.
  3. Select the search icon.
  4. In the Payment Amount field, enter the value of the payment in minor units.
  5. In the Direction field, select Credit.
  6. Select Flag.

A Payment Success response confirms you successfully simulated the shopper completing a payment.

You can expect a webhook event with eventCode set to AUTHORISATION and success set to true.


The BRI Simulator allows you to test the part of the payment flow where the shopper completes the payment using an ATM, online banking or mobile banking. When you create a test payment for BRI, the response will have an action.reference value which is the 16-digit reference code you need below.

Check the status of the payment

This step checks if the payment has expired or not. The shopper cannot make the payment if it expired.

  1. Go to the BRI Simulator.
  2. Select the Inquiry tab.
  3. Enter the 16-digit action.reference value.
  4. Select Submit. An Inquiry Success response confirms the payment has not expired.

Complete the test payment

  1. Go to the BRI Simulator.
  2. Select the Payment tab and enter:
    • Customer — the 16-digit action.reference value.
    • Amount — the value of the payment in minor units.
    • Transaction Id — any value.
  3. Select Submit.

A Payment Success response confirms you successfully simulated the shopper completing a payment.

You can expect a webhook event with eventCode set to AUTHORISATION and success set to true.

CIMB Bank Transfer

The CIMB Simulator allows you to test the part of the payment flow where the shopper completes the payment using an ATM, online banking or mobile banking. When you create a test payment for CIMB Bank Transfer, the response will have an action.reference value which is the 16-digit reference code you need below.

Check the status of the payment

This step checks if the payment has expired or not. The shopper cannot make the payment if it expired.

  1. Go to the CIMB Simulator.
  2. Select the Inquiry tab and enter:
    • Company Code — the first 5 digits of the action.reference value.
    • Customer Key 1 — the last 11 digits of the action.reference value.
  3. Select Submit.

An Inquiry Success response confirms the payment has not expired..

Complete the test payment

  1. Go to the CIMB Simulator.
  2. Select the Payment tab and enter:
    • Company Code — the first 5 digits of the action.reference value.
    • Customer Key 1 — the last 11 digits of the action.reference value.
    • Amount — the value of the payment in minor units.
  3. Select Submit.

A Payment Success response confirms you successfully simulated the shopper completing a payment.

You can expect a webhook event with eventCode set to AUTHORISATION and success set to true.

Danamon Bank Transfer

The Danamon Simulator allows you to test the part of the payment flow where the shopper completes the payment using an ATM, online banking or mobile banking. When you create a test payment for Danamon Bank Transfer, the response will have an action.reference value which is the 16-digit reference code you need below.

Check the status of the payment

This step checks if the payment has expired or not. The shopper cannot make the payment if it expired.

  1. Go to the Danamon Simulator.
  2. Select the Inquiry tab and enter:
    • BIN NUMBER — any 7-digit number.
    • VIRTUAL ACCOUNT NUMBER — the 16-digit action.reference value.
  3. Select Submit. An Inquiry Success response confirms the payment has not expired..
  4. Make a note of the following values you get in the response:
    • User Reference Number
    • Virtual Account Name

Complete the test payment

  1. Go to the Danamon Simulator.
  2. Select the Payment tab and enter:
    • BIN NUMBER — any 7-digit number.
    • VIRTUAL ACCOUNT NUMBER — the 16-digit action.reference value.
    • USER REFERENCE NUMBER — the value from the Inquiry tab.
    • VIRTUAL ACCOUNT NAME — the value from the Inquiry tab.
    • PAYMENT AMOUNT — the value of the payment in minor units.
    • PAYMENT ACCOUNT — any number.
  3. Select Submit

A Payment Success response confirms you successfully simulated the shopper completing a payment.

You can expect a webhook event with eventCode set to AUTHORISATION and success set to true.


The Indomaret simulator allows you to test the part of the payment flow where the shopper completes the payment in cash, at a convenience store. When you create a test payment for Indomaret, the response will have an action.reference value which is the 16-digit reference code you need below.

Check the status of the payment

This step checks if the payment has expired or not. The shopper cannot make the payment if it expired.

  1. Go to the Indomaret simulator.
  2. Select the Inquiry tab and enter:
    • PAYMENT CODE — the 16-digit action.reference value.
    • PRODUCT CODE — 6588.
    • STORE ID — 97865123.
    • SHARE KEY — 66PXUFvr1jp7.
  3. Select Submit.
  4. Make a note of the TRACKING REF you get in response.

Complete the test payment

  1. Go to the Indomaret simulator.
  2. Select the Payment tab and enter:
    • PAYMENT CODE — the 16-digit action.reference value.
    • AMOUNT — the value of the payment, with two decimal places (add .00 to the end of the sum).
    • STORE ID — 97865123.
    • TRACKING REF — the value from the Inquiry tab, with no spaces.
    • PRODUCT CODE — 6588.
    • SHARE KEY — 66PXUFvr1jp7.
  3. Select Submit.

A Payment Success response confirms you successfully simulated the shopper completing a payment.

You can expect a webhook event with eventCode set to AUTHORISATION and success set to true.

Mandiri Bank Transfer

The Mandiri Simulator allows you to test the part of the payment flow where the shopper completes the payment using an ATM, online banking or mobile banking. When you create a test payment for Mandiri Bank Transfer, the response will have an action.reference value which is the 16-digit reference code you need below.

Check the status of the payment

This step checks if the payment has expired or not. The shopper cannot make the payment if it expired.

  1. Go to the Mandiri Simulator.
  2. Select the Inquiry tab and enter:
    • Company Code — any 5-digit number.
    • Virtual Account Number — the 16-digit action.reference value.
  3. Select Submit.

An Inquiry Success response confirms the payment has not expired.

Complete the test payment

  1. Go to the Mandiri Simulator.
  2. Select the Payment tab and enter:
    • Company Code — the 5-digit number you used before.
    • Amount — the value of the payment in minor units.
    • Virtual Account Number — the 16-digit action.reference value.
  3. Select Submit.

A Payment Success response confirms you successfully simulated the shopper completing a payment.

You can expect a webhook event with eventCode set to AUTHORISATION and success set to true.

Permata Bank Transfer

The Permata Simulator allows you to test the part of the payment flow where the shopper completes the payment using an ATM, online banking or mobile banking. When you create a test payment for Permata Bank Transfer, the response will have an action.reference value which is the 16-digit reference code you need below.

Check the status of the payment

This step checks if the payment has expired or not. The shopper cannot make the payment if it expired.

  1. Go to the Permata Simulator
  2. Select the Inquiry tab and enter:
    • INST CODE — any 3-digit number.
    • VIRTUAL ACCOUNT NUMBER — the voucher code.
    • TRACE NUMBER — any 6-digit number.
    • Date — the transaction date, in the MMDDHHmmss format.
  3. Select Submit.

An Inquiry Success response confirms the payment has not expired.

Complete the test payment

  1. Go to the Permata Simulator
  2. Select the Inquiry tab and enter:
    • INST CODE — any 3-digit number.
    • VIRTUAL ACCOUNT NUMBER — the voucher code.
    • TRACE NUMBER — any 6-digit number.
    • Date — the transaction date, in the MMDDHHmmss format.
    • Amount — the value of the payment in minor units.
    • CHANNEL CODE — your Doku Mall ID.
  3. Select Submit.

A Payment Success response confirms you successfully simulated the shopper completing a payment.

You can expect a webhook event with eventCode set to AUTHORISATION and success set to true.

Doku Wallet

Doku id Password PIN
1790586273 doKU**88 1234


Before accepting live EPS payments, test your integration by making payments using the following EPS issuers (paymentMethod.issuer).

Bank name Issuer ID
Bank Austria e6819e7a-f663-414b-92ec-cf7c82d2f4e5
BAWAG P.S.K. AG ba7199cc-f057-42f2-9856-2378abf21638
Dolomitenbank d5d5b133-1c0d-4c08-b2be-3c9b116dc326
Erste Bank und Sparkassen 3fdc41fc-3d3d-4ee3-a1fe-cd79cfd58ea3
Easybank AG eff103e6-843d-48b7-a6e6-fbd88f511b11
HYPO Tirol Bank AG 6765e225-a0dc-4481-9666-e26303d4f221
Posojilnica Bank eGen 65ef4682-4944-499f-828f-5d74ad288376
Raiffeisen Bankengruppe Österreich ee9fc487-ebe0-486c-8101-17dce5141a67
Schoellerbank AG 1190c4d1-b37a-487e-9355-e0a067f54a9f
Sparda Bank Wien 8b0bfeea-fbb0-4337-b3a1-0e25c0f060fc
Volksbanken e2e97aaa-de4c-4e18-9431-d99790773433
Volkskreditbank AG 4a0a975b-0594-4b40-9068-39f77b3a91f9

Gift cards

Type Number Security code Expiry month and year
Givex gift card 6036280000000000000 ANY 12 2222
Generic gift card 6364530000000000 ANY 12 2222
SVS gift card 6006490000000000 ANY 12 2222
Fiserv (formerly ValueLink) gift card 7777182708544835 ANY 12 2222

If the simulator asks for a Fiserv (formerly ValueLink) promo code, enter any value.

To test the balance check, make a test payment for an amount higher than EUR 50.

Intersolve test gift cards

Card Type Card Holder Name Card Number PIN
Gall & Gall Card Any 6064365010000000000 73737
Baby Gift Card Any 6064362200000000000 73737
Gift Card Any 6280501100000000000 73737
Kado Wereld Any 6064362510000000000 73737
Entertainment Card Any 6064361100000000000 73737
Plastix Any 4010100000000000000 73737
Webshop Giftcard Any 6064362070000000000 73737
Leasure Giftcard Any 6064362280000000000 73737
VVV Giftcard Any 6064364295385017427 737373
GiftForYou (Bloemen) Any 6064364710330000000 737373

Google Pay

To start testing Google Pay, log in to a Google account and create a Google Pay wallet.

There are two approaches to using this wallet for testing:

  • Enroll in test card suite

    Enroll your wallet in Google's test card suite. Test card suite pre-populates your wallet with a group of cards to use in the TEST environment. These are related to Adyen's collection of test cards, and cover scenarios including:

    • Cards stored as FPAN
    • Cards stored as DPAN (only when testing through native Android and Chrome on Android)
    • Cards enabled for 3DS2

    When you start the payment flow and open the list of test cards, each card is marked with the applicable scenario.

  • Without test card suite

    You upload real credit cards to your wallet, which are mapped to one of Adyen's test cards of the same brand. Your card is not charged.

    To test 3D Secure 2, you must use American Express or Discover cards, which trigger 3D Secure 2 challenge flows in the test environment. You cannot use any other card brands.

You can check the status of a Google Pay test payment in your Customer Area > Transactions > Payments, whether you used a card from the test card suite or or not. Remember that cards outside the test card suite are mapped to an Adyen test card of the same brand.


While using your iDeal 2.0 test account, you are always redirected to a test payment page where you can simulate different result codes. On the payment page:

  1. Click Select your bank to navigate to a list of issuers.
  2. Select the TESTNL2A issuer.
  3. Select the test simulation you want to run according to the following table:

    Test simulation resultCode produced
    Success Authorised
    Cancellation Cancelled
    Cancellation before login Cancelled
    Expiration Pending or Received
    Failure Refused

We recommend that you test each scenario before you go live.

Check the status of test payments in your Customer Area > Transactions > Payments.

iDEAL is moving to a new infrastructure to process payments. If you already have a test account with Adyen, a new iDEAL payment method has been configured in your Customer Area. If your merchant account does not have the new payment method, you need to add in your Customer Area.


For Interac any email address can be provided, but the amount of the test transaction must be 1.00 CAD.


Before accepting live payments, test your integration using the test environment and sample data provided by Klarna.

Pay by Bank (Europe)

You can test payments in the following supported regions:

Use the relevant test credentials and test issuer IDs, where available.


For the UK, where you can show the issuer list in the payment form, use the following test issuer IDs:

Bank name Issuer ID
Tink Demo Bank uk-demobank-open-banking-handoff
Tink Demo Bank uk-demobank-open-banking-redirect
Tink Demo Bank uk-demobank-open-banking-redirect-aispis

When you send a test payment and are redirected to our open banking partner Tink, log in with the following test credentials for the UK:

Scenario Username Password
Approved u83646180 rlf446
Authentication error u92721594 nbs589
Temporary error u91902655 jtx720

For an Approved test scenario, you will see two checking accounts. Select the first checking account (ending in 285) for payment amounts greater than GBP 150, or the second checking account (ending in 327) for amounts less than GBP 150.


When you send a test payment and are redirected to our open banking partner Tink, log in with the following test credentials for Germany:

Scenario Username Password
Approved u83188312 zhx571
Authentication error u92721594 nbs589
Temporary error u91902655 jtx720


When you send a test payment and are redirected to our open banking partner Tink, log in with the following test credentials for France:

Scenario Username Password
Approved u77894411 mzw990
Authentication error u92721594 nbs589
Temporary error u91902655 jtx720


For PayPal test payments use the personal account email of your PayPal sandbox account.


Card Number
0000 0000 0990 3417

SEPA Direct Debit

Account NameIBANCountry/region

A. Klaassen



B. Klaassen



C. Klaassen



D. Klaassen



E. Klaassen



F. Klaassen



G. Klaassen



H. Klaassen



I. Klaassen



J. Klaassen



K. Klaassen



L. Klaassen



M. Klaassen



A. Schneider



B. Schneider



C. Schneider



D. Schneider



E. Schneider



F. Schneider



G. Schneider



H. Schneider



I. Schneider



A. Pacini



A. Grand



A. Martin



W. Hurth



H. Gasser



R. Paulsen



B. Dalby



A. Bak



A. Andersson




Use the test credentials provided by Trustly. When prompted for a one-time passcode, copy the one-time passcode provided in the form.

When testing Trustly, we recommend that you specify the countryCode in your payment request. If you omit this field, the Trustly test environment will estimate your country/region using your IP address. If your country/region is not supported by Trustly, this can lead to errors with Trustly. Trustly recurring payments are currently only available in Sweden (SEK).

See also