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Manage mobile devices registered for SCA

View or deregister mobile devices used for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).

After you registered devices for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), you can use our API to:

  • Get a list of registered devices
  • Deregister a device from a specific business account
  • Before you begin

    Ensure that your API credential has the following role:

    • Bank SCA Webservice Role

    Get a list of registered devices

    You can get a list of the SCA devices registered for a business account. You can do this to, for example, show to your user all the SCA devices they have registered.

    To get a paginated list of the SCA devices registered for a specific business account:

    1. Make a GET /registeredDevices request. You can limit the amount of returned data by including the following query parameters:

      Query parameter Required Description
      paymentInstrumentId -white_check_mark- Limits the returned list to SCA devices registered for this business account.
      pageSize The number of items on a page. Default: 20. Maximum: 100.
      pageNumber The index of the page to retrieve. The index of the first page is 0 (zero). Default: 0.

      The following example shows a GET /registeredDevices request for the paymentInstrumentId PI00000000000000000000001.

    2. In the response, note the following parameters:

      Response parameter Description
      data An array that contains a list of registered SCA devices and their corresponding details. The unique identifier of the registered SCA device. The name of the SCA device. You can show this name to your user to help them identify the device.
      data.paymentInstrumentId The unique identifier of the business account for which the SCA device is registered.
      data.type ios or android

    Deregister a device from a business account

    You can deregister an SCA device from a business account by making a DELETE  /registeredDevices/{id} request. You can do this when, for example:

    • Your user will no longer use a registered device.
    • A registered device has been compromised.

    If the SCA device is registered for multiple business accounts, you must make a request for each business account.

    To deregister an SCA device from a business account:

    1. Get the ID of the device that you want to deregister.

    2. Make a DELETE  /registeredDevices/{id} request and include the following parameters:

      Parameter Type Required Description
      id Path -white_check_mark- The unique identifier of the SCA device that you want to deregister.
      paymentInstrumentId Query -white_check_mark- The unique identifier of the business account from which you want to deregister the device.

      The following example shows a request to deregister an SCA device with id BSDR00000000000000000000000001 from the paymentInstrumentId PI00000000000000000000001.

    3. Verify that you receive a 204 HTTP response with no content. This indicates that the request succeeded.