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Balance Platform Payout report

Get an overview of daily or weekly payouts to your balance platform users.

The Balance Platform Payout Report is a daily report available for platforms that have scheduled payouts (sweeps) configured on a daily or weekly basis.

Adyen makes payout report data available shortly after processing daily payouts, at approximately 2:00 AM CEST. Payout reports contain:

  • all payouts processed between midnight to midnight CEST
  • all transactions that are part of those payouts
  • which account holders have been paid out and which transactions (both debits and credits) were part of the payout

If no payouts are processed on a given day, Adyen generates an empty report.

You can generate payout reports in your Balance Platform Customer Area either automatically based on a schedule, or manually for a specific day.

To get the transactions included in the payout for a particular account, filter the report using the Account Holder, Balance Account, and Currency columns. We generate one record line per account, per currency.

Adyen calculates the available payout amount for a scheduled payout to users by verifying their available balance. To determine the available balance, Adyen considers an existing balance and all debits and credits that are expected to occur in the future, also called future balance changes.

If an account has pending transactions (for example, a pending refund or chargeback), the amount is withheld from the payout amount. In such cases, the payout line of that account shows a non-zero rolling balance. The rolling balance is added to the balance of the next report, so you can use these reports to make a full reconciliation.

Report name format: balanceplatform_payout_report_YYYY_MM_DD.csv
Subscription: Subscribe to this report in your Balance Platform Customer Area.
Frequency: Daily or Weekly

Report structure


The following table shows the columns that are included in the Payout Report, in their default order.

# Column Financial service Data type Description
1 Balance Platform issuing
platform payments
Unicode Text Name of your Balance Platform account.
2 Account Holder issuing
platform payments
Unicode Text Unique identifier of the account holder that owns the balance account.
3 Balance Account issuing
platform payments
Unicode Text The unique identifier of the balance account.
4 Account Holder Reference issuing
platform payments
Unicode Text Your reference for the account holder.
5 Account Holder Description issuing
platform payments
Unicode Text Your description for the account holder.
6 Balance Account Reference issuing
platform payments
Unicode Text Your reference for the balance account.
7 Balance Account Description issuing
platform payments
Unicode Text Your description for the balance account.
8 Transfer Id issuing
platform payments
Unicode text The unique identifier of a pending debit or credit.
9 Transaction Id issuing
platform payments
Unicode text The unique identifier of a transaction, reflects a completed debit or credit.
10 Booking Date issuing
platform payments
Date field + Time field Date of the booking.
Booking date TimeZone issuing
platform payments
Date field + Time field The time zone of the location where the booking happened.
11 Value Date issuing
platform payments
Date field + Time field The date when the funds are available.
Value Date TimeZone issuing
platform payments
Alpha Text
(4-character limit)
The time zone of the location where the funds are available.
12 Category issuing
platform payments
Enum The category of the transaction. Possible values:
  • platformPayment
  • internal
  • bank
  • issuedCard
  • upgrade
13 Type issuing
platform payments
Enum The type of transfer or transaction. Example values: refund, chargeback.
14 Status issuing
platform payments
Enum The status of the event. Example values: refunded, chargeback.
15 Currency issuing
platform payments
Alpha Text
(3-character limit)
The three-character ISO currency code for the balance account.
Balance (PC) issuing
platform payments
Fixed point number
(16-character limit)
The amount (in Payment Currency) debited or credited on the Balance accounting register.
16 Rolling Balance (PC) payouts Fixed point number
(16-character limit)
the cumulative balance, starting with the opening balance (if any, otherwise 0) and adding every transaction to the balance. When the full balance is paid out, the Rolling Balance column is expected to show 0 at the row of the payout (category: bank, type: bankTransfer, status: booked).
17 Reference issuing
platform payments
Unicode text The unique identifier of a pending debit or credit.
18 Description issuing
platform payments
Unicode text The unique identifier of a pending debit or credit. When the transfer is a fee, the fee type is added before the description of the original payment.

Possible fee type indications:
  • Payment Fee for
  • Chargeback Fee for
  • SecondChargeback Fee for
  • ChargebackReversal Fee for
If the original payment did not contain a description, possible fee type indications are:
  • Payment Fee
  • Chargeback Fee
  • SecondChargeback Fee
  • ChargebackReversal Fee
19 Counterparty Balance Account Id issuing
platform payments
Unicode text The unique identifier of the destination of the transfer.
20 Psp Payment Merchant Reference payouts
platform payments
Unicode Text
(16-character limit)
The PSP merchant reference of a payment.
21 Psp Payment Psp Reference payouts
platform payments
Unicode Text
(16-character limit)
The PSP reference of a payment.
22 Payout Date payouts Date field + Time field Shows the date on which the payout is initiated.
23 Psp Modification Psp Reference payouts
platform payments
Unicode Text
(16-character limit)
The PSP modification reference of a payment.
24 Psp Modification Merchant Reference payouts
platform payments
Unicode Text
(16-character limit)
The PSP modification reference of a payment.