Platforms and financial products

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March 2025
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Hosted onboarding

If you have a platform setup, you can now use onboarding on invite as an alternative option to implement hosted onboarding. Onboarding on invite allows you to perform all required actions in your Customer Area.

You only need to request Adyen to create an account holder for your user. You then can generate a hosted onboarding link to redirect your users to an Adyen-hosted page. Adyen automatically creates the necessary resources and configures default payment methods for your user.

To learn more, see Onboarding steps.

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You can no longer update the KYC details linked to the legal entity of your liable account holder using the Customer Area or hosted onboarding. To update the details, reach out to our Support Team.

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Webhooks v4

Transfer Webhooks


For webhooks related to Adyen-issued cards, you can now use data.eventId to identify the event for which a transfer webhook is sent.

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Hosted onboarding

Hosted onboarding now features a web-based user interface (UI) that allows you to diagnose and resolve issues encountered by your users during the onboarding process.

The debug UI is enabled by default. You can control its availability by adjusting the allowDebugUi setting when creating a hosted onboarding link.

For more information, see Troubleshoot hosted onboarding.

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Configuration API

The Configuration API now supports am improved status framework across account holders, balance accounts, and payment instruments.

  • Accepted status values: Active, suspended, and closed are now accepted values when you update using the API. The suspended status, previously reserved for Adyen use, is now available for temporarily disabling account holders. The closed status is permanent and cannot be reversed.
  • Status reasons: When Adyen initiates a status change, we provide a status reason that is visible in the Customer Area.
  • Status inheritance: In some scenarios, when an account holder's status changes, related resources will inherit that status. For example, if Adyen suspends an account holder for suspected fraud, balance accounts also get suspended.

To learn more about these changes, see Account Holder Status.

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The Ignore Webhook Event option is now supported for all webhook types including Configuration, Transfers, and Authentication.

When a webhook fails, you can troubleshoot it using tools in the Customer Area. For example, you can retry the last failed event. The Ignore webhook event button lets you skip the latest event in the webhook queue. This can be useful in situations where you want to prevent specific events from being processed by your server.

For more information about troubleshooting webhooks, see Manage Webhooks.

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Platform Experience components v1.3.1

We fixed the issue where the path to the styles was incorrect.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Platform Experience Node.js package:

npm install @adyen/adyen-platform-experience-web@1.3.1

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Platform Experience components v1.3.0

The capital components can now handle situations where a user is in a country/region where Adyen Capital is not yet supported. In these cases, a dedicated screen is shown to the user.
A corresponding component state value, isInUnsupportedRegion, has been added to the getState method. You can decide whether to render the components based on this state when initializing them.

Known issues

The path to the styles is not as expected due to technical issues.
This is fixed in v1.3.1.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Platform Experience Node.js package:

npm install @adyen/adyen-platform-experience-web@1.3.0

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For transfers made using the Transfers API, all the transfer webhooks you receive now return the counterparty object, regardless of the transfer's status.

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Customer Area

The Initiate transfers role is now deprecated. Use the following roles instead:

  • Initiate internal transfers

  • Initiate payouts to transfer instruments

These roles allow you to better control fund transfers in your balance platform.

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Webhooks v4

Transaction Webhooks


We added the new transfer.categoryData object. This object provides data that is relevant to the type of the transfer.

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Negative balance compensation warning scheduled webhook added

If you want Adyen to inform your system when an account on your balance platform has a negative balance for over 20 days, you can configure a Negative balance compensation warning webhook.

This webhook provides advance notice of a scheduled internal transfer from your liable account to the balance account whose balance is negative. When you receive this webhook, you can proactively reach out to the account holder to request an on-demand transfer of funds to their balance account.

For more information about this webhook, read about verifying negative balances as a reconciliation process.

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We added a new timestamp field for all Configuration webhooks. Every webhook now contains its own unique timestamp. You can use this field to determine the order of events in your balance platform.

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Platform Experience components v1.2.0
  • You can now integrate our new capital components. These components include all the necessary features to offer business financing to your users without the need for multiple API requests.

  • The transaction components now include new features that enable users to:

    • Refund payments to their shoppers.
    • View extra details about a transaction, such as the original amount, fees, and refund status messages.
  • You can now localize your components into Finnish.


We fixed the issue where the transaction type values in the transaction overview were not translated based on the configured locale.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Platform Experience Node.js package:

npm install @adyen/adyen-platform-experience-web@1.2.0

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Transfers API v4

You can now trigger additional reviews for transfers. Additional reviews require a member of your team to verify a transfer before Adyen processes it. This allows you to better control money movement in your balance platform.

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Hosted onboarding

We added a new possible value enforceLegalAge to the settings object. Set this value to true to prevent users under the age of 18 from being onboarded.

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Customer Area

You can now troubleshoot Balance Platform webhook events in the Customer Area using the Troubleshoot button. Access the troubleshooting flow by navigating to Developers > Webhooks and selecting a failing webhook.

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Onboarding components v3.32.0

If you have a marketplace business model, you can now integrate our new web components:

These components streamline the creation of individual legal entity resources while minimizing the number of required API calls.


For the transfer instrument components, we fixed the issue where users in Puerto Rico were not able to proceed with the manual bank account verification.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen KYC Components Node.js package:

npm install @adyen/kyc-components@3.32.0

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Marketplaces and platforms can now onboard users in New Zealand.

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Webhooks v4


We added a new parameter, arn, to the Transfer webhooks (v4) for card transactions made with an Adyen-issued card.

In card transactions, the Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) is a unique number assigned to a card transaction when it goes from the merchant's bank (acquirer) through the card scheme at the cardholder's bank (issuer).

The parameter in the Transfers webhook allows you to follow a card transaction throughout its lifecycle, including correlating status changes that happen in the Dispute webhooks.

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Onboarding components v3.30.0

We added a new callback function parameter, onInitiateRemove, to the Manage Transfer Instrument component. This function is triggered when a user selects the option to delete a transfer instrument. You can use the function to implement the confirmation flow for deleting transfer instruments.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen KYC Components Node.js package:

npm install @adyen/kyc-components@3.30.0

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Hosted onboarding

We enhanced the data validation and user guidance in the hosted onboarding interface. These improvements include:

  • Users can now see which roles of the decision-makers are relevant to their setup with a clear indication of which roles are completed and which still require information.
  • Sole proprietors and organizations in Italy can now enter their Partita IVA as both the registration number and the VAT number.
  • When entering the registration number of organizations in Cyprus, users are guided to use the appropriate English equivalents for Greek characters.

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We added a new value, syntheticAuthorisation, to the authorisationType parameter for Transfer webhooks.

In some cases, Adyen receives clearing messages from card schemes without a prior authorization request. This can happen with force captures, offline captures, capture reversals, and offline refunds.

The syntheticAuthorisation value helps to identify these scenarios.

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Onboarding components v3.27.0

We improved the look and feel of the Manage Transfer Instrument component. It now features a modal view instead of an accordion layout, which makes it more accessible and user-friendly. Additionally, the component indicates whether instant or manual verification was used for each bank account and provides details about the uploaded document for manual verification.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen KYC Components Node.js package:

npm install @adyen/kyc-components@3.27.0

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Onboarding v3

We have implemented a new onboarding flow for users under the age of 18 years old. Note that users younger than 13 can never be onboarded.

Depending on their country of residency, users between the ages of 13 and 18 can be onboarded with a legal representative, such as a parent or guardian. The legal entity ID of the minor user must be updated with an entity association specifying the relationship.

To use this feature, reach out to your Adyen contact.

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Customer Area

Webhook event logs for Configuration, Report, and Transfers webhook types are now supported in the Customer Area. Balance Platforms can view the events that Adyen sends to their server, including details about both successfully delivered events, and failed events.

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Platform Experience components v1.1.1

We fixed the issue where the type declarations for the translation keys were broken.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Platform Experience Node.js package:

npm install @adyen/adyen-platform-experience-web@1.1.1

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Platform Experience components v1.1.0

You can now integrate our new Reports Overview component into your user interface. This component lets your users download the available reports on fund movements in their balance accounts.

Read more about building user dashboards with the Platform Experience components.


We improved the library's loading time by implementing lazy loading for all supported locales, except for the default en-US.


We fixed the issue where the validation of the entered values in the Amount filter was not functioning. The Apply button will now be disabled if the minimum value is greater than the maximum value.


We removed the seconds from the date/time field in the transaction components.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Platform Experience Node.js package:

npm install @adyen/adyen-platform-experience-web@1.1.0

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Balance Platform Customer Area

On the Transfer details page, we fixed the issue that caused the Reason code field to display Unknown for failed or returned transfers. Now, the appropriate reason code is shown correctly in these cases.

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Customer Area

On the Transfer details page, we fixed the issue that caused the Reason code field to display Unknown for failed or returned transfers. Now, the appropriate reason code is shown correctly in these cases.

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Onboarding components v3.24.0
  • You can now use CSS variables to apply the global styles to the components.
  • We added support for Tink demo bank verification in a test environment.

We improved the styling of the links in the components.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen KYC Components Node.js package:

npm install @adyen/kyc-components@3.24.0

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Hosted onboarding

We added a new entity selection screen to help users more easily determine the correct onboarding requirements. In the hosted onboarding page, users can select the type of entity that best reflects their business setup. Based on their selection, the relevant onboarding tasks are then shown to them.

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We have added a new column, Flight Ticket Number, to the Balance Platform Accounting Report.

To help with the reconciliation process, the column provides the flight ticket number for airline transactions made with Adyen-issued cards. This is currently only applicable to Mastercard transactions.

By default, the Flight Ticket Number column is not included in the report. To enable it, you must have the Generate and schedule reports role.

To enable the Flight Ticket Number column in your reports, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Report columns.
  2. Go to Balance Platform Accounting Report and select Configure.
  3. Select the box next to the Flight Ticket Number.
  4. Select Save configuration.

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Hosted onboarding

We improved the navigation in the hosted onboarding page. When users select the back button in the browser, they are now returned to the account setup overview page. The information they entered will not be saved. To save their information, they need to select Save and go to overview or Submit.

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If you have an Adyen for Platforms integration, you can now onboard individual, organization, and sole proprietorship legal entities in Hong Kong.

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Platform Experience components v1.0.3

We added an MIT license to the Adyen Platform Experience Node.js package.


For the Transactions Overview component, we fixed the issue where:

  • Numbers in the Amount filter were incorrectly rounded.
  • The date picker in the Time period filter was not adjusting to the balance account's time zone. It now specifies the time based on the time zone of the selected balance account.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Platform Experience Node.js package:

npm install @adyen/adyen-platform-experience-web@1.0.3

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Hosted onboarding

This feature will be available in live environments on September 10th.

We added a new entity selection screen to help users easily find the correct onboarding requirements. In the hosted onboarding page, users can select the type of entity that best reflects their business setup. Based on their selection, the relevant onboarding tasks are then shown to them.


We added examples of local names for different types of legal entities, legal arrangements, and companies to the onboarding page. This update makes it easier for users to select the correct entity type and proceed with onboarding.


We fixed the issue where the instant ID verification was unavailable.

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Hosted onboarding
Known issues

Instant ID verification is temporarily unavailable due to technical issues. Users can manually upload their ID documents until the issue is resolved.

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Customer Area

On the Account holder details page, for Stores, we added the Store description field.


We fixed the issue that prevented users with the View account holders PII role from searching for individual account holders.

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Hosted onboarding

You can now show a short set of instructions about the verification process when users visit their hosted onboarding page for the first time. The feature is currently only available for users of individual and organization legal entity types. Set the hideOnboardingIntroductionIndividual or hideOnboardingIntroductionOrganization parameters to false when making your API request to generate the hosted onboarding link.

Read more about how to customize your hosted onboarding page.

  • We now provide users with clearer error messages in case the same identity or bank account details are specified twice, or if the uploaded documents exceed the maximum file size.
  • We improved the navigation buttons within the hosted onboarding steps to provide more precise and clear user guidance.

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We added the authorisationType parameter to the relayed authorization webhook. This can help your user better handle incremental authorizations, such as tips.

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We aligned our authorization validity periods with the Mastercard and Visa card schemes. This provides clarity on authorization adjustments for your business.

  • For Mastercard: each authAdjustmentAuthorised event extends the authorization adjustment expiration by 30 days.
  • For Visa: incremental authorizations do not extend the authorization validity period. Regardless of a successful authAdjustmentAuthorised event, the expiry date remains unchanged.

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Onboarding components v3.18.0

We improved the styling of the transfer instrument components and made the error messages more descriptive.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen KYC Components Node.js package:

npm install @adyen/kyc-components@3.18.0

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Platform Experience components v1.0.2

Added accordion animation to the Payout Details component.

  • The pagination is now reset to Page 1 when a different balance account is selected from the selector.
  • The balance account description is now shown in the Transaction Details and the Payout Details components and their corresponding modal windows.
  • For the modal windows of the Transaction Details and the Payout Details components:
    • The respective indicator is now shown while data is loading.
    • The maximum height of the modal windows is limited to 80 vh.
    • The height of the modal windows is adjusted to accommodate an error message when applicable.
  • The correct error message is now shown in case of a network error, instead of the "no data found" message.
  • The date information for the payout and transaction components is now shown correctly.

We removed the currency sign from the Transaction Details and the Payout Details components, and their corresponding modal windows.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Platform Experience Node.js package:

npm install @adyen/adyen-platform-experience-web@1.0.2

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Customer Area
  • We added a new notification about verification deadlines for capabilities. To view, go to Accounts & balances > Account holders and select an Account holder details page.
  • In our efforts towards a single unified Customer Area, we made the following improvements:
    • The Capital, Card orders, Transaction rules and Issuing disputes pages are now available under Financial products.
    • The Account holders and Balance accounts pages are now available under Accounts & balances.
    • The Transfers page is now available under Transactions.
    • The unified Customer Area is accessible to users with Adyen for Platforms and Adyen Issuing integrations.
  • Users with the Balance platform base role can access the Platform pages in the left navigation menu at a company level.

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Webhooks v4

Transfer Webhooks

When you make a payout to a third-party card, you now receive the counterparty.card object in your transfer webhooks.

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Transfers API v4

You can now pay out funds to third-party cards from a balance account.

When you make a POST /transfers request, use the counterparty.card object to include the card information.

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We added a new transaction rule to handle authorization adjustments. This rule is configured by Adyen.

  • Initial payment expired: when the initial payment is expired.

Adyen is unable to increment a payment in the above case and therefore returns authAdjustmentRefused.

To check the status of your transfer in the Customer Area:

  1. Go to Transactions > Transfers.
  2. Select a Transfer ID.
  3. In the Transfer details page, check the Transfer lifecycle. The status of the transfer is Authorization adjustment refused.

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Hosted onboarding

We updated the hosted onboarding user interface. The changes include:

  • Using country/region instead of just country on the selection screens.
  • Showing the country/region name in plain text without flag icons.

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Customer Area
  • We are redesigning the menu structure for the platform pages and have added banners to inform you of the upcoming changes.
  • In our efforts towards a single unified Customer Area, the Transaction rules page is now available under Platforms.

In Accounts & balances > Account holders, we fixed the issue where correct results were not shown when searching by the account holder name.

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Hosted onboarding

We fixed the issue where the translations for I do not have a registration number and I do not have a VAT number were not visible.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

Webhook event notification requests expect only an HTTP 2xx status code as a response.

By default, all new webhook configurations support only HTTP 2xx status codes as a response. We recommend that you reply to each webhook event request with a 202 status code.

Instead of sending HTTP 200 + [accepted] in the response body for webhooks you receive from Adyen, you should accept newly configured webhooks with a successful HTTP 202 response code.

Any webhook you have previously configured for your balance platform will continue to support a response with [accepted] in the response body.

You do have the option to switch your existing webhook configurations to accept webhook events with an HTTP 202 status code.

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Platform Experience components v1.0.0

You can now integrate our payout components, which are designed to help your users reconcile their payouts. These components provide a dashboard view of the user's completed payouts, showing captured funds, any adjustments, and the final payout amount.

See the full range of Adyen's components.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Platform Experience Node.js package:

npm install @adyen/adyen-platform-experience-web@1.0.0

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Onboarding components v3.13.1

We introduced a new set of Adyen's components to reduce your engineering efforts and speed up your integration process. With the transfer instrument components, you can enable users to add and manage their bank account details without requiring additional API calls to create transfer instrument resources.
You can also customize the components to match your platform's styling.

Learn more about components.

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Platform Experience components v0.1.0

We introduced a new set of Adyen's components to reduce your engineering efforts and speed up your integration process. With the transaction components, you can create interactive user dashboards to showcase transactional data to your users in your platform's user interface. You can also customize the components to match your platform's styling.

Learn more about components.

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Customer Area
  • We added the option to check the KYC documents for an account holder. To view the documents, choose the merchant account connected to the platform and select Platform > Account holders.

    This can help you resolve possible verification errors that occur during the onboarding process.

  • In our efforts towards a single unified Customer Area, we have added the following new functionalities:

    • In Financial products > Payment instruments, users with the Update card status role can now change the card status to Active, Suspended or Closed.
    • In Financial products > Card orders, users with the Balance platform base role can now access the Card orders page.
    • In Financial products > Capital > Capital overview, users with the Capital base role can now access the Capital overview page.

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Hosted onboarding

When adding external links on the theme settings page, users are guided to use the https:// protocol to ensure URL validation.

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Hosted onboarding
  • We localized the names of the following types of companies in the Company Structure step for all supported countries:

    • private company
    • public company
    • non-profit organization
    • governmental organization
  • You can now customize the browser tab of your hosted onboarding page, including:

    • title (up to 60 characters)
    • favicon (1:1 ratio)
  • We enhanced the available branding templates. This includes:

    • The background image template now has a more polished look with rounded corners and increased padding around inserted texts.
    • The page header template has been adjusted to better accommodate your brand logo and features an improved font.
      These improvements apply to both existing and newly created themes.
  • We improved the copy and user interface in the Hosted Onboarding settings page in BPCA. The theme configuration page now provides better guidance on using themeId and allows copying it. You can also find explanations of theme elements, including images and links.

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Hosted onboarding

Instant bank account verification is now available for organizations in Spain.

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Hosted onboarding

We added a new possible value transferInstrumentLimit in the settings object. You can control how many transfer instruments your user can create in the hosted onboarding page.

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Hosted onboarding

For trusts onboarding in Australia, if they associate a settlor that is an organization legal entity and does not have another role in the trust, the settlor is now correctly exempted from verification checks. The settlor is classified as a professional service provider.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

On the Issuing > Transaction rules page, we fixed the issue that caused rule restrictions to exceed the margins of the Conditions section, when additional values were present.

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Hosted onboarding

We added a new possible value acceptedCountries in the settings object. You can control which countries your user can select in the hosted onboarding page. The value is an array of strings in the two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code format. The array is empty by default and only countries supported by hosted onboarding are accepted.

  • Users that enter Market Identifier Codes (MIC) or ISINs in an invalid format now receive real-time error guidance in the hosted onboarding page.

  • We added an additional field so that users who do not have a registration number or tax identification number can enter their exemption reason.

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Hosted onboarding

For users in Singapore, we fixed the issue where the validation for NRIC was incorrect. The correct NRIC value includes 9 characters and is now accepted.

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Hosted onboarding

As part of our ongoing effort, we improved the validation process for individual identification numbers, ID document numbers, and bank account numbers. Users now see better guidance on value formatting to meet country-specific requirements.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

On the Developers > Webhooks page, we improved the search functionality. You can now use the Webhook ID to search for a webhook.


Disabled webhooks will be automatically removed from the Webhooks page after six months.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

If you have an Adyen issuing integration, you can now configure the relayed authorisation webhook directly within the Balance Platform Customer Area by selecting Issuing > Relayed authorisation. To do this, your user account must have the Manage relayed authorisation configuration role. For more information, see the user roles.

Issuing customers previously had to reach out to Adyen support to configure the relayed authorisation webhook.

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Hosted onboarding

We improved the validation process for VAT and tax ID numbers, and business registration numbers. Users now receive clear guidance on the required formatting. If a field supports multiple value types, you can specify which value you want to provide.


For users in the Czech Republic, France, and Poland, we fixed the issue where slashes and dashes were not included when addresses were autofilled.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

On the Balance account details page, we added information about the priority of payouts in the Scheduled transfers > View details section.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

On the Insights > KYC verification insights page, we added the Unsuccessful account holders filter option for Verification attempts.

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We aligned our authorization validity periods with the Mastercard and Visa card schemes. This provides clarity on the authorization adjustment for your business.


Scheme Debit/credit Environment Authorization type MCC Days
Mastercard All All Final auth All 7 days
Mastercard All All Pre-auth All 30 days


Scheme Debit/credit Environment Authorization type MCC Days
Visa All All All Cruise, Lodging, Vehicle Rental 31 days
Visa All All All US Commuter Transportation, Bus, Railway Merchants 3 days
Visa All All All Others 7 days

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Balance Platform Customer Area

When you are initiating a transfer to a transfer instrument, you can now set a transfer priority.


Users can no longer view the Report overview page and download reports with the Balance platform base role.

To access the Report overview page, you need one of the following roles:

  • Balance platform admin role
  • Generate and schedule reports
  • Download reports

In Transfers > Transfer details, we fixed an error that caused the wrong bank account to appear in the Counterparty details. This only affected counterparty transfer instruments that had their bank account updated.

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Configuration API

When an attempt to update an account holder fails because their primary balance account is inactive, you now receive a more descriptive error message: Primary balance account is not active instead of Account is not active.

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Legal Entity Management, Configuration, and Transfers APIs are supported in API logs


Legal Entity Management, Configuration, and Transfers APIs are supported in API logs

More API requests on live environments are available for inspection in your Customer Area API logs.

API log entries for the following APIs are available for all balance platforms at the company account level:

  • Legal Entity Management
  • Configuration
  • Transfers

The same user role requirements apply for viewing API requests in the Customer Area.

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Hosted onboarding
  • We fixed the issue where the validation for IBANs in Isle of Man, Jersey, and Guernsey was incorrect. The correct IBAN value for these locations begins with GB and is now accepted.
  • We updated the Romanian country code to use the current ISO value.

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  • We added the schemeUniqueTransactionID and schemeTraceID fields to relayed authorisation webhooks. This helps with the reconciliation process, to link incremental authorizations and recurring payments to their corresponding initial payment.

    Scheme IDs are not always available and should be treated as an additional information to the Transfer and Transaction IDs.

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Onboarding v3

This summarizes the most important changes in Onboarding v3, which includes both the Legal Entity Management API and Hosted Onboarding


Improved information and validations for transfer instrument creation

When creating a transfer instrument in v1 and v2, the bankAccount object does not specify the required information required for accounts based on the country and currency combination.

We added the type field. This field specifies, for example, the bank account is a local account in the United States, and the required information based on that type.

For a US bank account, set the type to usLocal. When the type is usLocal, the fields accountNumber and routingNumber are required. For UK bank accounts, the type is ukLocal and the required fields are accountNumber and sortCode.

In LEM v3, the currencyCode has been removed from the bank account object since it is not needed to create a transfer instrument. If you need to block the creation of cross-border transfer instruments, you can use the countryCode of the transfer instrument and the country of the associated legal entity.


Support for multiple transfer instruments

The capability sendToTransferInstrument is now validated at both the transfer instrument resource and associated legal entity level. Previously, this capability was only validated at the legal entity level, which prevented payouts for users with multiple bank accounts that were not all verified. The verificationStatus of the capability and any verfificationErrors are returned:

Compliance requirements for Onboarding v3

Description Details
Description Details
Data review Adyen may occasionally require your users to review and confirm that their data is up-to-date.
Required information and verification checks The following requirements are enforced during the verification process.
  • Authorized signatory mandatory for companies.
  • Email address and phone number mandatory for individuals.
  • Job title mandatory for authorized signatories and UBOs through control.
  • The legal structure of the company is mandatory.
  • The complete address of the legal entity is mandatory.
  • VAT number required in countries with VAT system.
  • Industry code and web data information mandatory for platform setups.
  • The platform setup and financial products are not offered to individual legal entities.
  • Industry codes are mandatory for business accounts.
Requirements in APAC countries
  • Tax ID is mandatory for business accounts and countries without a VAT system.
  • The date of incorporation is mandatory for organizations in Singapore and Hong Kong.
  • Nationality is required for natural persons in Singapore and Hong Kong.
  • Director is a mandatory type for organizations in Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, and the US when associating legal entities.
  • ID number is mandatory for natural persons in Singapore, Hong Kong, United States, and Brazil.
  • The required number of members must be provided for trusts and partnerships.
Terms of Service and PCI If you are using custom onboarding, confirm that your user has accepted the Terms of Service or signed self-assessment questionnaires.
Business lines Payment facilitators need to create business lines when onboarding users.

Verification deadlines and data reviews

When a user updated their data in LEM v1 and v2, their capabilities were disallowed until verification checks were completed. We now provide a verification deadline. They are allowed to continue using the capabilities while the deadline is active.

We now inform you when your user needs to review their data by sending a verification error "Review of data is required" in a webhook. There is a verification deadline to review their data and they are allowed to continue using their capabilities while the deadline is active. To resolve the error, make a POST /legalEntities/{id}/confirmDataReview request to confirm the user has reviewed their data.

Terms of Service and PCI requirements

Adyen now determines if your users need to accept the Terms of Service and sign self-assessment questionnaires to comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS).

If you are using hosted onboarding, these steps are included in the user's hosted onboarding page. For custom onboarding, listen to webhooks and follow the steps to have your user accept the Terms of Service or sign self-assessment questionnaires.


Aligning business lines with Adyen products and services

We replaced the capability field with the service field. The capability field is now deprecated. The possible values for service are:

-paymentProcessing: corresponds to capability receivePayments.
-banking corresponds to capability issueBankAccount.

Note that you still must request capabilities for your account holders.

Error responses for legal entities

In the /legalEntities responses for POST, PATCH, and GET, we separated the status of capabilities from the problems that you need to resolve. We also grouped together the problems per type of capability.

We also added a new endpoint /legalEntities/{id}/checkVerificationErrors returns only the verificationErrors for a legal entity in the response without any additional details.

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When you create or manage your split configuration profiles in your Customer Area, you can now also define the funding source as a payment condition (rule).

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Balance Platform Customer Area

In Accounts & balances > Balance accounts > Scheduled transfers, we now display the transfer priorities that are configured for a sweep.


In Account Holder Details > Stores, now you can see the correct details in the Split Configuration ID and Balance Account fields, instead of Not available.

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Hosted onboarding

Individuals in Canada are now only required to upload an ID document if necessary to pass verification checks.


We fixed the issue that caused the temporary unavailability of instant bank account verification for Canada.

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  • You can now book the different transaction fee types for online and in-person payments to specific balance accounts.
  • If you do not specify split instructions for the transaction fees, Adyen automatically adds the type parameter with PaymentFee value to your payment or capture request, booking all transaction fees to your platform's liable balance account.

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Checkout API

If you don't specify booking instructions for the leftover amount after currency conversion, Adyen automatically adds the splits.type parameter with Remainder value to your payment or capture request, booking the amount to your platform's liable balance account.

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Management API

You can now add instructions on how to book refunds, chargeback costs, and specific transaction fees to your split configuration profile. For more information, see Split payments automatically.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • When you initiate a transfer to a Transfer instrument, the Priority list now shows only the transfer priorities available for the chosen currency and counterparty type.
  • When you initiate a transfer to a Transfer instrument, you can now only select the transfer instruments for which the Send funds to transfer instrument capability is enabled and allowed.
  • In Account holder details > Capabilities, we now display the capabilities of an account holder in alphabetical order.
  • In Account holder details > KYC timeline, the timeline matches now the Capability statuses.
  • In Account holder details > Overview > Legal entity, we added the VAT number field.
  • In Payment instruments > Payment instrument details, IBANs that belong to organizations are now unmasked.
  • In the Transfer funds page, we fixed the issue that caused the browser to stop responding when the Counterparty balance account ID list has a high number of options.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • We renamed Sweep configurations to Scheduled transfers.
  • On the Scheduled transfers page, you can now view the history of a transfer under View details.
  • On the Transfer details page, under Transfer lifecycle, you can now see authorization adjustments for payments made with an Adyen-issued card.
  • On the Transfers page, we added the missing Transaction ID to the Transfer lifecycle.
  • When you initiate an on-demand transfer to a Transfer instrument, the incorrect warning about the missing receiveFromTransferInstrument capability no longer appears.

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  • We added the schemeUniqueTransactionID and schemeTraceID fields to Transfer webhooks version 4. This helps with the reconciliation process, to link incremental authorizations and recurring payments to their corresponding initial payment.

    Scheme IDs are not always available and should be treated as an additional information to the Transfer and Transaction IDs.

  • We added the authorisationType parameter to Transfer webhooks. This helps the user to better handle potential incremental authorizations, such as tips.

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Hosted onboarding

We added a warning message when not all required decision-makers have been added.


When a user enters their bank account information, we now automatically remove non-alphanumeric characters.

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Refunds are now allowed for cards with inactive status.

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Hosted onboarding

We now only show the supported countries/regions for the legal entity and supporting entities that you select. This ensures that only the appropriate countries are shown to users in the hosted onboarding process.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • Platforms is now available to all platform users in the Customer Area. You can now manage your payments and platform operations in a single dashboard.
  • We added the KYC verification insights dashboard to provide you with data and trends about verification and onboarding processes.
    This feature is in pilot phase. Reach out to your Adyen contact to enable it for your platform.

You can now filter the Balance accounts, Transfers, and Payment instruments pages based on a legal entity name.

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Hosted onboarding

We fixed the issue where after all required trust members were added, the task status still showed as Add.


We updated the term for the VAT number in Norway to MVA-nummer.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

If you integrated with Adyen after January 8, 2023, two-factor authentication is mandatory for all members of your organisation to log in to your Balance Platform Customer Area.

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Hosted onboarding

We improved translations for the ID (Identity Card) option in French, Italian, Dutch, and Hungarian languages when users select the document type in the manual upload flow. This change gives users clearer guidance with familiar terms while verifying their identity.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

You can now set up multifactor authentication for your users. This will be enforced for all users on January 22, 2024.

  • We improved the user interface for initiating transfers and sweeps.
  • We improved the terminology we use to refer to the balances in a balance account.

In the Hosted Onboarding pages, we fixed an issue with the File name field. The issue showed the description of the file instead of the file name.

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Hosted onboarding
  • We now ask users to enter the Legal name of the company exactly as it appears on their official registration documents. This means users can refer to a registry institution that is specific to their legal entity type and country of business registration. In certain countries like the Netherlands and the US, we still use a term that refers to a local institution, such as the Chamber of Commerce or Secretary of State.

  • Our address search now provides complete postal codes for organizations, decision-makers, and individuals in Ireland, eliminating the need for manual entry.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

Every new user in your Balance Platform Customer Area now receives the Balance platform base role by default.

  • In Account holder details > KYC timeline, we fixed an error that hid the timeline information unless you selected a filter.
  • We fixed an error that caused IBANs to be included in URLs for payment instrument details. The URL now includes the payment instrument ID instead.

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We fixed the issue where details of the beneficiary were missing from bank transfer confirmation letters.

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Hosted onboarding

Instant bank account verification is now available for organizations in France.


We improved the process of collecting address information. The following changes apply to all legal entity types in all countries except for the US and Canada:

These changes are particularly useful for platforms that onboard users through both hosted and custom onboarding, as the requested address information is aligned for those types.


We fixed the issue where a user was not able to close the Tink instant bank verification screen in the user interface.

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Hosted onboarding

You can now onboard users in Australia, including trusts.

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Hosted onboarding
Known issues

Instant bank account verification for Canada is now temporarily unavailable due to issues with payouts.

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Checkout API

This feature is in pilot phase. Reach out to your Adyen contact to enable it for your platform.

You can now book different types of transaction fees to different balance accounts in your platform. Depending on whether you want to aggregate fees or book individual fee types to specific balance accounts, you can include additional split items with a different splits.type in your online or in-person payment request.

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Hosted onboarding

If a user has a verificationStatus of rejected for a capability, they are now notified in the hosted onboarding page that they cannot continue onboarding.

  • The phone number prefix for Cyprus now correctly shows +537.
  • We fixed the issue where the redirectUrl button was not visible on the bottom of the hosted onboarding page. The borders between different tasks on the page are also now visible again.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

You can now search for legal entities of individuals by using the name of the account holder.
To use this feature, you must have one of the following roles:

  • Balance platform admin role
  • Account holder PII role
  • When selecting your platform's name in the navigation menu, you can now view a list of all the balance platforms that you have access to.
  • We fixed the name of the Receive funds from a verified transfer instrument capability, which was previously written incorrectly.
  • In the Transfers page, we fixed the Merchant filter. When you provide a merchant name, it now shows only exact matches.

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Configuration API

Starting with the tax year 2022, you can retrieve 1099-K tax forms for your US-based users with the new /taxForms endpoint.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

Following the release of Transfers API v4, you can now configure the following webhooks in Developers > Webhooks:

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Transfers API v4

Added the new balancePlatform.transaction.created webhook. This informs your system when funds have been credited to or deducted from a balance account in your platform.

The webhook includes the following parameters:

  • data: An object that contains details about the transaction.
  • data.transfer: An object that contains details about the transfer related to the transaction.
  • environment: The environment from which the webhook originated.

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Transfers API v4

The following list of changes is related to the /transactions and /transactions/{id} endpoints.

Breaking Changes

Added the new object data.transfer to the /transactions and /transactions/{id} responses. This object includes the following parameters:

  • id: The unique identifier of the related transfer.
  • reference: The reference in the transfer request.
  • data.category has been removed.
  • data.counterparty has been removed.
  • data.description has been removed.
  • data.paymentInstrumentId has been removed.
  • data.referenceForBeneficiary has been removed.
  • data.type has been removed.

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Transfers API v4

The following list of changes is related to Transfer webhooks. You can configure these webhooks in your Balance Platform Customer Area.

Breaking Changes
  • Added a new property categoryData that contains the relevant data according to the transfer category: bank transfer, platform payment, or Adyen-issued card payment. You can find the complete list of properties that have been moved in the Changed section below.
  • Moved the transactionId property from the root-level to the corresponding event the events object.
  • Removed the following properties previously deprecated in version 3: balanceAccountId, accountHolderId, paymentInstrumentId. Use the corresponding balanceAccount, accountHolder, paymentInstrument root-level objects instead.
  • balanceAccountId has been removed. Use the balanceAccount object instead.
  • accountHolderId has been removed. Use the accountHolder object instead.

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Transfers API v4

The following list of changes is related to the /transfers endpoint.

Breaking Changes
  • Added a new property categoryData to the response. This property contains the relevant data according to the transfer category: bank transfer, platform payment, or Adyen-issued card payment.
  • balanceAccountId has been removed from the response. Use the balanceAccount object instead.
  • paymentInstrumentId has been removed from the response. Use the paymentInstrument object instead.

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You can now get information about when a transfer instrument is deleted by listening to balancePlatform.accountHolder.updated webhooks.

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Hosted onboarding

We added new page settings for platform setups. Your user must sign PCI questionnaires for all of their relevant sales channels. By default, the following values are set to false. Set each of the relevant values to true to require the user to sign a PCI questionnaires for that sales channel type.

  • requirePciSignEcommerce
  • requirePciSignPos
  • requirePciSignEcomMoto
  • requirePciSignPosMoto

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Hosted onboarding

Users can now delete payout accounts or decision makers on the hosted onboarding page without needing to open an additional menu.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

In the Transfer details page, the Reference and Description fields now show correct values.

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Hosted onboarding

We improved the validation process for bank statement descriptions. Users now receive an error message about any unsupported characters in their descriptions before they submit their payout details.

  • The page heading for the Payout details step is now accurately translated to match the selected language.
  • We fixed the issue where the Address step is marked as completed without the address data being provided.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • In the Transfer details page, we improved the layout of the Reasons for declined transaction section.
  • In the Transfers page, you can now filter transfers by using the Counterparty IBAN.

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You will now receive an internal transfer webhook when a transfer to compensate a negative balance occurs in your platform.

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Hosted onboarding

We fixed the issue where users incorrectly received a validation error before uploading their bank statements.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

We now show information about legal entities of type Sole proprietorship.

  • When exporting a list of third-party transfers in CSV format, the Counterparty name column is now correctly populated.
  • In the Transfers page, we fixed the spelling of the Reserve adjustment type.

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Hosted onboarding
  • Polish sole proprietorships can now onboard without a registration number if they do not have one.
  • We updated the validation for the registration number of organizations in Malta. The correct format is C + optional space + 4-6 digits.
  • You can now onboard users in Gibraltar and Puerto Rico using hosted onboarding.
  • Instant bank account verification is now available for individuals and organizations in Canada.
  • We now show all fields which contain legal entity information, including when a VAT or tax ID exemption is present. We also show missing fields for all dataMissing errors from verification checks.

  • We fixed the issue where users with a platform setup or who use card issuing did not see the correct fields for the required capabilities.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • In the Transfers page, we renamed the following columns:
    • Merchant name to Counterparty name
    • PSP capture reference to PSP modification referecnce
    • PSP capture merchant reference to PSP modification merchant reference
  • If an account holder has more than 100 balance accounts, the Account holder details page now shows a banner that:
    • Informs you that the Account holder details page can only show up to 100 balance accounts.
    • Redirects you to the Balance accounts page, where you can see all the balance accounts that belong to that account holder.
  • The Account holder details page now has virtual tutorials to guide first-time users.

In the Balance accounts > Transfer funds page, we fixed an issue that showed an incorrect available balance of the source account.

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Hosted onboarding

We have improved the instant ID verification flow on the hosted onboarding page. These changes include:

  • More detailed guidance for users about the document requirements and differences between Instant verification and Manual upload.
  • The directions for the instant verification are also translated if a user changes the language of the hosted onboarding page.
  • Individuals and decision-makers who are US residents now need to accept Onfido's Terms and Conditions to use the Instant verification flow.
  • The flag icon that indicates the country for a phone number is now visible when requesting an SMS link.

Users can now submit a Swedish IBAN for their payout account.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

In the Transfers page, you can now filter transfers based on the Counterparty country.

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We have added support for incremental authorization in relayed authorizations. This feature includes the incorporation of SchemeUniqueTransactionID and SchemeTraceID, enabling card partners to seamlessly link incremental authorizations with their corresponding initial payment SchemeUniqueTransactionID.


We refined debt recovery for public transportation, mainly MCC 4111. Now, if the initial authorization is declined but travel happened, the merchant will send out a debt recovery authorisation message for which we create a separate payment. Merchants can now block cards for frequent debt recovery refusals during public transportation access.

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Hosted onboarding

When setting up a payout account in the EU and EEA, your users can now select the account format. For example, they can choose to use an IBAN or a local bank account number.

This action is not allowed by default. To allow your user to perform this action, in your POST /legalEntities/{id}/onboardingLinks request, set allowBankAccountFormatSelection to true in the settings object.

  • Your users now see improved guidance and information about what decision-makers they must add.
  • We improved the process for selecting multiple roles when providing information about decision-makers.
  • When entering a postal code, the page now automatically corrects any formatting errors.
  • The Terms of Service document now remains visible after the user accepts it.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

The KYC timeline now shows more events, including when the status of an account holder becomes:

  • Closed
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Suspended
  • The KYC timeline no longer shows outdated data.
  • We fixed the filters in the Account holders page.

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Two new transaction rules (owned by Adyen) have been added to ensure smooth handling of authorization adjustments:

  • Initial payment refused: When the initial payment is declined.
  • Invalid initial payment type: When the initial payment is not categorized as a pre-authorization.

Adyen will be unable to increment a payment in the above two cases and will therefore return authAdjustmentRefused.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

You can now see store details in the Account holder details page.
This feature is in pilot phase. Reach out to your Adyen contact if you are interested in testing it.


Users without the Manage account holder capabilities role can no longer see the options to request and edit capabilities.

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When you sign up for Adyen, we automatically create an admin user in your balance platform with the following user roles:

  • Balance platform admin role
  • Balance platform base role
  • Developer role
  • Download transfer confirmation letter
  • Generate and schedule reports
  • Initiate transfers
  • Manage account holders & legal entities
  • Manage account holder capabilities
  • Manage sweep configurations
  • View account holders PII
  • View bank transfers
  • View transfers

The admin user can manage the other users and API credentials in your platform.

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By default, the currency of any newly created balance account on your platform will now match the default currency set on your balance platform.

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Configuration API

When you manage multiple card programs with varying 3D Secure support (fully supported or secure corporate), you can specify the support type during payment instrument creation using the new threeDSecure field in the POST /paymentInstruments endpoint.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

We improved the KYC error and remediation messages in the KYC timeline.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

We created the Download tax form role. It enables you to download 1099-K tax forms in the U.S.

  • In the Transfer lifecycle, you can now see the value date. This is the date and time when funds are debited or credited to a balance account.
  • In the Add sweep configuration page, the dropdown menu for balance accounts now shows more information to help you identify an account. For example, instead of only showing balance account IDs, we now also show the name of the account holder.
  • We improved the design of the Capital page. For example:
    • We added filters for Grant reference and Account holder.
    • We removed the Account holder name column.
      For more information about Adyen Capital, see Offer grants.
  • For U.S. payment instruments, the balance is now shown in USD instead of EUR.
  • The Transfer details of bank transfers no longer show an empty Balance account ID field.
  • In Transfer details of bank transfers, the counterparty details now show the bank account details, instead of only showing the Transfer instrument ID.
    Note: The bank account details are masked if you do not have the View bank transfers PII data user role.
  • The Search feature no longer shows unrelated results as secondary options.

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Management API

When creating a new store, you can now add a split configuration profile to the store by including the splitConfiguration array in your POST /stores request.

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Hosted onboarding

Instant bank account verification is now available for Polish organizations.

  • US zip codes now default to 5 digits.
  • We improved the guidance for users updating or removing decision makers in their hosted onboarding page.
  • Users can now edit or delete their payout details regardless of the task status.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

In the Transfers page, the transfer amount shown in the side panel is now the same as the Instructed amount, instead of the Original amount.

  • In the Transfers page, we fixed the issue where the data in the MCC and Merchant name columns were missing.
  • In the Transfers page, we fixed the Original currency filter.

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Checkout API v70

You can now book the fees incurred on a chargeback separately from the chargeback itself, by including the costAllocationAccount parameter in the platformChargebackLogic object of your /payments or /sessions request. Chargeback fees are booked to your liable account by default.

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In the Balance Platform Accounting Report, the transfer description for the chargeback fees will now be prefixed with an indication of the chargeback fee type. The transfer description itself matches the description of the original payment.

Possible fee type indications: Chargeback Fee for, SecondChargeback Fee for, ChargebackReversal Fee for.

If the original payment did not contain a description, possible fee type indications are: Chargeback FeeSecondChargeback FeeChargebackReversal Fee.

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Webhooks v3

Transfer webhooks now include the field platformPaymentType, which indicates the nature of each transfer on the balance platform. This parameter helps categorize transfers so you can reconcile transactions at a later time, using the Balance Platform Accounting Report.

Possible values:

  • BalanceAccount: for the sale amount of the transaction.
  • Commission: for your platform's commission on the transaction.
  • PaymentFee: for the transaction fees.
  • Remainder: for the left over amount after currency conversion.
  • VAT: for the Value Added Tax.

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Hosted onboarding
  • We added validations to the ID number field and now show the correct format if the user enters an invalid number.

  • We have localized the names and fields in the hosted onboarding page for US users. These changes include:

    • Bank account information now reflects the US format.
    • Replacing references to Employer identification number with Tax identification number
    • When entering their registered address, the user is prompted for the address as it appears on their Secretary of State registration.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • In Account holder details > Legal entity, you can now see the Type of an organization.
  • In Account holder details > KYC timeline, you can now see the Rejected verification status.
  • In the Account holders page, new users now find virtual tutorials that provide introductory information about the page.
  • Users without admin roles can now view their user details.
  • We have replaced all the previous user roles with the new or updated versions. This means you can no longer view or use the previous roles.
  • The Balance platform admin role no longer enables you to:
    • Manage webhooks. Use the Developer role instead.
    • View Capital pages. Use the Capital base role instead.
    • Manage account holder capabilities. Use the Manage account holder capabilities role instead.
    • Update card statuses. Use the Update card status role instead.
    • Manage transaction rules. Use the Manage transaction rules role instead.

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Checkout API v70

You can now specify the chargeback handling logic in your /payments/{paymentPspReference}/captures request.

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Hosted onboarding
  • Users that are not permitted to change their legal entity type can now associate legal entities and complete the onboarding flow.
  • When a user needs to provide additional information about their payout details, they can now click on the task to enter the information.

Organizations and sole proprietorships in France need to provide their SIRET number as their registration number. The format is 14 digits with optional character -. Nonprofits can provide their RNA number.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • We fixed issues related to the Download reports user role.
  • In the User details page of deactivated users, we removed a date placeholder that was not displaying deactivation dates correctly.

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Configuration API v2

You can now access pending balances in your /balanceAccounts/{id} request. This reflects the amount pending to be paid out but not yet available in the balance.

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When a payment reaches a SettledReversed status, you can choose how to deduct the reversed amount from the balance accounts in your platform. Choose between the following options:

  • Deduct the reversed amount according to the split instructions in the original payment (default).
  • Deduct the entire reversed amount from your liable balance account.

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Management API v1

When processing payments through stores, you can now configure the store to automatically apply your billing logic, for example, to your commission, the transaction fees, or chargebacks. You can create and manage your split configurations using the Management API. For more information and instructions, see Split payments automatically.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

We added a new user role: Manage account holders & legal entities.


We updated the existing roles to make them clearer and more secure. To do this, we renamed them and modified their permissions.

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Hosted onboarding
  • You can now allow users to select a payout account in a different EU/EEA country than the country of their legal entity. When you create a hosted onboarding link, set allowIntraRegionCrossBorderPayout to true in the settings object.
  • Users can see what currencies are supported when they set up their payout account.

Users that need to associate their individual legal entity to a legal arrangement, for example platform setups, now are only shown the correct onboarding flow and relevant error messages if applicable.

Note that users who are not permitted to change their legal entity type in the hosted onboarding page currently cannot associate legal entities.

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You can now offer business accounts to users in the United States. There are additional requirements that you must include in your onboarding flow.

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Hosted onboarding

Instant bank verification for Australia is now available again, except for users of National Australia Bank (NAB).

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Hosted onboarding

You can now onboard users in Malta using hosted onboarding.


We fixed the issue where users were able to change the country of their sole proprietorship to a different one than their individual legal entity.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • We have created new roles for existing actions, so you can better control who can perform these actions. These roles are:
    • Generate and schedule reports
    • Download reports
    • View payment instrument PII data
    • Manage account holder capabilities
  • The roles are now classified by categories to make them easier to find.
  • In the Account holder details page, you can now see the business lines that are linked to the account holder's legal entity.
  • In the Account holder details page, you can now see a separate field for each uploaded page of a document.

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Hosted onboarding

You can now onboard users in Liechtenstein, Isle of Man, Jersey, and Guernsey using hosted onboarding.


We updated the task status names in the hosted onboarding page to make them more clear to users.

  • Bank statements that are uploaded in the hosted onboarding page are now visible.
  • We fixed the issue where sole proprietorships in Sweden and Poland could not provide their information.

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Hosted onboarding

We fixed the issue where platform model and issuing integrations could not complete onboarding due to a bug related to the tax ID verification checks.

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Hosted onboarding
Known issues

Instant bank account verification for Australia and Canada is now temporarily unavailable due to issues when creating bank accounts.

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Hosted onboarding

Instant bank verification is now available again.


You can now test the instant bank verification flow. In your test environment, select Demo Bank. Enter asd as the user name and asd as the password.


When entering a phone number, we improved the error message so that it is easier to see what the user needs to fix.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

The BalancePlatform Merchant Admin role no longer enables you to initiate transfers and configure sweeps. To use these features, you now must have the following roles:

  • Balance Platform Initiate Transfer Role
  • Balance Platform Merchant Balance Sweep Configuration role

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Checkout API

You can now convert the currency of your users' transactions. Use the split type Remainder to specify where to book any leftover funds after the conversion. We support currency conversion for the following currencies: AUD, CAD, CHF, CZK, DKK, EUR, GBP, HKD, HUF, NOK, PLN, RON, SEK, SGD, USD.

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Configuration API v2

You can now include the optional metadata parameter in your POST /accountHolders or POST /balanceAccounts request. This parameter has a character limit of 512 characters, and must be a set of key and value pairs used for storing miscellaneous data.

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Hosted onboarding

We updated the identification number field for Denmark, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, and the US to the correct local name.

  • The registration number for Lithuanian companies and sole proprietorships now shows the correct name Įmonės kodas and accepts 6-9 digits as expected.
  • US addresses can now be entered without the optional apartment suite field.
  • We fixed the issue where users that entered Exempted from VAT for their company details could not save this information.

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Hosted onboarding
  • In countries where a bank statement is required, users now must upload their statement in order to submit their payout details.

  • We fixed the issue where information was not saved after users selected Save and go to overview.

  • Users cannot submit an IBAN or bank account number with whitespaces. If the user does not enter a value, they will see an error because it is a required field.


Documents uploaded through instant ID verification now include the type of document and the name of the file extension.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

Personally identifiable information (PII) about individuals is now masked on the Account holder details page. To view unmasked PII, you must have the BalancePlatform Merchant Admin or View PII Data on balance platform user role.


In your Customer Area, selecting the Balance account ID of a split payment redirects you to the Balance account details in your Balance Platform Customer Area. This feature now works on split payments of any type.

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Hosted onboarding
Known issues

Instant bank account verification is now temporarily unavailable until issues with payouts are resolved.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • In Payment instruments > Payment instrument details, the Event log of the payment instrument lifecycle is visible again.
  • When you overwrite the shipment method for a physical card, the new shipment method is now correctly shown in Issuing > Card orders > Card order details.

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The Statement Report is now available in your Balance Platform Customer Area. This daily report gives you insights on the balance accounts that had balance changes on the given day, including their starting balance, all the transactions that changed the balance, and the ending balance for the available currencies.


We added new columns to the Balance Platform Accounting Interactive Report to ensure its alignment with the non-interactive Balance Platform Accounting Report. The interactive report enables filtering on a date range, account holders, and balance accounts.

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Hosted onboarding
  • Instant bank account verification is now available in your live environment. Users can choose to log into their online banking environment from the hosted onboarding page and confirm their account details. Their bank account is then verified within seconds without them needing to provide a bank statement. Supported countries and legal entity types are listed here.

  • Instant ID verification is now available in your live environment. Users can scan a QR code and take a photo of their ID document. They receive real-time feedback on how to upload good quality images and can be verified immediately.

  • Hosted onboarding for sole proprietorships in Switzerland is now supported.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

In the Account holder details page, you can now access the KYC timeline tab. Here, you find:

  • A summary of the KYC checks applied to the account holder, including the current status.
  • A detailed timeline of the events related to the KYC checks.

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Transfers API v3

Added a new reference field to help mitigate potential AML and CFT risks.

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Hosted onboarding

It is now possible to onboard governmental organizations, non-profits, and sole proprietorships in Germany without submitting a registration number.


These features will be available in live environments on May 8th.

  • You can now try out instant bank account verification in your test environment. Users are prompted to log into their online banking environment and confirm their account details. Their bank account is then verified within seconds without them needing to provide a bank statement.
  • You can now try out instant ID verification in your test environment. Users scan a QR code and take a photo of their ID document. They receive real-time feedback on uploading good quality images and can be verified immediately.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

You can now configure sweeps in any currency, regardless of the currency of your balance accounts.

  • In the Account holder details page, you can now see the level of the account holder capabilities (when applicable).
  • When configuring filters for account holders, balance accounts, or payment instruments, the suggestion box now shows the references, in addition to the IDs. This helps you to better identify the item you are applying the filter for.

The following only applies if you process payments with Adyen:

  • In your Customer Area, selecting the Balance account ID of a split payment redirects you to the Balance account details in your Balance Platform Customer Area.
    Note: Currently, this only applies to split payments of type BalanceAccount.

In the Transfers page, the Balance account reference column now shows the correct information.

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Hosted onboarding

Hosted onboarding for sole proprietorships is now supported in Australia.

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Checkout API
  • You can now book a payment's surcharge directly to your user's balance account, using the split type Surcharge.
  • You can now book a payment's tip (gratuity) directly to your user's balance account, using the split type Tip.

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Transfers API v3

Transfer webhooks
Added new paymentInstrument, balanceAccount, and accountHolder objects.


Transfer webhooks
Root level paymentInstrumentId and balanceAccountId fields have been deprecated.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • We fixed the issue that prevented you from selecting transfer instruments when configuring a sweep or initiating a transfer.
  • In the Card order items page, we fixed the Status filter.
  • In Sweep configuration, you can now properly activate and deactivate existing sweeps.

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Hosted onboarding

If your users need to sign PCI security questionnaires or accept Adyen's Terms of Service, these steps are now included on the hosted onboarding page.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • In Card order items, the Tracking number of an item now links to the shipping company's website.
  • In Account holder details > Capabilities, you can now see the level of a capability (if applicable).
  • In Transfer details, we added the ID of the merchant's acquirer.

We now display adjustment amounts in the Transfer lifecycle section.

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Hosted onboarding

Hosted onboarding for sole proprietorships is now supported in Finland, Lithuania, and Luxembourg.

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Hosted onboarding

The personally identifiable information (PII) of users is now masked after they submit it in the hosted onboarding page.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

On the API credentials page, you can now create API credentials for the Legal Entity Management (LEM) API. To do this, you need the Balance Platform Merchant Admin role.

  • In the Transfer details page, you can now see the estimated time of arrival of a bank transfer.
    Note: Currently, this is only available when transferring EUR, USD, or PLN.

The Webhooks page is now shown correctly.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • We added timezone information to the following pages:
    • Account holders
    • Account holder details
    • Balance account details
  • In the Event log for payment instruments, new events now have human-readable descriptions.

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Hosted onboarding

We fixed the images and content on the page shown to users when their Hosted Onboarding link expires.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • Personally identifiable information (PII) belonging to individuals is now masked in the Transfers page. To view unmasked PII, you must have the BalancePlatform Merchant Admin or View PII Data on balance platform transfers user role.
  • PII belonging to individuals is now filtered out from exported CSV files. To view unmasked PII, you must have the BalancePlatform Merchant Admin or View PII Data on balance platform user role.

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Transfers API v3

Added dateOfBirth field in the accountHolder object when sending a transfer to an individual's bank account.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • When selecting your balance platform, you can now see the time zone where your platform operates.
  • If you have an Adyen Issuing integration, the Payment instrument details page now shows the information of any legal entity that is linked to the payment instrument and has the Authorised payment instrument user capability.

In the Card order items page, the State filter now works correctly.

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Hosted onboarding
  • You can now onboard users as organizations or individual legal entities in Australia using Hosted onboarding.
  • Users can now delete their transfer instrument in the hosted onboarding page.

Organizations with a platform setup can again provide their registration number and tax ID in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Spain.

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Hosted onboarding
  • You can now onboard users as organizations or individual legal entities in Switzerland using Hosted onboarding.
  • We added support for sole proprietorships in additional EU countries.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

If you have an Adyen Issuing integration, now you can issue virtual cards by selecting Payment instruments > + Create new card.


We redesigned the navigation menu. Some improvements are:

  • We restructured the order of the pages.
  • We added icons to the pages.

The Payment instruments page now shows the correct values for 3DS data provided.

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Transfers API v3

We added the new estimatedArrivalTime field to the webhooks sent for fund transfer events.

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Configuration API

The inactive status is now deprecated for account holders. Use the capabilities instead to limit the actions your users can perform in your balance platform.

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Hosted onboarding

You can now onboard sole proprietorships in Canada using Hosted onboarding.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • The Release notes link is now available in the navigation menu.
  • You can now edit the status of a sweep configuration. Enable, disable, or delete an existing sweep by selecting the button in the Actions column.
    Note: After editing the sweep status, you might have to refresh the page to view the change.
  • In the Transfers list, the IncomingReturn status is now called Returned.

In the Card orders list, you can now see the complete error messages for rejected card orders.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • We added the timezone of scheduled sweeps to the Sweep configuration details page.
  • You can now view all balance platforms that you have access to in your account selector.

The following only applies to issuing integrations.

  • New sweep configurations are created in an active state.
  • Balance accounts with negative balances are correctly shown.

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Transfers API v3

Added a new value internal to the priority parameter. Set this when making bank transfers to a bank account held at Adyen.

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Customer Area

We introduced new refusal reasons to provide information on why a split payment failed validation checks in your balance platform. These refusal reasons are shown in your Customer Area (Payment details > Processing > Acquirer response).

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Checkout API v68

When a chargeback event occurs on a payment, you can now handle the disputed amount in the following ways by including the platformChargebackLogic object in your /payments or /sessions request:

  • Book the entire disputed amount against your liable balance account (default).
  • Book the entire disputed amount against a balance account of your user.
  • Book the disputed amount according to the ratio in which the original payment was split.

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Hosted onboarding

We added a settings object that allows you to control what users can do in your hosted onboarding page. These are key-value pairs and the keys are the settings. By default, the values are set to true. When you make a POST /legalEntities/{id}/onboardingLinks request, set to false to not allow the action.
Possible keys:

  • changeLegalEntityType: The user can change their legal entity type.

  • editPrefilledCountry: The user can change the country of their legal entity's address.

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The Payment webhooks are now deprecated. We recommend that you subscribe to the new Transfer webhooks instead.


You can now subscribe to the new Transfer webhooks in your Balance Platform Customer Area. The new webhooks are triggered by all transfer events, including payments, payouts, internal transfers, transfers to third-party bank accounts, and payments with an Adyen-issued card.

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Added two new webhooks cardorder.created and cardorder.updated to indicate the successful creation or an update to a card order after you create a physical card.

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Configuration API

Transaction rules
Refined logic behind the maximum usage rule. If a transaction is declined due to other reasons, for example relayed authorisation decline, the maxUsage limit will not be triggered and the card can still be used.

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Configuration API

Network tokens
You can now receive webhooks when a cardholder creates a new network token. For example, when they add their Adyen-issued card to a digital wallet. You can also receive webhooks upon any network token status update.

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Relayed authorisation
Added HMAC validation logic to the relayed authorisation webhook. You can now verify the HMAC signature to add an extra layer of security.

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Configuration API

Payment instruments
You can now get raw details of a virtual card by using GET /paymentInstruments/{id}/reveal. Your API credential must have the Balance Platform BCL PCI role.

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Transfer webhooks
Added transactionId to the applicable item in the events array.


Transfer webhooks
Deprecated transactionId in the root level of the data object. Use transactionId from the events array instead.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

We removed the sweep name and activate manually later sweep option.

  • We added triggerAmount and targetAmount validations for pull sweeps.
  • The roles for API credentials are now grouped by category.

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Checkout API

You can now book a payment's transaction fees directly to your user's balance account, using the split type PaymentFee. The following fees can be booked directly to your user:

  • Interchange
  • Scheme Fees
  • Acquirer Markup
  • Blend Commission

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Transfers API v3

Added transfer priority in Transfer webhooks.

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Hosted onboarding

Users in the United States now only need to provide the last four digits of their social security number (SSN).

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Configuration API

Payment instruments
You can now create bank accounts in the US. Use POST /paymentInstruments with issuingCountryCode US.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • You can now transfer funds to balance accounts or transfer instruments by selecting Transfers > Transfer funds or Balance account details > Transfer funds.
    This feature is in pilot phase. Reach out to your Adyen contact if you are interested in testing it.
  • We created two new user roles:
    • Balance Platform Merchant Balance Sweep Configuration role: Enables you to configure sweeps (automatic transfers of funds).
    • Balance Platform Initiate Transfer Role: Enables you to manually transfer funds.

The following only apply to users working with Adyen Issuing.

  • In Card orders > Card order items, you can now see the Description and Reference of a payment instrument.
  • In the Transfers page, you can now apply an MCC filter and a Processing type filter.

In the Sweep configuration details, the Description field is visible again.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

You can now configure sweeps to transfer funds between balance accounts or to transfer instruments.
This feature is in pilot phase. Reach out to your Adyen contact if you are interested in testing it.

  • You can now hide the details sidepanel by selecting Hide details.
  • The new design of the Account holder details page is in pilot phase. Reach out to your Adyen contact if you are interested in testing it. Some improvements are:
    • The Transfer instruments tab, which shows information and errors related to bank accounts.
    • The Balance accounts tab, which includes the balance account status and any configured sweeps.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • You can now see the balance of a payment instrument in multiple currencies. View these balances in the Balance account details page of the payment instrument.
  • The search modal now shows more information about the search results.
  • We redesigned the Account holder details page. Content is now organized using tabs, making it easier to navigate.
    These improvements are in pilot phase.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • In Balance account > Sweep configuration, we added a Description field.
  • In Transfer details > Processing information, we added a Priority field for bank transfers.
  • In Transfer details > Counterparty details, we added more information fields.

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Hosted onboarding

Users can now search for and autofill their addresses.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • In Account holders, you can now select View liable account holder at the top-right corner of the page. This opens the details page of the liable account holder of your platform.
  • You can now see your user details by selecting your account button at the bottom of the navigation menu.
  • You can now filter transfers by using the Original amount as a parameter.
  • When updating the details of a user or an API credential, you can now instantly see the changes.
  • In the Card orders table, you can now see the shipment method and tracking number (if available).
  • We fixed the pagination of the Card orders table. You can now properly navigate a card orders table that has multiple pages.
  • The security details of a webhook now show the Username and password are set description after setting up basic authentication.
  • The Account holder details page now shows the + Request new capability button even if the account holder has no capabilities enabled.

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Hosted onboarding

When you include a redirectURL for your user, we added a button to help guide them back to your platform.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • You can now search for an account holder by using the name as a parameter.
    Note: This is only enabled when the legal entity type of the account holder is an organization.
  • In Account holder details > Entity associations, you can now see the name of the associated legal entities.
    Note: This is only enabled when the legal entity type of the account holder is an organization.
  • The header of the sidepanel is now consistent in every page.
  • Searching for a payment instrument using an IBAN now returns the correct results.
  • Deleted transfer instruments no longer show up in the Account holder details page.
  • You no longer need to generate an HMAC key when partially editing webhooks.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

You can now filter the Account holders list according to the capabilities they are enabled or allowed to use.


You can now search for an account holder by using the name of their legal entity as a parameter.


In Account holder details > Entity associations, you can now see the value of the Entity type.

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  • We improved the consistency of column Type in the Balance Platform Accounting Report. Previously, refund events showed type payment for statuses received and authorised. Now all refund events have a corresponding type refund. This change makes it easier to identify refunds.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • You can now request capabilities for account holders. On an Account holder details page, under the Capabilities section, select + Request new capability. You can only request capabilities that have been configured for your platform. Select the capability and if applicable, the level, then select Submit.
  • You can now enable and disable account holder capabilities. On an Account holder details page, select Edit next to the Capabilities section. Select the checkbox under Enabled, next to the name of the capability, to enable it. Clear the checkbox to disable it.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

We deployed the API credentials page. This page enables you to:

  • Create, update, and delete web service users.
  • Securely store and share API keys and passwords.
Known issues
  • The API credentials page currently has a replication delay. This means that any change you make in this page is not reflected immediately, but within one minute.
  • Documentation for the API credentials page is not published yet.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • We improved the query performance of the Balance accounts page.
  • The filter settings are now included in the URL of every applicable page. This enables you to share any filtered list with your collaborators.
  • We removed the Violated transaction rules information from the details of authorised transactions.
  • In the Card order items page, we improved the search functionality for payment instruments. You can now view payment instruments related to the specific card order instead of the whole platform.
  • The PSP payment reference link now redirects you to the corresponding Payment details page in the Customer Area.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

The filter settings on the Transfers page now form part of the page URL. This allows you to share particular lists of transfers with other members of your organization.


We reduced the loading time for the Account holders page.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

It is now possible to filter transfers by Type or Category.


We fixed the issue when searching for a transfer older than 6 months from the current date.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

We fixed the issue when you download a list of transfers on the Transfers page. The CSV file now shows all amount values.

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We deprecated the Balance Platform Received Payments Report. Use the Balance Platform Accounting Report, where you can get the details of the payments and transactions made by card users. You can generate and download the new report from the Reports page of your Customer Area.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • We fixed the permissions issue when creating a user. You can now assign the BalancePlatform Merchant Admin role.
  • We fixed the issue when creating a user with the same permissions as an existing user. You can now select the duplicate button in the Actions column next to the user that you want to duplicate.

To better align with our product offerings, we renamed Payments to Transfers in the Customer Area.


On the Transfers page, you can now download a filtered list of transfers in CSV format. Select Export. The results are based on your currently active filters and limited to 1000 rows.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • We added a details page for all balance accounts, where you can check the balances of the account and the details of the associated account holder. To access the balance account details page, select the Balance account ID on the Balance accounts page.
  • You can now search for balance accounts based on their ID.
  • We fixed the issue with the balance account details on the Account holder details page. We now display the current, available, and reserved balances in the Balance account section.
  • We fixed the display issue with the search modal. When searching for balance accounts or payments, now the modal closes automatically after selecting View payment or View balance account.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • You can now filter balance accounts based on their status, creation date, default currency, and associated account holder.

  • You can now access the release notes for Platforms and Issuing directly from your Customer Area by selecting Release notes in the menu.

  • On the Account holder details page, capabilities are now in a human readable format.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

At the top of the Payment instrument details page, we added a summary section.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • We have added a new Balance accounts page in the Customer Area to provide an overview of all balance accounts in your platform.

  • It is possible to view links and select links for the payment PSP payment reference and PSP modification reference. When you select a link, it redirects you to the Customer Area.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • On the Payments page, you can now filter payments by merchant name and merchant ID.
  • You can launch onboarding for an account holder in the Customer Area. The account holder needs to have at least one capability requested. Select an account holder ID and then select Go to onboarding in the Account holder details page.
  • On the Payment instruments page, you can now filter by payment instrument type.

We fixed the date filter on the Payments page so that the correct dates are now shown.

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Users can now add Adyen-issued physical cards to Apple Pay in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, and the United Kingdom. To enable this feature, contact our Support Team.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

You can now filter Account holders by status. Possible statuses are Active, Inactive, Closed, and Suspended.

  • We removed the Relayed authorisation reference, Processing type, and Entry mode fields from the payment inspector and Payment details page. These fields are only relevant for card issuing.
  • We removed transaction rules and card settings from the Payment instrument details page. These fields are only relevant for card payment instruments.

The payment instrument type is now shown on the Payment instruments page.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • Bank accounts are now listed on the Payment instruments page.
  • The following bank account details are shown in the payment instrument inspector and the Payment instrument details page: bank account number, status, issuer country, and scope.
  • You can now search for a bank account payment instrument by its IBAN.
  • In the payment instrument inspector or on the Payment instrument details page, you can see the amount, currency, and transaction ID for each journal event in the Payment Lifecycle.

We fixed the View payment instruments link when searching for an account holder on the Payment instruments page.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

On the Account holder details page, you can see information about the transfer instrument linked to the legal entity of the account holder. This includes the ID, type, IBAN, country code, and currency code.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

In the account holder inspector or on the account holder details page, you can now select View payments to see the list of payments for the account holder.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • You can now see the organization legal entity information on the Account holder details page.

  • We added the following new categories and fields to the Payments page (list and filters) and Payment details page:

    • PSP merchant reference
    • PSP merchant modification reference
    • PSP modification reference
    • PSP payment reference
  • The Original currency filter on the Payments page now shows all original currencies from the list of original amounts.

  • The Service center filter on the Card orders page now works as expected.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

On the Account holder details page, the summary now shows the account holder reference, description, and Legal Entity ID.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

When searching for an account holder in your Customer Area, you can now filter based on their creation date.


We fixed the issue with showing the incorrect default currency for balance accounts. Previously, we showed EUR as a default currency, even if that currency type was not configured.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • When a balance account contains multiple currencies, it is now possible to view the balances for each currency on the Account holder details page.
  • The capability verification statuses on the Account holder details page are now aligned with the statuses in the Configuration API. The possible values are valid, pending, invalid, and rejected.
  • On the Payments page, you can now search for payment IDs older than 6 months from the current date.
  • On the Account holder details page, the Capabilities section is expanded by default and shows the details about any underlying verification errors.
  • On the Payment details page, the Payment lifecycle section now shows the journal status of the payment instead of the journal type code. This matches the status column in the Balance Platform Accounting Report.
  • You can now see the Tx type and Tx category of a payment in the Processing information section of the Payment details page and the inspector of the Payments page.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • We added back the Merchant > Category code description to the Payment details page.
  • The Account holder details page now shows the legal entity details regardless of the scope in which it was created.

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Configuration API v2

Transaction rules

  • You can now define a scored-based outcome where you assign a positive or negative score to a transaction instead of immediately blocking it.
  • When defining time intervals, you can now use the following types:
    • rolling interval: you can define a custom reset date, time, timezone, and duration.
    • sliding interval: you can set a duration and the conditions will be evaluated up to the current time.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

You can now view the details of the legal entities linked to an account holder in the new Entity associations section of the Account holder details page.

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Transfers API v3
Breaking Changes
  • Each request must now have a category. This field indicates the type of transfer: internal for transfers to another balance account, or bank for transfers to a transfer instrument or a third-party bank account.
  • The priority field is now required for all transfers with category bank. The priority affects the speed of the transfer and the fees that you have to pay. Possible values are regular, fast, or wire.

Removed the bank object which used to contain the priority field. The priority field is now at the root level.

  • In addition to IBAN bank accounts, we now support transfers to third-party bank accounts in more countries and currencies. For more information, reach out to your Adyen contact.
  • The account holder details and bank account details are now in separate objects inside the counterparty.bankAccount object.
    • accountHolder: Contains the details about the owner of the bank account, including their name and address.
    • accountIdentification: Contains the details of the bank account.
  • You can now get the required fields when specifying the details of a third-party bank account based on the counterparty.bankAccount.accountIdentification.type.

    For example, for a bank account in Czech Republic, your user can provide either an IBAN or an account number. See more examples.

    Czech bank account accountIdentification.type Required fields
    IBAN iban iban
    Account number czLocal accountNumber, bankCode

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Your users can now add Adyen-issued physical cards to Apple Pay in Germany, the Netherlands, and Poland. To enable this feature, reach out to your Adyen contact.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • In the payment instrument details page, you can now see the description of the image used to personalize a physical card under Card order details > Card image.

  • In the payment instrument details page, the Batch address listed under Delivery now shows any address overrides you make when creating physical cards through API requests. If your /paymentInstruments request contains a bulkAddress override, this address is shown instead. If there are no overrides, the bulk address is shown in the configuration profile.


On the Payment details page, you can now view the references and descriptions for Account holders, Balance accounts, and Payment instruments.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • A Webhooks page is now available for all platforms in the Customer Area. You can create or update webhooks to receive notifications about events that occur in the balance platform.

  • We added a card order details section to payment instrument pages. Select Payment instruments and then select a payment instrument ID. You can view information such as the card order reference, configuration profile description, and currency.

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Balance Platform Customer Area

We added a new Card orders page in the Customer Area to provide an overview of all card orders in your platform. You can filter the orders based on their status, the service center handling the order, the profile reference, and the open, end, lock, and close date of the orders.
By selecting the order reference, you are directed to the Card order items page, where you can see the details of all the cards including a particular order. The page provides an overview of the cards' order statuses, payment instrument references, card holder names, truncated card numbers, the card expiration dates, types, and statuses, and any possible error messages related to the order items.

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We deprecated the Balance Platform Payment Accounting Report, and introduced the new Balance Platform Accounting Report, where you can have an overview of all transaction status changes. You can generate and download the new report from the Reports page of your Customer Area.

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Configuration API

This change only applies to v1.


In the test environment, when you create a transaction rule and link it to a payment instrument, the response now returns the paymentInstrumentId as expected.

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Balance Platform Customer Area
  • When viewing payments:

    • In the Merchant section, you can now find the Postal code of the merchant that processed the payment.
    • In the Processing information section, you'll now see the Processing type. This field shows the type of the transaction, such as if it was an ecommerce or point-of-sale payment, an ATM withdrawal, or a balance inquiry. Previously, this was called Shopper interaction.
  • When viewing the capabilities of an account holder, you will now see the column name ENABLED instead of ACTIVE. We changed the value to match the field that you receive in APIs and webhooks.

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Configuration API v2

Balance accounts

  • Removed the paymentInstruments array from the GET /balanceAccounts/{id} response. To get the list of payment instruments for a specific balance account, use the GET /balanceAccounts/{id}/paymentInstruments call.
  • Removed the sweepConfiguration object. This is now replaced by a sweeps resource. See New section below.

Payment instruments

  • Removed the houseNumberOrName and street fields from the card.authentication.deliveryContact.address object. To specify the street, house number, and other address details, use the new line1, line2, and line3 fields.
Breaking Changes
  • requestid replaces pspReference in all response headers.

Legal entities, documents, and transfer instruments

  • To prepare for changes in the future, we moved the legal entity and other supporting resources to a different domain: The corresponding endpoints have been removed from the Balance Platform Configuration API.

    When upgrading to Balance Platform Configuration API v2, make sure to:

Payment instruments

  • The list of possible values of the status field has been changed, and sending the new statusReason parameter is now required in some cases.
status v1 status v2 statusReason
status v1 status v2 statusReason
Active active Optional
Inactive inactive Optional
Requested inactive Optional
Suspended suspended Required
See possible values
Stolen suspended stolen
Lost suspended lost
Closed closed Required
See possible values


Payment instruments

  • Added a statusReason field to provide additional information for the status change of the payment instrument. Its possible values are: accountClosure, damaged, endOfLife, expired, lost, other, stolen, and suspectedFraud. statusReason is required when you change the status of the payment instrument to suspended or closed.
  • Added the line1, line2, and line3 fields to the card.authentication.deliveryContact.address object. You can use them as replacement for the removed houseNumberOrName and street fields to specify the address details.

Transaction rules

  • You can now apply a transaction rule to a balance account, account holder, or an entire balance platform by setting the entityKey.entityType to balanceAccount, accountHolder, or balancePlatform. See examples of use cases.
  • Added more conditions, such as internationalTransactions, differentCurrencies, and timeOfDay. See list of rule restrictions.
  • You can now specify how ruleRestrictions must be evaluated in the operation field.

Transaction rules
We deprecated the allowList as a rule type. Use the new operation field to specify how the conditions must be evaluated. For example, if you want to only allow transactions from the US and Canada, set the operation to noneMatch.

  "type": "blockList",
  "ruleRestrictions": {
    "countries": {
      "operation": "noneMatch",
      "value": ["US", "CA"]

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Transfers API v2
Breaking Changes