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Verification codes

Verification errors and remediation codes in webhooks or API responses

When a verification error occurs, Adyen uses specific verification codes. These codes provide information such as which checks failed and what your users can do to fix the errors.

  • Remediating action codes: Provides possible solutions to fix a verification error. Whenever possible, Adyen sends a remediating action for every error.
  • General error codes: Provides a broad description of the cause of the verification error.
  • Specific suberror codes: Provides a more granular and specific cause of the verification error. Suberrors are linked to the general error codes.

You can use the suberror codes to test different verification scenarios and build your verification error handling flows.

Checking the verification codes

Check the verification codes through API responses or webhooks, or through the Balance Platform Customer Area.

To check the verification codes, you can:

The verification codes are in the problems array.

Recommendations for API-only onboarding

When using API-only onboarding, we recommend that you build your error handling flows using the codes that best fit your use cases and available development resources.

We try to provide you with the most accurate feedback. This requires you to build your implementation so that it can handle all possible verification codes. Using all the codes allows you to resolve issues for your users by providing them with more information about errors and what they need to do next.

Problems array example

When a verification error occurs, you get information from the problems array in an API response or a webhook. This array contains the following.

  • entity object: The ID of the legal entity that has a verification error.
  • verificationErrors array: Contains the details of the errors. Each item contains:
    • type: The type of error. Possible values are invalidInput and dataMissing.
    • code: The general error code.
    • message: The general error message.
    • remediatingActions: This object is sent when there is a common remediating action in the suberrors. This contains a code and message.
    • subErrors array. Each entry contains a type, code, message, and a remediatingActions array.

Próximas etapas

Build your error handling flows using the codes below.