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Building a plugin

Use this guide to learn the requirements and best practices for building an Adyen plugin.

If you are building a plugin that connects an e-commerce platform to Adyen, your integration has to meet our requirements. We also provide some best practices and an integration toolkit that will help you build your plugin.

Become an Adyen partner

Follow these steps to become an Adyen partner:

  1. Sign up as a partner.
  2. Request access for the Partner Portal from the Partnerships team.

Have a look at our payment lifecycle to see what stages a payment goes through.


  • Choose one of our pre-built UI options, or create your own UI and build an API only integration.
  • Make sure your system remains up-to-date on payment events, status changes, disputes and more by setting up webhooks.
  • Identify your plugin by adding application info. This way we can inform you of relevant updates to our API, and offer other support.
  • Implement 3D Secure to comply with authentication regulations in regions where 3D Secure is mandatory for online payments.
  • Test your integration thoroughly using our testing documentation.
  • Make sure to include Adyen's required features and functionalities for integrations. You can find an overview of the requirements in the Partner Portal.

Best practices

  • Implement checkout sessions. If the technology platform for which you are building a plugin does not support a single-page checkout, implement the Web Components in a generic way to handle all possible actions. For an example code for a generic web components library implementation, see Adobe Commerce headless integration.
  • Save time by using our well maintained API Libraries that consume our latest APIs.
  • Offer subscription payments, automatic top-ups, or give your shoppers a faster checkout experience by implementing tokenization.
  • Because some customers want to capture on shipment, consider supporting both automatic and manual capture in the integration.
  • Make sure your integration can handle all webhooks. If the shopper abandoned the payment session, by supporting the OFFER_CLOSED webhook you will be able to clean up open orders and close the payment. Example code for supporting this webhook can be found in our Adobe Commerce code.
  • To support international and local shoppers, add more payment methods to your integration. Depending on what integration you implemented many local payment methods should be available with little or no additional development work.
  • Follow our Integration Security Guide to create a secure plugin.

Adyen integration toolkit

Stay up to date

  • We continuously update our products to fix bugs and release new features. Subscribe to our developer mailing list to ensure you stay up to date with our developer newsletter.
  • Watch out for Web components and checkout dependencies in new releases.
  • Make sure to keep your integration up to date and use the latest versions of our APIs.
  • Read our tech blog to learn about different types of digital payments fraud and our fraud prevention solutions.