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Adyen NetSuite reconciliation bundle

Use our bank reconciliation solution to fully automate your bank reconciliation process.

The Adyen NetSuite reconciliation bundle allows you to automate your reconciliation process. The bundle pulls in an Adyen Settlement Detail Report (SDR), uses the PSP reference and record type to match to transactions in Netsuite, and then creates deposits to Netsuite accounts.

Setup and installation

Before you start setting up the reconciliation bundle, make sure that you:

  1. Add your payout account and currency.
  2. Subscribe to the Settlement Detail Report.

Step 1: Install the Bundle

  1. Log in to your NetSuite Customer Center.
  2. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.
  3. Search for the ADYEN - Bank Deposit Reconciliation bundle (ID 226682).
  4. Select the name of the bundle.
    This opens the Bundle Details window.
  5. Select Install.
    This opens the Preview Bundle Update window.
  6. Select Install Bundle.
    The bundle installation may take a few minutes.

If no results show up when searching for the bundle, or if there is no Install button, then the bundle hasn't been shared with your account yet. Contact our Support Team and provide your NetSuite account number.

Step 2: Create the Integration Settings record

  1. Log in to your NetSuite Customer Center.
  2. Go to Setup > Integration > Adyen Integration Settings.
  3. Enter the following:
    • Domain Prefix: Enter either ca-test for testing or ca-live for production.
    • Report User Name: The name of your Adyen API credential for reporting. You can either create a new one with type Reporting, or use your existing one. You can find this in your Customer Area, under Developers > API credentials. The relevant API credential is of type Reporting.
    • Report User Password: The basic authentication password for your Adyen API credential for reporting.
  4. Select Save.

Step 3: Set up SDR Profiles

  1. Log in to your NetSuite Customer Center.
  2. Go to Transactions > Bank > Adyen SDR Profile > New.
  3. Fill in the Adyen SDR Profile Fields.
  4. Select Save.

Adyen SDR profile fields

Field Description
ID The NetSuite Internal ID of the Adyen SDR Profile record
Inactive Checking this box marks the Adyen SDR Profile record as inactive and will prevent it being used by the bundle.
Merchant Account ID The name of your Adyen merchant account. This is column B of your Settlement Detail Report from Adyen.
Subsidiary The subsidiary in NetSuite for which transactions will be matched and created by the bundle. You must create a separate SDR Profile for each subsidiary/currency.
Deposit account The Account record within NetSuite which will be used for any Bank Deposit records created by the bundle. This must be a valid account for creating Bank Deposit payments.
Currency The currency for which transactions will be matched using this profile.
If your Settlement Detail Report from Adyen contains more than one settlement currency for which you want to match transactions, you must create a separate Adyen SDR Profile record for each.
Invoice correction account (Not used) The NetSuite account that Invoice Correction values from the SDRs will be posted to. 
Consolidate Invoice Corrections (Not used) If checked, all lines on the SDR that contain an Invoice Correction amount will be summed up and posted as an Other Deposit line in the Bank Deposit record. If unchecked, each line on the SDR that contains an Invoice Correction amount will be added as its own Other Deposit line in the Bank Deposit record.
Commission account The NetSuite account that Commission values from the SDRs will be posted to.
This must be an account which is valid for use in the Other Deposits sublist when creating Bank Deposits via the UI. This excludes Bank, Deferred Expense, and Non Posting accounts.
Consolidate commissions If checked, all lines on the SDR that contain a Commission amount will be summed up and posted as an Other Deposit line in the Bank Deposit record.
If unchecked, each line on the SDR that contains a Commission amount will be added as its own Other Deposit line in the Bank Deposit record.
Consolidate commissions by Location If checked, SDR lines that contain a commission amount will be summed up and grouped according to the related transaction's location.
Markup account The NetSuite account that Markup values from the SDRs will be posted to.
This must be an account which is valid for use in the Other Deposits sublist when creating Bank Deposits via the UI. This excludes Bank, Deferred Expense, and Non Posting accounts.
Consolidate markups If checked, all lines on the SDR that contain a Markup amount will be summed up and posted as an Other Deposit line in the Bank Deposit record.
If unchecked, each line on the SDR that contains a Markup amount will be added as its own Other Deposit line in the Bank Deposit record.
Scheme account The NetSuite account that Scheme values from the SDRs will be posted to.
This must be an account which is valid for use in the Other Deposits sublist when creating Bank Deposits via the UI. This excludes Bank, Deferred Expense, and Non Posting accounts.
Consolidate schemes If checked, all lines on the SDR that contain a Scheme amount will be summed up and posted as an Other Deposit line in the Bank Deposit record.
If unchecked, each line on the SDR that contains a Scheme amount will be added as its own Other Deposit line in the Bank Deposit record.
Interchange account The NetSuite account that Interchange values from the SDRs will be posted to.
This must be an account which is valid for use in the Other Deposits sublist when creating Bank Deposits via the UI. This excludes Bank, Deferred Expense, and Non Posting accounts.
Consolidate interchange If checked, all lines on the SDR that contain an Interchange amount will be summed up and posted as an Other Deposit line in the Bank Deposit record.
If unchecked, each line on the SDR that contains an Interchange amount will be added as its own Other Deposit line in the Bank Deposit record.
Deposit balance adjustment account The NetSuite account that Deposit Balance Adjustment values from the SDRs will be posted to.
This must be an account which is valid for use in the Other Deposits sublist when creating Bank Deposits via the UI. This excludes Bank, Deferred Expense, and Non Posting accounts.
Fee account The NetSuite account that Fee values from the SDRs will be posted to.
This must be an account which is valid for use in the Other Deposits sublist when creating Bank Deposits via the UI. This excludes Bank, Deferred Expense, and Non Posting accounts.
Invoice Deduction Account This Expense Account that the Invoice Deduction SDR line should map to.
FX adjustment account The NetSuite account that FX Adjustment values from the SDRs will be posted to.
This must be an account which is valid for use in the Other Deposits sublist when creating Bank Deposits via the UI. This excludes Bank, Deferred Expense, and Non Posting accounts.
Chargeback Account The NetSuite account that Chargebacks, Chargeback Reversals, and Second Chargebacks are posted to.
Error notification email The email address that will receive notification of any SDR processing errors.
No SDR Warning Timeframe (Days) If set, a warning will be sent to the Error Notification Email if no SDRs have been received from Adyen in this many days.
Automatically Create Deposits If checked, Bank Deposit transactions will automatically be created whenever an SDR has been generated.
If unchecked, SDR records must be approved prior to Bank Deposit transactions being created.
Settlement Type Map In the Settlement Type Map field, select an existing record, or create a new mapping.
Bank Deposit Department The value for the Department field on the Bank Deposit transactions generated for SDRs.
Bank Deposit Location The value for the Location field on the Bank Deposit transactions generated for SDRs.
Bank Deposit Class The value for the Class field on the Bank Deposit transactions generated for SDRs.
Use Next Date for Evening Deposits If checked, an order with a settlement time after 5:00 PM Pacific time, the Deposit Date on the SDR will be set to the next day.

Create a new mapping

  1. Select the Settlement Type Map drop-down, and then select New.
    This opens a new Adyen SDR Settlement Type Map window.

  2. Fill in the fields. Each field name corresponds to a matching column header on the Adyen Settlement Detail Report CSV file, and must be populated with the script ID of its counterpart on your NetSuite transactions.

    The following field names refer to possible values in the Type column from the Adyen Settlement Detail Report CSV:


    Setting a saved search and PSP field ID for each of these types lets the bundle match lines with these types in the CSV to their corresponding transactions in NetSuite. The saved searches for each type should be left at their default values.

  3. Select Save on the bottom of the page.

Polling for new Settlement Detail Reports

Our solution is automated and runs in the background on a schedule. However you might sometimes want to manually start the process, for example due to employee schedules or end of month timelines.

To process outside of the normal schedule:

  1. Log in to your NetSuite Customer Center.
  2. Go to Transactions > Bank > Adyen – Bank Deposit Rec – Control Panel.
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen to:
    • Poll & Receive New SDRs
    • Find SDR Detail Matches
    • Create Bank Deposits

Check status

To view the status of your Settlement Detail Report:

  1. Log in to your NetSuite Customer Center.
  2. Go to Transactions > Bank > Adyen Settlement Detail Report.
    This opens a list of all your Settlement Detail Reports, along with a status for each.
  • If you see the Pending Approval status, select Approve. The reconciliation bundle status will change to Creating Deposits.
  • If you see an error status, troubleshoot the issue.

Manually upload a Settlement Detail Report

In some cases, you may want to manually upload an SDR into NetSuite, for example when doing advanced testing.
To manually upload an SDR:

  1. Log in to your NetSuite Customer Center.
  2. Go to Transactions > Bank > Adyen - Bank Deposit Rec - Control Panel.
  3. Prepare an Adyen SDR as a CSV file. You can download a sample report for examples of the included data.
  4. Drag and drop your CSV file to the Manual import: Drag and drop your SDR CSV file here field on the Control Panel.