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Upgrade the package

Upgrade the package for your Composable Storefront integration.

We recommend that you upgrade when we have a major release, such as v2.x.x. You can find the latest version on our npm repository and in our release notes.

  1. In the package.json file of your Retail React app, locate "dependencies". This field shows the version of your package, for example:
    "dependencies": {
      "@adyen/adyen-salesforce-pwa": "1.0.0"
  2. Change the version value to the version number you want to upgrade to. For example, if you want to upgrade to version 2.0.0:
    "dependencies": {
      "@adyen/adyen-salesforce-pwa": "2.0.0"
  3. Install the new version:
    npm install
  4. Build your app with the new version:
    npm install
  5. Follow the steps to deploy your app to MRT to deploy the new version.