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Updating orders

Learn about the webhooks that we send to inform you of the payment status.


To keep you updated on the status of a payment, we send you webhooks. The Adyen payments add-on for SAP Commerce (Hybris) accepts webhooks sent from Adyen using the controller under URL /adyen/v6/notification/json.

To receive webhooks, you first need to set up a standard JSON webhook in the Adyen Customer Area. Refer to Server webhook settings.

HTTP basic authentication

The webhooks are secured via HTTP basic authentication. You need to configure your username and password for basic authentication in the Adyen Customer Area when you set up webhooks, and also in your SAP back office. 

As an extra layer of security you can allowlist Adyen IP ranges so that the controller under /adyen/v6/notification/json is only available from the Adyen address space. 

Cron job

Adyen may send webhooks in batches, and their processing can be a resource-intensive procedure. The add-on provides the cron job AdyenProcessNotificationCronJob that processes webhooks regularly.

Event handling

The add-on handles webhooks by their eventCode

  • Authorization: Events are handled by registering the appropriate AUTHORIZATION transaction entry and emitting the AdyenPaymentResult event (or the AdyenAuthorized event for plugin versions below 7.0.0) to the corresponding order processes.
  • Capture: Events are handled by registering the appropriate CAPTURE transaction entry and emitting the AdyenCaptured event to the corresponding order processes.
  • Refund: Events are handled by registering the appropriate REFUND_FOLLOW_ON transaction entry and emitting the AdyenRefunded event to the corresponding return processes.
  • Cancellation: Events are handled by registering the appropriate CANCEL transaction entry.