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Upgrade the cartridge

We recommend that you upgrade when we have a major release.

If you are on a version that is not maintained according to our cartridge support schedule, we recommend that you upgrade to the latest release available for your integration:

To stay up to date on the released fixes and features, subscribe to our releases on GitHub.

The integration effort involved in upgrading depends on whether you have made any customizations to the cartridge.

There are different steps to follow for:

Default Integration

  1. Check which SFRA version is required for this upgrade and migrate if necessary. We recommend you use the latest version of SFRA.
  2. Download the Adyen cartridge version that you want to install from GitHub.
  3. Reupload the metadata:
    1. Include your customizations in the metadata file.
  4. Open the package/metadata/site_import/sites/ folder.
  5. Rename the yourSiteId (RefArch) folder to the ID of your site in your Salesforce Business Manager.
  6. Open the package/metadata/site_import/jobs.xml file.
  7. Rename the site-id to the ID of your site in your Salesforce Business Manager.
  8. Zip the site_import folder. 
  9. In the Business Manager, go to Administration > Site Development > Site Import & Export and import the zipped file.
  10. Run to following command from the root directory to transpile, compile and upload the compatible, auto-generated code:
    npm run build

Customized Integration

Before you begin, check if there are any breaking changes that affect your custom code.

  1. Extract any custom code you have added to the cartridge.

  2. Add the extracted custom code in a separate cartridge. For example, int_custom_cartridge.

  3. Check which SFRA version is required for this upgrade and migrate if necessary. We recommend you use the latest version of SFRA.

  4. Download the Adyen cartridge version that you want to install from GitHub. Create a folder with the downloaded cartridge.

  5. Re-upload the metadata:

    1. Include your customizations in the metadata file.
  6. Open the package/metadata/site_import/sites/ folder.

  7. Rename the yourSiteId (RefArch) folder to the ID of your site in your Salesforce Business Manager.

  8. Open the package/metadata/site_import/jobs.xml file.

  9. Rename the site-id to the ID of your site in your Salesforce Business Manager.

  10. Zip the site_import folder. 

  11. In the Business Manager, go to Administration > Site Development > Site Import & Export and import the zipped file.

  12. Run the following command from the root directory of the unmodified Adyen cartridge to transpile, compile and upload the compatible, auto-generated code:

    npm run build
  13. Run the following command from the root directory of your customized cartridge to transpile, compile and upload the compatible, auto-generated code:

    npm run build
  14. Check if the custom code is compatible with the new version and apply changes if needed.

  15. Adjust your cartridge path setup:

    1. In the Salesforce Business Manager, go to Administration > Sites > Manage Sites > [yourSite] > Settings.
    2. In the Cartridges field for SFRA, enter: int_custom_cartridge:YOUR_CARTRIDGE_PATH. The cartridge path depends on the version you are upgrading to:

      v23.3.2 or earlier v24.1.0 or later
      int_adyen_SFRA:int_adyen_overlay:app_storefront_base app_adyen_SFRA:int_adyen_SFRA:app_storefront_base
  16. Re-enable the Salesforce Business Manager configuration page.

Watch how to upgrade your customized SFCC cartridge:

Breaking changes for customized integrations

New versions may include changes that affect custom code, these are documented in our release notes as Breaking Changes. To see an overview of all breaking changes introduced between versions, use the What's changed? feature in our release notes.

The changes you must consider depends on the cartridge version you are upgrading from. For example, when upgrading from v21.2.0 to v23.1.0, you must not only consider the breaking changes in the v23.1.0, but all the breaking changes that were introduced between these versions.