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Account Updater results

Use this report to find the details of Account Updater requests.

The Account Updater results report shows a summary of Account Updater results in a specific date range. You can use this report to find the outcomes and statuses of account update requests, get a summary of Real Time Account Updater results, and find your Account Updater fees. This report is available in daily, weekly or in monthly intervals.

Generating and downloading: Get this report manually or automatically.

Time zone: CET time zone.

Multiple reports at once: Generate more than one Account Updater results report at a time in your Customer Area.

Availability: Available for company accounts and merchant accounts.


Download a sample Account Updater results report for examples of the included data.



The first three lines of the report is the summary. It shows the following information about the report:

Column Description
Company account Name of your company account as registered in the Adyen payments platform.
Merchant account Name of your merchant account.
Start date The start date of the included data.
End date The end date of the included data.
Timezone The time zone this report is based on.
Show merchant Whether your merchant name is shown in each entry.
Show acquirer Whether the Acquirer name is shown in each entry.
Show card scheme Whether the card scheme is shown in each entry. Possible values: true or false.
Show dates as The measure of time for each entry. Possible values: day, week, or month.


The report entries start after the summary lines.

Under the header line, each line in the report is a separate entry.


Each column shows specific information about the entries.

# Column Data type Description Example
1 Company account Alpha Text (80-character limit) Name of your company account as registered in the Adyen payments platform. {yourCompany}
2 Merchant account Alpha Text (80-character limit) Name of your merchant account. Column populated if Show merchant parameter is set to true. {empty}
3 Service Alpha Text (8-character limit) Shows how the Account Updater request was initiated. Possible values: batch, realtime. batch
4 Acquirer Alpha Text (80-character limit) Name of the Acquirer over which the Account Update request is processed. Column populated if Show acquirer parameter is set to true. {yourVisaAcquirer}
5 Card scheme Alpha Text Identifies the card scheme, possible values: visa, mc. Column populated if Show card scheme parameter is set to true. visa
6 Creation date Date field Date in which the Account Updater request was submitted to Adyen. Format depends on Show dates as parameter : day = 2019-04-30, week=2019-25, month=2019-04. 2019-04-30
7 Booking date Date field Date during which a response (e.g. account number changed) to the Account updater request was received. 01/05/2019
8 Total requests Integer Total number of requests submitted in the Creation date period. 544739
9 Responses received Integer Number of responses received until end date of the report. 544739
10 Responses pending Integer Number of requests for which no response has been received by end date of the report. 0
11 Responses - Account number changed Integer Number of requests for which the card number has been updated. 565
12 Responses - Expiry date changed Integer Number of requests for which the expiration date has been updated. 1441
13 Responses - Account closed Integer Number of requests for which the card has been closed and is no longer valid. 5302
14 Responses - Contact cardholder Integer (Visa only) Number of requests for which the card was updated, but new details are not available. Reach out to the cardholder for updated card information. 0
15 Responses - No change Integer Number of requests for which there have been no updates to the card details. 537431
16 Responses - Error Integer Number of requests which have not been updated due to a technical error. 0
17 Fee currency Alpha Text (3-character limit) Three character ISO code for the currency in which the Account updater fees will be charged. EUR
18 Fee - Account number changed Fixed point number Fee charged per Account number changed response. 0.25
19 Fee - Expiry date changed Fixed point number Fee charged per Expiry date changed response. 0.25
20 Fee - Account closed Fixed point number Fee charged per Account closed response. 0.25
21 Fee - Contact cardholder Fixed point number Fee charged per Contact cardholder response. 0.00
22 Fee amount Fixed point number Total cost which will be charged for the Responses on the monthly Adyen Invoice. 1827.00

See also