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Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) transactions and fees

See if transactions used DCC and the associated markup fees.

Looking for a DCC overview?

The DCC Overview dashboard in your Customer Area gives a high-level overview of your point-of-sale DCC acceptance and earnings.

If you have enabled Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC), you can:

Enabling DCC can affect your reconciliation process if you use an automated system. If you want more information before enabling it, contact your Account Manager or our Support Team.

Find markup fees

When DCC reporting is turned on, the Settlement details report has the following additional column that you can use to identify DCC markup fees: 

Column positionHeaderDescription

Position 24
(Column W)

DCC Markup (NC)

DCC markup in the settlement currency.

A negative amount indicates a credit in favor of the merchant.

See transactions that used DCC

When DCC reporting is turned on, the Received payment details report has the following additional column:

  • DCC declined – The shopper refused DCC and completed the transaction in the merchant's currency.

  • DCC not offered – The shopper and merchant both share the same currency, therefore DCC was not offered.

    Column positionHeaderDescription

    Position 44
    (Column AR)


    Indicates if DCC was used during the transaction.Possible values:

    • DCC accepted – The shopper accepted DCC and completed the transaction in their currency.

    See also