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Company Payout report

Use this report for an overview of payouts.

The Company Payout report is available in company accounts and includes additional data about events that occurred during the payout. You can use this report to:

  • Get an overview of successful, returned, and non-executed merchant payouts.
  • Analyze the latest status of successfully processed merchant payouts. The report includes the payout status at the moment that the report is generated.
  • Find returned merchant payouts and analyze the reason.
  • Find non-executed merchant payouts and analyze the reason.

Generating and downloading: Get this report manually or automatically.

Time zone: The time zone setting of your account.

Availability: Only available for company accounts.

Sample report

Download a sample Company Payout report for examples of the included data.

Report structure

There are several sheets in this report:

The entries in this report have a one-to-one relationship with entries in the Settlement detail report, which can be generated and downloaded for a merchant account.

Overview sheet

This sheet shows:

Payout summary table

This table shows the numbers of entries for each journal type in the other sheets. You can use this table to get an overview of payout-related events.


Under the header line, each line in the report is a separate entry.


Each column shows specific information about the entries.

Column Data type Description
Payout Summary String The journal type. For example: MerchantPayout, BankInstructionReturned, or BalanceTransfer.
Count Numeric The number of entries.

Merchant payout summary

This table shows the numbers of merchant payouts (MerchantPayout journal type) aggregated per executing partner bank and per currency.


Under the header line, each line in the report is a separate entry.


Each column shows specific information about the entries.

Column Data type Description
Executing Bank String The executing bank of the payouts.
Currency String The payout currency.
Status String The payout status.
Count Numeric The number of payouts.

The possible statuses, listed from usual chronological order, are:

  • Created: Merchant payout was created.
  • Sent: Merchant payout was sent and acknowledged by our partner bank.
  • Debit Confirmed: Merchant payout is debited from our accounts.
  • Credited: Merchant payout is credited. This is the final status for a successful payout.
  • Forwarded: Merchant payout was forwarded to another party for completion.
  • Rejected: The payout is rejected because there was an issue while processing the payout. This status is rare, and a final status.
  • Failed: Merchant payout attempt failed. The transfer will be returned or retried. Check the report later for the updated payout status.

MerchantPayout sheet

This sheet shows all MerchantPayout entries.


Under the header line, each line in the report is a separate entry. Each entry is a payout.


Each column shows specific information about the entries.

Column Data type Description
Bank Name String The executing partner bank.
JournalType String The MerchantPayout journal type.
Account Code String The Merchant Account code.
Currency String The payout currency.
Amount Numeric The payout amount.
Payable Number Numeric The batch number.
BankInstruction reference String The reference number of the bank instruction. This can usually be found on your received bank statement.
Status String The payout status.
Status Date Date field + Time field The date of the payout status.
Store Code String The store code of the Merchant Account. This does not always appear.

BankInstructionReturned sheet

This sheet shows all BankInstructionReturned entries.


Under the header line, each line in the report is a separate entry. Each entry is for a returned merchant payout.


Each column shows specific information about the entries.

Column Data type Description
JournalType String The BankInstructionReturned journal type.
Account Code String The reference code of the payout account.
Currency String The payout currency.
Amount Numeric The payout amount.
Payable Number Numeric The batch number.
BankInstruction Reference String The reference number of the bank instruction. This can usually be found on your received bank statement.
Returned Date Date field + Time field The date that the funds were booked back in the Payable. This is usually the date that the funds reached Adyen's bank account.
Reason Code String The reason code. This appears only if it is provided by the partner bank. The codes are specific to different currencies and regions.
Store Code String The store code of the Merchant Account. This is not always present.

BalanceTransfer sheet

This sheet shows all BalanceTransfer entries.


Under the header line, each line in the report is a separate entry. Each entry is for a non-executed payout.


Each column shows specific information about the entries.

Column Data type Description
JournalType String The BalanceTransfer. journal type.
Account Code String The reference code of the payout account.
Currency String The payout currency.
Amount Numeric The payout amount.
Payable Number Numeric The batch number.
Reason Code String The reason code.
Store Code String The store code of the Merchant Account. This is not always present.

See also