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Screen domestic sellers

Submit information about your domestic sellers to Adyen through the API.

On this page, we describe how you can submit the collected user data to Adyen through API requests, keep track of the results, and resolve screening errors.

To submit information about your domestic sellers to Adyen, you need to use LEM API v3 or v2.

Collect the required seller information from your user interface, then submit the information to Adyen through API requests.

Select either the Individual or Organization tab below to see how to create the relevant legal entity for a domestic seller:

To create a legal entity for an individual domestic seller, make a POST /legalEntities request specifying all the required information.

You need to request capabilities when you create the legal entity for the individual.

Parameter Required Description
type -white_check_mark- Set to individual.
individual -white_check_mark- Object that contains required information such as their name, residentialAddress, localization, birth data, and phone.
capabilities -white_check_mark- Contains key-value object pairs, with the key indicating which capability you want to request. Set the key to localAcceptance to indicate your request to screen for processing payments in Japan. In the object, set requested to true.

The following example shows how to create a legal entity for an individual seller.

The response returns the following:

  • id: unique identifier of the legal entity resource. You'll use this ID to keep track of the results in the webhooks.
  • capabilities.localAcceptance.verificationStatus: The capabilities object is returned if you requested a capability. The value is set to pending. This means that Adyen is running the screening checks. Proceed to the next step to get updates about the status of the screening.

Step 2: Get screening updates

To get updates about the screening, you must be able to accept webhooks. Adyen sends a legalEntity.updated webhook whenever there is an update in the screening. Alternatively, you can also make a GET /legalEntities/{id}request.

In the webhook or API response, check the verificationStatus field in the capabilities object. Your next step depends on the value.

Value Description Next step
pending Adyen is running the verification. Wait for further updates.
invalid The screening failed. There are unsupported data and the seller must update them, or the seller failed the screening. Your integration must be able to handle the errors and allow your sellers to update their data if needed. Check the screening errors and resolve, if possible.
valid The screening has been successfully completed. You can start processing payments for the seller.

The following are the example webhook payloads generated for the individual legal entity (LEM API v3). The payloads show when the screening is successful and when the capability is not allowed because the screening result is invalid.

When the checks have all been successfully completed, Adyen sends a legalEntity.updated webhook with:

  • verificationStatus: Set to valid.
  • allowed: Set to true.

Step 3: Resolve screening errors

If the verificationStatus is invalid, you can get more details from the webhook or API response. An invalid status can mean that the seller sent invalid data and they must update it, or the seller failed the screening. Your integration must be able to handle the errors and allow your sellers to update their data if needed.

  1. Check the problems array in the webhook or API response.
    • If the general error code is 1_12 with message Legal entity declined, the seller failed the screening. You must not process payments for them.
    • For other error codes, check the errors and the actions that your seller can take to resolve the error. For a full list of errors and remediating actions that you may receive, see verification codes.
  1. If the errors can be resolved by updating the seller's data, make a PATCH /legalEntities/{id} request to update the information. For example, when the seller reviewed their address and now needs to update it.

The response returns the updated legal entity. Adyen sends another legalEntity.updated webhook with the verificationStatus set to pending.

The seller is also able to use a PATCH /legalEntities/{id} request to update other information such as individual name and organization legal name for the legal entity.

The response returns the updated legal entity.