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Capabilities reference

The capabilities object

The capabilities object contains a set of key-value objects, with the capability as the key. For example, a key can be localAcceptance. The value is an object that contains the following parameters.

Parameter Data type Description
requested Boolean Indicates whether this capability has been requested.
allowed Boolean Indicates whether the capability is allowed.
enabled Boolean Indicates whether the capability is enabled.
verificationStatus String Indicates the status of the verification checks. Possible values are
  • pending - Adyen is running the screening checks.
  • invalid - The screening failed. Check if the errors array contains more information.
  • valid - The screening checks have been successfully completed. You can now process payments for the seller.
problems Array of objects When this array is not empty, this means that there are errors that you need to address before the capability can be evaluated.

The problems array

The problems array contains information about the entity that has errors, and the actions that you need to take. Each array entry contains an object with a unique entity.

Parameter Data type Description
entity Object Contains the entity type and id. The type is LegalEntity.
verificationErrors Array of objects Each array entry contains an object for each errorCode. The object also contains a corresponding message, a remediatingActions array, and a subErrors array when applicable.

For a full list of verification errors, refer to verification codes.

The verification errors array

The verificationErrors array contains information about the errors and the actions that you need to take. Each array entry contains an object with a unique errorCode.

Parameter Data type Description
errorCode String The main error code.
message String High level, human-readable description of the error.
type String The type of error. Possible values are invalidInput or dataMissing.
remediatingActions Array of objects Contains the code and message of the actions that you need to take to address the error.
subErrors Array of objects Contains specific information about the error when applicable. This array has the same schema as the verificationErrors array.

For a full list of suberrors, refer to verification codes.