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Screen your sellers in Japan

Learn how you can use Adyen APIs to screen your sellers in Japan.

This section applies to you if you are a merchant in Japan, and are processing credit card payments on behalf of your sellers.

Local regulations in Japan

Adyen is an acquirer registered with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI) and a member of the Japan Consumer Credit Association (JCA). As an acquirer and member of JCA, Adyen is required to comply with local laws and regulations. These are the laws and regulations stated in the Installment Sales Act (the basic supervisory policy of METI) and the self-regulatory rules of JCA.

What you need to do

To comply with local regulations in Japan, you must:

  1. Collect data from your sellers and provide the data to Adyen before they start selling. Adyen may also require the data at any time after they start selling.
  2. Check the screening results. If the seller passes the screening, you can process payments for them. If the screening fails, you must not process or discontinue processing payments for them.

Getting started

Before you begin, make sure that you reach out to your Adyen contact to:

Integration checklist

  1. Set up webhooks.
    Set up webhooks. Your server must be able to receive, accept, and process webhooks from Adyen.
  2. Identify the required information from your sellers.
    Check the required information.
  3. Start the screening process.
    Submit your seller's information through an API request.
  4. Handle the screening results.
    Adyen sends webhooks that contains the results, including errors and possible ways to resolve them. Your integration must be able to handle screening errors and allow your sellers to fix issues.

Go-live checklist

To start screening in the live environment, reach out to your Adyen contact to get your live API credentials.

  1. Update your code base.
    Update your code base to use your live API credentials:

    1. Switch to live Legal Entity Management API credentials.
      Reach out to your Adyen contract to configure and get your live API credentials. Copy these keys to your live platform.

    2. Switch from test to live endpoints.
      Change the test endpoint to live

  2. Run end-to-end tests.

Next steps