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User capabilities

Learn what capabilities your users can have in your platform

A capability is an action that a user can perform in your platform, for example, receiving payments.

In most cases, Adyen configures default capabilities for your business during the design phase. These capabilities are automatically requested for your users when you create merchant accounts for them. If a user needs a specific capability that is not part of their default configuration, you must request the additional capability.

It is possible that requesting additional capabilities prompts additional KYC checks on your users.

Depending on your settings, capabilities are requested automatically for new merchant accounts, or you have to request them separately when needed.

receivePayments Allows users to process and receive payments using a payment method.
sendToTransferInstrument Allows users to transfer funds to verified bank accounts. For example, when paying out to your users.

Verification status of a capability

The verification status of a capability indicates whether a user has passed KYC checks and meets requirements to use a specific capability.

To get updates about the verification status of a capability, you should listen to merchant.created and merchant.updated webhooks.

Here are the possible values for the capability verification status.

pending The pending status indicates that the verification is in progress.

At this verification phase, a capability requested for the first time is set to requested : true and allowed : false.

If the capability has already been allowed, but some user data has changed and needs to be verified, you may see that the capability verification status is pending and the capability is allowed : true. This means that the user is still allowed to use capability while Adyen performs the checks.
valid The valid status indicates that the verification is successfully completed and that the user meets the requirements to use a capability.

With this verification status, the user can use the capability. Adyen sets the capability to allowed : true.
invalid The invalid status indicates that the verification failed, for example due to incorrect information or missing documents. In this case, the webhook or the API response contains the problems object, including the verificationErrors, subErrors, and remediatingActions arrays returned on the linked legal entity. If there are verification errors, you must resolve them.

With this verification status, Adyen sets the capability to allowed : false. This means the user is not permitted to use the capability until all verification errors are resolved and the verification process is completed successfully.

If any user data changes or is missing after the previous verification has been completed successfully, Adyen reverts the capability verification status to invalid. In such a scenario, the user must provide the necessary information within a specific deadline. During this period, the user can continue using the capability, and its setting remains as allowed : true.
rejected The rejected status indicates that Adyen completed verification, but the user does not meet the requirements to use a capability based on the submitted information. This status is final and any errors cannot be resolved by updating data or uploading documents.

With this verification status, Adyen prohibits the user from performing the action and sets the capability to allowed : false.

Capability settings

The settings of a capability determine if it is available to a user and they can use it.

To get updates about the capability settings, you should listen to merchant.created and merchant.updated webhooks.

Setting Possible values Description


true, false

true: The capability has been requested. Default capabilities are requested automatically when you create a merchant account.

false: The capability has not been requested yet.


true, false

true: The verification is successful and the user is permitted to use the capability. The capability can only be used when it is both allowed and enabled.

In some scenarios, such as when a user changes their information, the capability is set to true while the verification status is pending or invalid . The user must provide updated information within the given deadline. During the deadline, the user can still use the capability while Adyen verifies the data.

false: The verification is pending , invalid , or rejected . The user is not permitted to use the capability.


true, false

This setting allows you to manage your users’ access to capabilities. Changing this setting does not trigger verification checks or prevent a capability from being requested.

Note that this capability can only be used if it is both enabled and allowed.

Set to true to offer the capability to the user. Set to false to prevent them from using the capability.