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Marketpay Payout Report

Use this report to reconcile each account holder's payout against debit and credit transactions.

Time zones

Your time zone setting affects the data in this report.

The Marketpay Payout Report is only available for Automatic payouts and provides information about automatic payouts that were initiated within the day. The report also includes which account holders have been paid out and which transactions (both debits and credits) were part of the payout.

To get the transactions included in the payout for a particular account, filter the report using the Account holder, Account, and Currency columns. We generate one record line per account, per currency.

If an account has pending transactions (for example, a pending refund or chargeback), the amount is withheld from the payout amount. In such cases, the payout line of that account shows a non-zero rolling balance. The rolling balance is added to the balance of the next report, so you can use these reports to make a full reconciliation.

Report name format: marketpay_payout_YYYY_MM_DD.csv
Subscription: Subscribe to this report in your Customer Area.
Frequency: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly


Download a sample Marketpay Payout Report for examples of the included data.


The first line of the report shows Marketpay Payout Report. The second line is the header line containing the following information.


Under the header line, each line in the report is a separate entry.


Each column shows specific information about the entries.

Column # Column Data type Description
1 Market Place Unicode Text Name of your marketplace or platform.
2 Account Holder Unicode Text The accountHolderCode you provided when you created the account holder.
3 Account Unicode Text
(9- or 16-character limit)
The accountCode of the account that belongs to the account holder.
4 Record Type Unicode Text The type of record included in a report. See Record types for a list of possible values.
5 Psp Reference Unicode Text
(16-character limit)
PSP reference for the action in the Adyen for Platforms system.
6 Payment Psp Reference Unicode Text
(16-character limit)
PSP reference of the payment in the PSP system/Customer Area. Can be empty if the action is not related to a payment.
7 Payment Merchant Reference Unicode Text
The reference you provided when you submitted the payment.
8 Capture Psp Reference Unicode Text
(16-character limit)
PSP reference for modification requests, such as a capture, refund, or chargeback request.
9 Capture Merchant Reference Unicode Text
The reference you provided when you submitted a modification. When capture delay is set to immediate, the value here is set to auto.
10 Payout Psp Reference Unicode Text
(16-character limit)
PSP reference of a payout.
11 Chargeback Psp Reference Unicode Text
(16-character limit)
PSP reference of a chargeback.
12 Booking Date Date field +
Time field
Timestamp created when the booking was submitted.
13 TimeZone Alpha Text
(4-character limit)
Timezone in which the report was generated.
14 Currency Alpha Text
(3-character limit)
Currency in which the action was performed or in which the payment/payout/fundTransfer was submitted.
15 Amount Fixed point number Amount defined in the split item line in the payment or payout/fundTransfer request.
16 Rolling Balance Fixed point number Balance remaining in the account after the payout. This is usually 0, except when balance is withheld (for example, when there is a pending refund). The rolling balance is added to the next report's rolling balance.

Record types

Record type Description
Credited The funds have settled
CreditReversed Adyen did not receive the funds and debits the original credited amount from the account.
CreditFailed The capture failed due to a technical issue, no funds were credited to the account.
Debited The funds were refunded
DebitedReversed An initiated refund was returned to Adyen and the funds are booked back to the account. For example, when the bank account of the cardholder was closed.
DebitFailed The refund failed due to a technical issue, no funds were debited from the account.
Chargeback Debit for a payment that was reversed by the bank, scheme, or the customer.
ChargebackReversed A previous chargeback was reversed after a payment was successfully defended, or after the shopper repaid.
SecondChargeback Debit for unsuccessful defense of a first chargeback.
FundTransfer Funds were transferred from one account to another.
Payout Funds were paid out to the account holder.
VirtualAccountPayoutReturned A payout could not be completed and the funds were returned to the account holder. For example, when the bank account of the cardholder is closed.
Deprecated ManualCorrected Manual booking or adjustment by Adyen, used in existing platforms.

For new platforms, this record type is replaced by the new record types: ManualCorrectionCredited and ManualCorrectionDebited.
TransferBalance Aggregate amount of debits and credits to the liable account. In previous versions of the report, this amount includes payment costs.

For new platforms, the TransferBalance only contains the aggregate amount of credits and debits that could not have been booked due to missing split instructions, missing split reference, or a technical issue. Other debits and credits are reported under new record types. For example, payment costs are reported under record type Fee.
New Fee * Adyen fees booked against your platform's liable account during the specified period. This is enabled by default for new platforms.
New DepositCorrection * Funds withheld from or released to your platform's liable account due to a change in the required security deposit (coverage of the exposure on the account). This is enabled by default for new platforms.
New InvoiceDeduction * Represents a monthly invoice that is credited to or debited from your platform's liable account. This is enabled by default for new platforms.
New MerchantPayin * A credit transfer or direct debit booked in your platform's liable account. This is enabled by default for new platforms.
New MerchantPayinReversed * A payment meant to top up or fund your platform's liable account goes through a chargeback. This is enabled by default for new platforms.
New ManualCorrectionCredited * Manual booking or adjustment by Adyen. The amount is added to the balance. This is enabled by default for new platforms.
New ManualCorrectionDebited * Manual booking or adjustment by Adyen. The amount is deducted from the balance. This is enabled by default for new platforms.

* This record type is used by default in new platforms. For existing platforms, contact our Support Team to enable the new record types.

See also