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Verification codes

Review the codes that Adyen sends to inform you of verification errors.

This page is for classic Adyen for Platforms integrations. If you are just starting your implementation, refer to our new integration guide instead.

When a verification error occurs, Adyen informs you by sending verification codes and descriptions through notification webhooks or API responses.

The descriptions are for you and should not be shared with your account holders as they might communicate information that can be used by malicious third parties. It is better to communicate general failures and request account holders to re-upload their details.

On this page, you'll find verification codes for version 5 and later. For version 4 and earlier, refer to v4 verification codes.

Identity verification

These codes can be returned when verifying the identity of an account holder.

Code Description
Code Description
1302 This user was not found in the database. Please update your personal details or upload a document.
1311 Please provide the identity document of the individual.
1312 Unacceptable risks associated with the accountholder.
1304 The maximum amount of retries has been surpassed. Please do not retry. Please provide a passport.
1320 The user is being manually reviewed by Adyen's onboarding team.
1330 Data is not valid.

Document verification

These codes can be returned when verifying document uploads.

Code Description
Code Description
1101 The ID document does not belong to the configured account holder. Please upload a document that does belong to the account holder or change the details of the account. If the document is the correct one, please double check there are no typing errors in the name or date of birth of the account holder.
1102 Not all details on document fully visible.
1103 Not a valid/high quality document.
1104 Document has expired.
1105 Document type not supported in this area.
1106 Data is not valid provided.
1107 The maximum amount of retries has been surpassed. Please do not retry. Document verification is pending.
1108 Not all security features are visible or readable in the image.
1109 Unable to process image; the resolution is too low.
1110 Unable to process image; the image is out of focus.
1111 Unable to process image; the image has too much glare.
1112 Unable to process image; the image is poorly exposed.
1113 Unable to process image; the image color depth is too low.
1114 Unable to process image; the image quality is too poor.
1115 Unable to process image; the file format, language, or document type is not supported.
1116 The image is in black and white; please provide a color image.
1117 Unrecognized document; please provide a supported document type.
1120 Possible fraud hit on account details. The user is being manually reviewed by Adyen's onboarding team.
1130 Data is not valid.
1151 Document does not belong to configured account holder.
1152 Not a valid document.
1153 The document is of insufficient image quality, please upload a clearer image.
1154 Document has expired.
1155 Document is not supported in this area; please upload passport or national ID.
1156 MRZ code is missing / obstructed.
1157 Please provide front and back of the ID.
1158 Last name on the document does not match that of accountholder.
1159 First name on the document does not match that of accountholder.
1160 DOB on the document does not match that of the accountholder.
1161 Document contains sensitive information.

Bank account verification

These codes can be returned when verifying the bank account of an account holder.

Code Description
Code Description
3101 Owner and/or account number do not match configured details.
3102 Owner and/or account number missing from document.
3103 Not a valid high quality bank document.
3104 Unable to verify bank account with information provided. Please verify that the information provided is correct. If the information is correct, provide a bank statement clearly showing the bank logo, bank account number, and account holder name. This statement must verify that the bank account details are tied to the individual who is being verified.
3105 Bank statement older than 3 months.
3106 Not a valid bank statement.
3109 The maximum amount of retries has been surpassed, please provide a document.
3110 The maximum amount of retries has been surpassed. Please do not retry. Document verification is pending.
3111 The routing number provided is incorrect. Please provide the correct ABA routing number associated with this account.
3112 The account number provided is incorrect. Please provide the correct account number.
3113 This institution is not programmatically covered. Please use a different financial institution or upload a copy of your bank statement.
3114 This institution is not eligible for payouts on Platforms. Please provide a different bank account.
3120 The user is being manually reviewed by Adyen's onboarding team
8000 There was a technical issue when processing verification checks. A retry has been scheduled.
3130 Data is not valid.
3151 Bank logo not on statement.
3152 Account number not on statement.
3153 Account owner name not on statement.
3154 Account number on statement does not match account holder entered information.
3155 Bank account does not belong to account holder.
3156 Image quality of statement not sufficient.
3157 Document type not accepted.
3158 Bank logo and account number not on statement.
3159 Bank logo, account number, and account owner name not on statement.
3160 Account number, and account owner name not on statement.
3161 Bank logo and account owner name not on statement.
3162 Bank account country does not match accountholder location.
3163 Document contains sensitive information.

Company verification

These codes can be returned when verifying the company information of an account holder.

Code Description
Code Description
2101 Business registration and/or company name and/or the shareholders appear to be incorrect.
2102 The maximum amount of retries has been surpassed. Please do not retry. Please provide a document.
2120 The account is under manual risk evaluation, this evaluation may take longer than the usual approval times.
2130 Business registration and/or company name and/or the shareholders appear to be incorrect or cannot be verified.
2151 An individual appears to have on-boarded as a business. Please complete the individual on-boarding flow.
2152 Business entity name could not be verified.
2153 Business registration number could not be verified.
2154 Business VAT number could not be verified.
2155 Could not verify connection between individual listed as shareholder and the legal entity.
2156 The submitted address does not match the company extract.
2157 The submitted business registration number does not match the company extract.
2158 The submitted legal name does not match the company extract.
2159 The doing business as name is provided as legal name.
2160 The submitted country does not match the company extract.
2161 The address is a PO box.
2162 The company extract does not contain the legal name.
2163 The company extract does not contain the business registration number.
2164 Unrecognized document; please provide a supported document type.
2165 Unable to process image; the image quality is too poor.
2166 The legal entity type submitted in the application does not match documentation provided (Trust). Update legal entity type.
2167 The legal entity type submitted in the application does not match documentation provided (Partnership). Update legal entity type.
2168 The legal entity type submitted in the application does not match documentation provided (Business). Update legal entity type.
2169 The legal entity type submitted in the application does not match documentation provided (Individual). Update legal entity type.

See also