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Customize HOP appearance

Customize your Hosted Onboarding Page to fit the look and feel of your own website.

This page is for classic Adyen for Platforms integrations. If you are just starting your implementation, refer to our new integration guide instead.

You can customize your Hosted Onboarding Page (HOP) to fit the onboarding style of your platform.
In Customer Area, you can configure how the page is displayed, including:

You can further customize the onboarding experience, like making the flow more modular, through a set of parameters in /getOnboardingUrl.

Enable the page header

You can decide whether to use a navigation header on your HOP, which also changes the position of the logo if you have added one.

To change the header settings, you must have the Manage HOP settings role enabled for your Customer Area user. If you don't have the role, contact your Admin user.

  1. Log in to your Customer Area and select Platform > Configure > Hosted Onboarding.
  2. Select one of the following options:
    • With default header: The logo appears in the top-left corner, and the language selection and the Help button appears in the header of the page.
    • Without header: The logo appears at the top center, and the language selection and the Help button appears at the bottom of the page.

You can add a customized logo shown to your HOP.

To add or change the logo, you must have the Manage HOP settings role enabled for your Customer Area user. If you don't have the role, contact your Admin user.

  1. Log in to your Customer Area and select Platform > Configure > Hosted Onboarding.
  2. Upload a logo for your onboarding page with the following image requirements:

    • Maximum size: 400 x 128 pixels
    • File types: JPG, JPEG, PNG, SVG
    • Maximum file size: 100KB

Change the background

You can change the background color or upload an image to use as background of your HOP.

To change the page background, you must have the Manage HOP settings role enabled for your Customer Area user. If you don't have the role, contact your Admin user.

  1. Log in to your Customer Area and select Platform > Configure > Hosted Onboarding.

  2. To use an image as the background, select the Background image option and upload an image with the following requirements:

    • File types: JPEG, PNG, SVG
    • Maximum file size: 5MB
  3. To change the background color, select the Background color option, then enter the hexadecimal code of the chosen color (#RRGGBB format).

Add an FAQ URL

You can include a link to your Frequently Asked Questions page. It will appear when account holders select the Help button, below Adyen's FAQ.

To add the address of your FAQ page to HOP, you must have the Manage HOP settings role enabled for your Customer Area user. If you don't have the role, contact your Admin user.

  1. Log in to your Customer Area and select Platform > Configure > Hosted Onboarding.
  2. Enter the URL in the Additional URL for FAQs field.