This page is for classic Adyen for Platforms integrations. If you are just starting your implementation, refer to our new integration guide instead.
This page contains codes and descriptions of all errors that may occur when you communicate with the Platforms API. These codes are returned in the errorCode
fields in both the Platforms API response and in the notifications.
General error codes
These are the common error codes, which may be returned when you communicate with Adyen for Platforms:
Error code | Description |
Error code | Description |
10_001 | Internal timeout |
10_002 | Internal error: message='{0}' |
10_003 | Failed to authorize user |
10_004 | Account with accountCode='{0}' does not exist |
10_005 | Account already exists: accountCode='{0}' |
10_006 | Failed to create account: accountCode='{0}' |
10_007 | Failed to create account: accountCode='{0}'; message='{1}' |
10_008 | Invalid accountCode: accountCode='{0}'; pattern='{1}' |
10_009 | Invalid email address: '{0}'' |
10_010 | Account with accountCode='{0}' has already been closed |
10_011 | Failed to close account: accountCode='{0}' |
10_012 | Invalid account type: accountCode='{0}', type='{1}', expected='{2}' |
10_013 | Failed to upload document '{0}' |
10_014 | Shareholder with code='{0}' does not exist |
10_015 | Required field '{0}' is not specified |
10_016 | The country code '{0}' is not supported |
10_017 | No content supplied for document '{0}' |
10_018 | File '{0}' can possibly contain malware or a virus. Not accepted |
10_019 | Failed to delete bank accounts for account holder '{0}' |
10_020 | Failed to delete shareholders for account holder '{0}' |
10_021 | Failed to retrieve documents for account '{0}' |
10_022 | Failed to get account details for account '{0}' |
10_023 | Failed to get legal entity type for account '{0}' |
10_024 | Invalid accountstatus '{0}' |
10_025 | Invalid Notification Service Version '{0}' |
10_026 | Invalid Notification URL '{0}' |
10_027 | Not able to determine accountHolder balance |
10_028 | Amount not specified |
10_029 | Invalid amount '{0}' |
10_030 | Events cannot be included and excluded from the notification in the same time. Invalid events: {0} |
10_031 | Notification configuration cannot be saved. Details: |
10_032 | There is no notification configuration with id {0}, defined for marketplace {1} |
10_033 | Notification configuration {0} cannot be retrieved |
10_034 | Notification configurations {0} cannot be deleted |
10_035 | Failed to retrieve account holder '{0}' |
10_036 | Details of account {0} cannot be saved |
10_037 | The minimum accepted file size : {0} bytes. The size of the file '{1}' is {2} bytes |
10_039 | File '{0}' is of invalid format. Accepted formats: pdf, jp(e)g and png |
10_046 | Bank account not found, accountHolder: '{0}', bankAccountUUID: '{1}' |
10_047 | Failed to retrieve account holder review information |
10_048 | There is no review information with review id '{0}' |
10_049 | Failed to update account holder review information for review id '{0}' |
10_050 | There is no review comment specified for review id '{0}' |
10_051 | Cannot update review with review id '{0}'. The status '{1}' is not a final status |
10_052 | Cannot update review with review id '{0}', since it is already in the final status |
10_053 | Notification configuration {0} cannot be saved, since its description is missing |
10_054 | Notification configuration {0} cannot be saved, since description '{1}' has already be reserved for another configuration. Please provide another description. |
10_055 | Marketplace with code='{0}' does not exist |
10_056 | Modification of KYC check review '{0}' is not allowed |
10_057 | KYC check review retrieval is not allowed |
10_058 | Payout limit reached for account '{0}', limit: '{1}' |
10_059 | Failed to suspend account: accountCode='{0}' |
10_060 | Failed to unSuspend account: accountCode='{0}' |
10_061 | Operation not allowed because of account status. accountCode: '{0}', status: '{1}' |
10_062 | Processing is not allowed because the account holder {0} is not in the processing state. |
10_063 | Payout is not allowed because the account holder {0} is not in the payout state. |
10_064 | Unable to retrieve KYC verification statuses for account holder {0} |
10_066 | There is not enough balance available for account {0}. Available balance: {1}; Requested amount: {2} |
10_067 | Not able to find bank account for {0} in currency {1} with bank account UUID {2} |
10_068 | Not able to find bank account for {0} in currency {1} |
10_069 | Payout has been failed for account {0}. Details: {1}. |
10_070 | Filename is missing for the document being uploaded. Account holder code: {0} |
10_071 | When disabling account holder state, a reason must be specified |
10_072 | Failed to update state {0} for account holder {1} |
10_073 | Unknown Tx Satus: {0} |
10_074 | The bankAccountUUID is missing, this is required for bank statement upload |
10_075 | Processing limit reached for account '{0}', limit: '{1}' |
10_076 | No transferCodes configured for Marketplace |
10_077 | Provided transfer code cannot be used |
10_078 | Fund transfer failed for account {0} |
10_079 | Source and destination must be different accounts |
10_080 | No account holder or account specified |
10_081 | Both bank account and shareholder specified |
10_082 | KYC Check {0} not defined for owner {1} |
10_083 | KYC check {0} is already in state {1} |
10_084 | Schedule '{0}' is unknown |
10_085 | Beneficiary flow not allowed for marketPlace |
10_086 | Account {0} already has a beneficiary setup |
10_087 | Account {0} has already been paid out |
10_088 | The maximum accepted file size : {0} bytes. The size of the file '{1}' is {2} bytes |
10_089 | Not allowed to transfer a negative amount. Amount: {0} |
10_090 | Bank account with uuid {0} of account {1} already exists. |
10_091 | The liable account holder, {0}, can not be modified, please contact Adyen Support for modifications. |
10_092 | When disabling account schedule, a reason must be specified |
10_093 | Existing beneficiary transfer in progress for account, please try again later. |
10_094 | Either shareholder code or bank account UUID, but not both of them, can be provided in order to retrieve account holder documents |
10_095 | The beneficiary account holder {0} has not completed onboarding requirements for a tier equal to or higher than the benefactor account holder {1} |
10_096 | Increasing the tier for account holder {0} is not possible |
10_097 | Provided {0} tier {1} is invalid |
10_098 | Neither data provided for account holder update request |
10_100 | The document '{0}' has already been uploaded |
10_102 | The provided legal entity type {0} is not valid |
10_103 | The provided primary currency {0} is not valid |
10_104 | Shareholder codes {0} cannot be deleted, as business account {1} must have at least one shareholder. |
10_105 | The shareholderCode is missing. This is required for a photo ID upload for shareholders |
10_106 | The image uploaded is too small. The minimum accepted image file size : {0} bytes. The size of the file '{1}' is {2} bytes |
10_107 | When manually disabling payouts internal and external reasons must be provided |
10_108 | Provided document {0} is deemed invalid, it could not be read |
10_109 | The document {0} exceeds the maximum allowed number of pages {1} |
10_110 | Invalid accountCode: accountCode='{0}'; reason='{1}' |
10_111 | Payout schedule cannot be modified, it is blocked at marketplace |
10_112 | There is not enough balance available in the marketplace virtual account to perform an express payout. Available balance: {0}; Requested amount: {1} |
10_113 | Validation error occurred, see invalidFields property |
10_114 | The provided Hmac key is invalid. A 32 bytes key is required |
10_115 | Failed to close account: accountCode='{0}'. Non-zero balance remaining. |
10_116 | Failed to close accountHolder: accountHolderCode='{0}'. Non-zero balance remaining. |
10_117 | Failed to close accountHolder: accountHolderCode='{0}' |
10_118 | Not able to find payout method for {0} with payout method code {1} |
10_119 | Bank account and payout method cannot both be present in the request |
10_120 | idNumber field and documentData field not allowed in the same time on personalData object with different value |
10_121 | The provided document type {0} is not supported. |
10_122 | Bank statement is not allowed for shareholders. |
10_123 | ID document is not allowed for bank accounts. |
10_124 | The marketplace is not allowed to use the HOP service |
10_125 | There is no valid stores configuration found on the marketplace account |
10_126 | There is no return url configured to use the HOP service |
10_127 | Store not found, accountHolder: '{0}', storeCode: '{1}' |
10_128 | Invalid operation for current store status, accountHolder: '{0}', storeCode: '{1}', status: '{2}' |
10_129 | Store does not belong to account '{0}', storeCode: '{1}' |
10_130 | Failed to initiate the automated direct debit. |
10_131 | HOP cannot be used on SUSPENDED or CLOSED accounts. |
10_132 | Payout has been failed for account {0}. Details: Invalid Account Number. |
10_133 | Payout has been failed for account {0}. Details: Invalid ACH Routing Number. |
10_134 | Payout has been failed for account {0}. Details: No Account/Unable to Locate Account. |
10_135 | Payout has been failed for account {0}. Details: Account Closed. |
10_136 | The maximum number of chained beneficiaries has been reached |
10_137 | Failed to retrieve account holder by legal entity reference '{0}' |
10_138 | Payout method with code {0} of account holder {1} already coupled with an account. |
10_139 | The marketplace is not allowed to use the PCI Questionnaire |
10_140 | Invalid tax form type '{0}' requested. |
10_141 | No tax form available for the selected year. |
10_142 | Legal arrangement with code='{0}' does not exist |
10_143 | Legal arrangement entity with code='{0}' does not exist |
10_144 | The document type '{0}' is not allowed for {1} |
10_145 | Failed to initiate the direct debit for account holder. |
10_146 | Debit Account Holders has not been enabled for this marketplace. |
Account holder error codes
These error codes may be returned when you manage account holders by making /createAccountHolder
and /updateAccountHolder
Error code | Description |
Error code | Description |
1 | Field is missing |
2 | Email address is invalid |
3 | Country code is invalid |
4 | Value contains illegal characters (numbers) |
5 | URL is invalid |
6 | Date is not in a format yyyy-MM-dd |
7 | Date is not in a valid range (1900 - now) |
8 | Bank details are invalid |
9 | Postal code is invalid for the country ç |
10 | State code is invalid, should be 1-3 characters |
11 | State code is unknown for the country |
12 | AccountHolderDetails.fullPhoneNumber and AccountHolderDetails.phoneNumber provided, please provide one or another |
13 | fullPhoneNumber is not a valid phone number |
14 | phoneNumber is too short |
15 | Country is not supported |
16 | Unknown currency |
17 | IBAN and accountNumber/branchCode/bankCode are specified, please provide one or another. |
18 | Can not determine bank code from branch code {0} and account number {1}, please supply bank code. |
19 | Provided tier number {0} is not valid, value needs to equal or higher then 0 and lower or equal than the maximum available tier. |
20 | Field should not be filled for country {0}. |
21 | Account description '{0}' is not valid. |
22 | This currency and/or country is not supported for payouts. |
23 | Account holder code does not exists or invalid. |
24 | Business details field not allowed on individual account. |
25 | Individual details field not allowed on business or non-profit account. |
26 | No tier configuration found for account. |
27 | Account update not allowed. |
28 | Account holder already exists with the accountHolderCode: {0}. |
29 | Account code does not exist or invalid. |
30 | Field should not be filled. |
31 | Account holder does not exists with the accountHolderCode: {0}. |
32 | Account holder update not allowed. |
33 | Account has an invalid status for requested operation, current status: {0}. |
34 | An invalid {0} code is provided for value '{1}'"), // e.g. An invalid bankAccount code is provided. |
40 | No document content was provided. |
41 | The maximum accepted file size : {0} bytes. The size of the file '{1}' is {2} bytes. |
42 | The image uploaded is too small. The minimum accepted image file size : {0} bytes. The size of the file '{1}' is {2} bytes. |
43 | File '{0}' can possibly contain malware or a virus. Not accepted. |
44 | The document '{0}' has already been uploaded. |
45 | File '{0}' is of invalid format. Accepted formats: pdf, jp(e)g and png. |
46 | The document {0} exceeds the maximum allowed number of pages {1}. |
50 | Bank account does not exist for bankAccountCode: {0}. |
51 | Currency code is invalid. code: {0}. |
52 | Amount is negative or zero. value: {0}. |
53 | Source and destination must be different accounts. |
54 | Not enough balance. |
55 | Account holder has an invalid status for requested operation, current status: {0}. |
56 | Account holder {0} has beneficiary setup. Fund transfer is not allowed. |
57 | Fund transfer/payout is not allowed for account: {0} |
58 | Outgoing transfer/payout limit reached for account '{0}', limit: '{1}' |
70 | Shareholder does not exist for shareHolderCode: {0}. |
71 | Shareholder codes {0} cannot be deleted, as business account {1} must have at least one shareholder. |
72 | Payout instrument token does not exist for payoutInstrumentTokenCode: {0} |
73 | Bank account and payout instrument token cannot both be present in the request. |
74 | P.O. Boxes are not allowed. |
75 | Bank statement is not allowed for shareholders. |
76 | ID document is not allowed for bank accounts. |
77 | Value {0} contains invalid characters. |
78 | No phone number or email found in the request. Please provide at least one. |
79 | Invalid POS stores configuration for marketplace. Reason: {0}. |
80 | The provided {0} tier may not be lower than or equal to the account holder's current Processing tier. |
81 | The provided {0} tier may not be lower than or equal to the account holder's current Payout tier. |
82 | Store does not exist for account '{0}', store: '{1}'. |
83 | Invalid operation for current store status. store: '{0}', with status: '{1}'. |
84 | Payout method with {0}: '{1}' not verified. |
85 | No verified payout method could be found for accountHolderCode : '{0}'. |
86 | Stores cannot be created in countries different from the account holder's address country. |
87 | Invalid bankAccountDetails in combination with resulting field value. Reason: {0}. |
88 | There is no user configured to use the HOP service. |
89 | There is no return URL found for the request. |
90 | The max no. of allowed chars in the URL are: {0}. |
91 | The return URL specified is invalid. |
92 | The fullPhoneNumber must be in the format of a beginning plus (+) followed by the country code and phone number. Only digits and the leading plus are permitted. |
93 | Error with the countryCode |
94 | Error with the accountNumber |
95 | Error in the bankAccountName |
96 | Error with the bankCode |
97 | Error with the branchCode |
98 | Error with the checkCode |
99 | Error with the iban |
100 | Error with the bankBicSwift |
101 | Error with the ownerName |
102 | Error with the bankCity |
103 | Error with the ownerCity |
104 | Error with the ownerStreet |
105 | Error with the stateOrProvince |
106 | Error with the ownerPostalCode |
107 | Error with the ownerCountryCode |
108 | Error with the accountType |
109 | Error with the taxId |
110 | Bank account already registered for this account holder with bank account UUID. |
111 | Bank account not found for current currency and UID. |
112 | Bank account country cannot be different from address country except for EU. |
113 | To create POS stores in this country, a valid registrationNumber (for businesses) or passport number (for individuals) must be present. |
117 | "There is no valid configuration for the provided verification profile, legal entity and country. |
118 | Registration number '{0}' is not a valid for country '{1}' |
119 | Given value '{0}' contains leading and/or trailing spaces |
120 | Market Identifier Code '{0}' is not a valid. The MIC is 4-character alphanumeric code. |
121 | International Securities Identification Number '{0}' is not a valid. The ISIN is 12-character alphanumeric code. |
122 | Please specify Stock number or Ticker symbol |
123 | The legal entity type can only be changed when there are no stores with an active or pending status |
124 | Payout method with payout method code {0} already coupled with an account. |
125 | Virtual account does not exists with the account code: {0} |
125 | Account: {0} is not a parent for virtual account: {1} |
126 | Year is missing |
127 | Invalid year {0} provided |
128 | Invalid form type {0} provided |
129 | The member '{0}' is not allowed for legal arrangement type '{1}' |
130 | The legal form '{0}' is not allowed for legal arrangement type '{1}' |
131 | The legal arrangement with code '{0}' does not exists |
132 | The legal arrangement entity with code '{0}' does not exists for legal arrangement '{1}' |
133 | Split data is missing |
134 | The split total does not match the debit amount |
135 | Instant verification of type {0} is not applicable. |
136 | Request is not valid, because it contains duplicate signatories. |
137 | Signatory does not exist for signatoryCode: {0} |
138 | Principal Address country cannot be different from address country except for EU |
139 | Operation not allowed on legalEntity: {0} |
140 | Signatory codes {0} cannot be deleted, as business account {1} does not have all the signatories. |
141 | Unrecognized stock exchange (MIC) provided |
142 | Unapproved stock exchange (MIC) has been identified as high risk/inactive |
143 | Stock field prohibited unless legal entity is of type 'PublicCompany'. |
144 | Request is not valid because ultimateParentCompanyCode should be given |
145 | Ultimate Parent Company does not exist for ultimateParentCompanyCode: {0} |
147 | ID document is not allowed for ultimate parent company. |
148 | Bank statement is not allowed for ultimate parent company. |
149 | There is no matching split configuration for the UUID provided: {0} |
150 | Payout schedule cannot be modified, it is blocked at marketplace |