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Configure notifications for risk signals

Learn how to set up and test notifications for risk signals in your platform.

This page is for classic Adyen for Platforms integrations. If you are just starting your implementation, refer to our new integration guide instead.

When a new risk signal triggers for an account holder, Adyen can send webhooks to your server. If you want to get notified of these events, you can subscribe to the webhook.

This works the same way as adding other webhooks. The event type for risk signals is SCORE_SIGNAL_TRIGGERED.

You can add a new notification configuration, or you can update your existing configuration.

After you have completed your setup, notify us so that we can turn on the webhook notification.

Create a notification configuration

Make a POST /createNotificationConfiguration call, passing the URL where the notifications should be sent, and the notification type.

Create notification configuration
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curl \
-H 'x-API-key: YOUR_X-API-KEY' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"active": false,
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"pspReference": "XB7XNCQ8HXSKGK82",
"configurationDetails": {
"active": true,
"eventConfigs": [
"includeMode": "INCLUDE"
"notificationId": 12345,
"notifyURL": "",

Update a notification configuration

If you have already have an existing notification configuration, you can update your notification setup.

Make a POST /updateNotificationConfiguration call and pass the new setting as its parameters. The notification to be updated is specified by the notificationId value.

Update a notification configuration
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curl \
-H 'x-API-key: YOUR_X-API-KEY' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
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Example notification

The following is an example notification body for the SCORE_SIGNAL_TRIGGERED event type, triggered by the EmailSyntaxCheck risk signal.

Example notification
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"eventDate": "2022-04-05T13:29:15+02:00",
"executingUserKey": "IdentityRisk",
"live": "false",
"mimeType": "genericNotification",
"pspReference": "JDD6LKT8MBLZNN84",
"content": {
"accountHolderCode": "YOUR_ACCOUNT_HOLDER_CODE",
"riskScore": 80,
"scoreSignalsTriggered": [