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Determine verification requirements

Learn what verification information you must collect from your users

When starting the verification process, you must collect and submit the required verification information from your user. These requirements depend on:

In addition to the minimum required information based on the country/region and legal entity type, when issuing cards you must also collect your user's VAT number. If they are operating in a country/region that does not have VAT system, collect their tax ID instead.

This page helps you determine what verification requirements apply to your users based on these factors.

Country/region of operation

Verification requirements vary based on the regulations in the country/region where your user is operating in. For example, in Belgium, a sole proprietorship is required to have a registration number, while this is not required in the United Kingdom.

See minimum required information for more details on the requirements for specific countries/regions and legal entities.

Verification requirements vary based on your user's legal entity type. A legal entity can be a person or an entity that represents your user's business, such as a public company or a nonprofit organization.

The user that holds a contractual relationship with your is the main legal entity. You must collect information about the main legal entity, and about other entities that are associated with this user. For example, if your user is a private company, you must also collect information about the owners of the company. You must create individual legal entities for each owner and link them to the company, which is the main legal entity that is conducting business with your platform or marketplace.

The following tabs show the legal entity types and describe the general requirements for the data that you need to collect from them.

Multiple card users under one balance account

Some use cases might require having multiple card users under one balance account, but only the account holder will go through the verification. For example, creating named cards for multiple employees in one company.

If you have a similar scenario, reach out to your Adyen contact to discuss and confirm the use case.

Capability levels

Capabilities for card issuing can have different levels: low, medium, or high. Levels increase the capability, but may also require more checks and increased monitoring. The amounts below are the threshold amounts per card, per day.

Capability Low Medium High
withdrawFromAtm 0 Less than or equal to EUR 750 More than EUR 750 and less than EUR 1000
withdrawFromAtmInRestrictedCountries 0 Less than or equal to EUR 500 More than EUR 500 and less than EUR 1000
useCardInRestrictedCountries 0 Greater than 0 Greater than 0
useCardInRestrictedIndustries 0 Greater than 0 Greater than 0

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