When your cardholder adds their Adyen-issued card to the digital wallet, the card scheme (Visa or Mastercard) creates a network token for it. A network token is a 16-digit Primary Account Number (PAN) alternative that is unique for each card-device-wallet pairing.
The benefits of using network tokens are:
- Reduced user friction and declined payments because network tokens are maintained by card schemes.
- Higher authorisation rates compared to payments made without network tokens.
- Better payment security because each transaction is protected with a one-time use cryptogram.
With Adyen Issuing, you can manage network tokens separately from the cards. For example, you might want to temporarily suspend a network token or deactivate a network token, if the card has been lost or stolen.
Get all network tokens
To get all network tokens that are linked to the Adyen-issued card:
Make a GET /paymentInstruments/{id}/networkTokens request and specify the following parameter in the path:
Path parameter Description id
The identifier of the payment instrument created when issuing a card. Get all network tokens of a cardExpand viewCopy link to code blockCopy codecurl https://balanceplatform-api-test.adyen.com/bcl/v2/paymentInstruments/PI3227C223222B5BPCMFXD2XG/networkTokens \ -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_BALANCE_PLATFORM_API_KEY' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -X GET \ -d '' The response returns all network tokens associated with the payment instrument PI3227C223222B5BPCMFXD2XG regardless of the network token status.
Parameter Description Possible values type
The type of wallet the network token is associated with. applePay, googlePay id
The unique identifier of the network token. NWTK00000000000000000000000001 paymentInstrumentId
The unique identifier of the payment instrument. PI3227C223222B5BPCMFXD2XG creationDate
Date and time when the network token was created. 2021-01-01T01:00:00+01:00 status
The status of the network token. active, inactive, suspended, closed. brandVariant
The card brand variant of the payment instrument associated with the network token. mcmaestro, mc_prepaid_mrw, etc. tokenLastFour
The last four digits of the network token id
.0001 device.osName
The operating system of the device the network token is stored on. android, ios, other. device.formFactor
The form factor of the device the network token is stored on. phone, watch, tablet, other. ResponseExpand viewCopy link to code blockCopy code{ "data": [ { "type": "applePay", "id": "NWTK00000000000000000000000001", "paymentInstrumentId": "PI3227C223222B5BPCMFXD2XG", "creationDate": "2020-01-01T01:00:00+01:00", "status": "active", "brandVariant": "mcmaestro", "tokenLastFour": "0001", "device": { "osName": "ios", "formFactor": "phone" } }, { "type": "googlePay", "id": "NWTK00000000000000000000000002", "paymentInstrumentId": "PI3227C223222B5BPCMFXD2XG", "creationDate": "2021-01-01T01:00:00+01:00", "status": "suspended", "brandVariant": "mc_prepaid_mrw", "tokenLastFour": "0002", "device": { "osName": "android", "formFactor": "watch" } } ] }
Get a single network token
To get the details of a single network token that is linked to the Adyen-issued card:
Make a GET /networkTokens/{networkTokenId} request and specify the following parameter in the path:
Path parameter Description networkTokenId
The identifier of the network token associated with the card. Get a single network token of a cardExpand viewCopy link to code blockCopy codecurl https://balanceplatform-api-test.adyen.com/bcl/v2/paymentInstruments/PI3227C223222B5BPCMFXD2XG/networkTokens/NWTK00000000000000000000000001 \ -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_BALANCE_PLATFORM_API_KEY' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -X GET \ -d '' The response contains the details for the network token NWTK00000000000000000000000001 associated with the payment instrument.
Parameter Description Possible values type
The type of wallet the network token is associated with. applePay, googlePay id
The unique identifier of the network token. NWTK00000000000000000000000001 paymentInstrumentId
The unique identifier of the payment instrument. PI3227C223222B5BPCMFXD2XG creationDate
Date and time when the network token was created. 2020-01-01T01:00:00+01:00 status
The status of the network token. active, inactive, suspended, closed brandVariant
The card brand variant of the payment instrument associated with the network token. mcmaestro, mc_prepaid_mrw, etc. tokenLastFour
The last four digits of the network token id
.0001 device.osName
The operating system of the device the network token is stored on. android, ios, other device.formFactor
The form factor of the device the network token is stored on. phone, watch, tablet, other ResponseExpand viewCopy link to code blockCopy code{ "type": "applePay", "id": "NWTK00000000000000000000000001", "paymentInstrumentId": "PI3227C223222B5BPCMFXD2XG", "creationDate": "2020-01-01T01:00:00+01:00", "status": "active", "brandVariant": "mcmaestro", "tokenLastFour": "0001", "device": { "osName": "ios", "formFactor": "phone" } }
Update the status of a network token
To update the status of a network token:
Make a PATCH /networkTokens/{networkTokenId} request and specify the following parameter in the path:
Path parameter Description networkTokenId
The identifier of the network token associated with the card. Provide the following parameters in the request body:
Parameter Required Description status
The status of the network token. Possible values: active, suspended, closed. The closed status is final and cannot be changed. Here's an example of how to change the
of the network token to suspended.Update the status of a network tokenExpand viewCopy link to code blockCopy codecurl https://balanceplatform-api-test.adyen.com/bcl/v2/paymentInstruments/PI3227C223222B5BPCMFXD2XG/networkTokens/NWTK00000000000000000000000001 \ -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_BALANCE_PLATFORM_API_KEY' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -X PATCH \ -d '{ "status": "suspended" }' The HTTP 202 Accepted response means that the request has been accepted, but will be processed asynchronously. You will get the final result of this request in a webhook.
Limit the usage of a network token
In some cases, you might need to limit the number of network tokens per card or set limits for transactions that use network tokens. You can do so by using the /transactionRules
Limit the number of active network tokens
To limit the number of active network tokens allowed for a single card:
Send a POST /transactionRules request and specify the following parameters:
Parameter Required Description Parameter Required Description description Your description for the rule. Maximum length: 300 characters. This description is shown in the Balance Platform Customer Area. entityKey Contains the ID and type of resource to which the rule is applied. interval The time period or duration when the rule applies. reference Your reference for the rule. Maximum length: 150 characters. type Set to blockList, maxUsage, or velocity. ruleRestrictions Object that contains key-value objects with the key as the condition and the value containing values and operations. status Set to active if you want to start evaluating the rule. When you set the status to active, we automatically set the startDate
to the current time.The following example shows how to limit the number of active network tokens to only one per card.
Limit the number of active network tokens for a cardExpand viewCopy link to code blockCopy codecurl https://balanceplatform-api-test.adyen.com/bcl/v2/transactionRules \ -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_BALANCE_PLATFORM_API_KEY' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -X POST \ -d '{ "interval": { "type": "perTransaction" }, "type": "blockList", "description": "Set the maximum number of active network tokens to one for this card", "reference": "myRule123", "entityKey": { "entityType": "paymentInstrument", "entityReference": "PI3227C223222B5FN65FN5NS9" }, "ruleRestrictions": { "activeNetworkTokens": { "operation": "greaterThanOrEqualTo", "value": 1 } }, "status": "active", "requestType": "authorization", "outcomeType": "hardBlock" }' The response returns the
of the transaction rule that can be used to further update or delete this rule.ResponseExpand viewCopy link to code blockCopy code{ "description": "Set the maximum number of active network tokens to one for this card", "entityKey": { "entityReference": "PI3227C223222B5FN65FN5NS9", "entityType": "paymentInstrument" }, "interval": { "timeZone": "UTC", "type": "perTransaction" }, "outcomeType": "hardBlock", "reference": "myRule123", "requestType": "authorization", "ruleRestrictions": { "activeNetworkTokens": { "operation": "greaterThanOrEqualTo", "value": 1 } }, "startDate": "2022-10-05T10:44:15.608698+02:00", "status": "active", "type": "blockList", "id": "TR32272223222C5GP4S4K5NZG" }
Limit transactions using network tokens
To limit the transactions using network tokens for a card:
Make a POST /transactionRules request and specify the following parameters:
Parameter Required Description Parameter Required Description description Your description for the rule. Maximum length: 300 characters. This description is shown in the Balance Platform Customer Area. entityKey Contains the ID and type of resource to which the rule is applied. interval The time period or duration when the rule applies. reference Your reference for the rule. Maximum length: 150 characters. type Set to blockList, maxUsage, or velocity. ruleRestrictions Object that contains key-value objects with the key as the condition and the value containing values and operations. status Set to active if you want to start evaluating the rule. When you set the status to active, we automatically set the startDate
to the current time.The following example shows how to block transactions that are greater than EUR 50 and use network tokens.
Block the transactions using network tokensExpand viewCopy link to code blockCopy codecurl https://balanceplatform-api-test.adyen.com/bcl/v2/transactionRules \ -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_BALANCE_PLATFORM_API_KEY' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -X POST \ -d '{ "description": "Block network token transactions above EUR 50", "reference": "myRule123", "entityKey": { "entityType": "paymentInstrument", "entityReference": "PI3227C223222B5FN65FN5NS9" }, "interval": { "type": "perTransaction" }, "ruleRestrictions": { "processingTypes": { "operation": "anyMatch", "value": [ "token" ] }, "totalAmount": { "operation": "greaterThan", "value": { "currency": "EUR", "value": 5000 } } }, "status": "active", "outcomeType": "hardBlock", "type": "velocity" }' The response returns the
of the transaction rule that can be used to further update or delete this rule.ResponseExpand viewCopy link to code blockCopy code{ "description": "Block network token transactions above EUR 50", "entityKey": { "entityReference": "PI3227C223222B5FN65FN5NS9", "entityType": "paymentInstrument" }, "interval": { "timeZone": "UTC", "type": "perTransaction" }, "outcomeType": "hardBlock", "reference": "myRule123", "requestType": "authorization", "ruleRestrictions": { "processingTypes": { "operation": "anyMatch", "value": [ "token" ] }, "totalAmount": { "operation": "greaterThan", "value": { "currency": "EUR", "value": 5000 } } }, "startDate": "2022-10-05T10:34:31.911273+02:00", "status": "active", "type": "velocity", "id": "TR32272223222C5GP4S4K5NZG" }