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Make a payout to a third-party bank account

Make an API request to pay out funds to a third-party card.

This page explains how to make a payout request to transfer funds to third-party bank accounts. You can see examples for one-off or recurring payouts.

After you make the payout request, you can track the status of the transfer by listening to webhooks.

Before you begin

Before you make a payout request:

Initiate a payout

To send an on-demand payout, make a POST /transfers request, specifying:

Parameter name Required Description
amount -white_check_mark- The amount and the currency of the transfer.
balanceAccountId -white_check_mark- The balance account from which funds are deducted.
category -white_check_mark- Set to bank.
counterparty.bankAccount -white_check_mark- Contains details about the destination bank account and its owner.
priority -white_check_mark- The priority of the bank transfer, which affects the transfer speed and the fees you have to pay.
priorities -white_check_mark-
Required if priority is not included.
The list of priorities for the bank transfer. For more details see fallback priorities.
description Your description for the transfer request, which is used by most recipient banks. Check the character limit based on the location of the counterparty bank account and the priority.
reference Your reference for the transfer. This is only used within your platform and not sent to the recipient. If you don't provide this in the request, Adyen generates a unique reference.
referenceForBeneficiary Your reference for the transfer, which is also sent to the recipient. This reference is also sent in all webhooks related to the transfer, so you can use it to track statuses.

If the transfer request is successful, you receive an HTTP 200 OK response containing an id of the transfer request.

Depending on the transfer location, currency, and counterparty, a transfer can be subject to additional requirements or limitations. These limitations may affect the transfer route for some priorities. To prevent problems with transfer routes, you can specify a list of priorities for your transfer.

When you specify a list of priorities, Adyen tries to transfer the funds using the first priority in the list. If a transfer route is not available for this priority, Adyen tries to transfer again, but using the next priority in the list.

The following code sample shows how to include a list of priorities.

In this example, a transfer route for the priority fast was not available, so Adyen transferred the funds using the priority regular.

The response contains:

  • The routingDetails object, specifying why the first priority was not selected.
  • The selected priority.

Get updates on the status of the transfer

Track the transfer request through webhooks that Adyen sends to your server. The webhooks provide the status of the request, from the time when Adyen received the request and the transfer was authorised, up to when the transfer was booked and deducted from the balance account. Additionally, you can find the estimated arrival time of the funds.

You can also view the transfer in your Customer Area.

Test the payout flow

To test the payout flow, make a POST /transfers request.

The currency and priority of the transfer request must match the values shown in the following table.

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