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Adyen Payment API
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A set of API endpoints that allow you to initiate, settle, and modify payments on the Adyen payments platform. You can use the API to accept card payments (including One-Click and 3D Secure), bank transfers, ewallets, and many other payment methods.

To learn more about the API, visit Classic integration.


You need an API credential to authenticate to the API.

If using an API key, add an X-API-Key header with the API key as the value, for example:

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Alternatively, you can use the username and password to connect to the API using basic authentication, for example:

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \


Payments API supports versioning using a version suffix in the endpoint URL. This suffix has the following format: "vXX", where XX is the version number.

For example:

Going live

To authenticate to the live endpoints, you need an API credential from your live Customer Area.

The live endpoint URLs contain a prefix which is unique to your company account:


Get your {PREFIX} from your live Customer Area under Developers > API URLs > Prefix.

Change the authorised amount
Create an authorisation
Complete a 3DS authorisation
Complete a 3DS2 authorisation
Cancel an authorisation
Cancel or refund a payment
Capture an authorisation
Create a donation
Get the 3DS authentication result
Refund a captured payment
Get the 3DS2 authentication result
Cancel an authorisation using your reference
Cancel an in-person refund