CardAcquisition Request
It conveys Information related to the payment and loyalty cards to read and analyse. This message pair is usually followed by a message pair (e.g. payment or loyalty) which refers to this Card Acquisition message pair. Content of the Card Acquisition Request message.
Request Parameters
Data associated with the Sale System, with a particular value during the processing of the payment by the POI, including the cards acquisition.
Identification of the Cashier or Operator.
Language of the Cashier or Operator. If different from the Login.
Shift number. If different from the Login, see Login SaleData.
Identification of a transaction for the Sale System or the POI System.
Unique identification of a transaction to identify the transaction on the Sale System (e.g. ticket number), or the POI System.
Date and time of a transaction for the Sale System, the POI System or the Acquirer. Ensures the uniqueness of a transaction and indicates the time when the event occurs in the EventNotification message.
Identification of a Sale global transaction for a sequence of related POI transactions. If payment reservation.
Information related to the software and hardware features of the Sale Terminal. Sent in the Login Request if a Sale Terminal is involved in the login. In other messages, sent when a logical device is out of order (SaleCapabilities) or when other data have changed or were missing in the Login.
Identification of a group of transactions on a POI Terminal, having the same Sale features. Could be used to group POI for reconciliation or other purpose defined by the Sale System. The default value is assigned by the Login Request.
Type of token replacing the PAN of a payment card to identify the payment mean of the customer. It allows, for a merchant, to use a token for a transaction only or for a longer period. Possible values:
- Customer
- Transaction
Additional and optional identification of a customer order.
List of customer order open, closed or both to be sent in the response messages. Possible values:
- Both
- Closed
- Open
Sale information intended for the POI. Stored with the transaction.
Sale information intended for the Acquirer. Send to the Acquirer if present.
Sale information intended for the Issuer. The POI System receives this information and sends it to the Acquirer for the Issuer without any change.
Label to print on the bank statement.
Data related to the payment and loyalty card acquisition.
Card payment brands allowed by the Sale System for the payment transaction.
Loyalty brands or programs allowed by the Sale System for the loyalty transaction.
Type of Loyalty processing requested by the Sale System. An way to specify what the POI has to handle concerning the loyalty. Possible values:
- Allowed
- Forbidden
- Processed
- Proposed
- Required
Payment instrument entry mode requested by the Sale System. Avoid retry on an out of order card reading device, when the sale system knows that some card entry modes on the POI do not work. Possible values:
- CheckReader
- Contactless
- File
- Keyed
- MagStripe
- Manual
- Scanned
- SynchronousICC
- Tapped
Indicates if the Customer realises the selection of the card application.
Amount of a transaction. In the Card Acquisition Request message, it allows the processing of a contactless card.
Type of payment transaction. Elements requested by the Sale System that are related to the payment only. Possible values:
- CashAdvance
- CashDeposit
- Completion
- FirstReservation
- Instalment
- IssuerInstalment
- Normal
- OneTimeReservation
- PaidOut
- Recurring
- Refund
- UpdateReservation
Cash back has been requested with the payment transaction. Allows choice of the Customer language when the POI displays messages or print text to Merchant interface.
Response parameters
After submitting a call, you receive a response message to inform you that your request was received and processed.
Depending on the HTTP status code of the response message, it is helpful to build some logic to handle any errors that a request or the system may return.
HTTP Responses
It conveys Information related to the payment and loyalty cards read and processed by the POI System and entered by the Customer. Content of the Card Acquisition Response message.
Show moreShow lessResponseobjectResult of a message request processing. If Result is Success,
is absent or not used in the processing of the message. In the other cases, theErrorCondition
has to be present and can refine the processing of the message response.AdditionalResponse
gives more information about the success or the failure of the message request processing, for logging without real time involvements.ResultstringResult of the processing of the message. Possible values:
- Failure
- Partial
- Success
ErrorConditionstringCondition that has produced an error on the processing of a message request. Returned if Result is not Success. Possible values:
- Aborted
- Busy
- Cancel
- DeviceOut
- InProgress
- InsertedCard
- InvalidCard
- LoggedOut
- MessageFormat
- NotAllowed
- NotFound
- PaymentRestriction
- Refusal
- UnavailableDevice
- UnavailableService
- UnreachableHost
- WrongPIN
AdditionalResponsestringAdditional information related to processing status of a message request. If present, the POI logs it for further examination.
SaleDataobjectData associated with the Sale System, with a particular value during the processing of the payment by the POI, including the cards acquisition.
OperatorIDstringIdentification of the Cashier or Operator.
OperatorLanguagestringLanguage of the Cashier or Operator. If different from the Login.
ShiftNumberstringShift number. If different from the Login, see Login SaleData.
SaleTransactionIDobjectIdentification of a transaction for the Sale System or the POI System.
TransactionIDstringUnique identification of a transaction to identify the transaction on the Sale System (e.g. ticket number), or the POI System.
TimeStampstringDate and time of a transaction for the Sale System, the POI System or the Acquirer. Ensures the uniqueness of a transaction and indicates the time when the event occurs in the EventNotification message.
SaleReferenceIDstringIdentification of a Sale global transaction for a sequence of related POI transactions. If payment reservation.
SaleTerminalDataobjectInformation related to the software and hardware features of the Sale Terminal. Sent in the Login Request if a Sale Terminal is involved in the login. In other messages, sent when a logical device is out of order (SaleCapabilities) or when other data have changed or were missing in the Login.
TotalsGroupIDstringIdentification of a group of transactions on a POI Terminal, having the same Sale features. Could be used to group POI for reconciliation or other purpose defined by the Sale System. The default value is assigned by the Login Request.
TokenRequestedTypestringType of token replacing the PAN of a payment card to identify the payment mean of the customer. It allows, for a merchant, to use a token for a transaction only or for a longer period. Possible values:
- Customer
- Transaction
CustomerOrderIDstringAdditional and optional identification of a customer order.
CustomerOrderReqarray[string]List of customer order open, closed or both to be sent in the response messages. Possible values:
- Both
- Closed
- Open
SaleToPOIDatastringSale information intended for the POI. Stored with the transaction.
SaleToAcquirerDatastringSale information intended for the Acquirer. Send to the Acquirer if present.
SaleToIssuerDataobjectSale information intended for the Issuer. The POI System receives this information and sends it to the Acquirer for the Issuer without any change.
StatementReferencestringLabel to print on the bank statement.
POIDataobjectData related to the POI System. In the Message Response, identification of the POI transaction.
POITransactionIDobjectIdentification of a transaction for the Sale System or the POI System.
TransactionIDstringUnique identification of a transaction to identify the transaction on the Sale System (e.g. ticket number), or the POI System.
TimeStampstringDate and time of a transaction for the Sale System, the POI System or the Acquirer. Ensures the uniqueness of a transaction and indicates the time when the event occurs in the EventNotification message.
POIReconciliationIDintegerIdentification of the reconciliation period between Sale and POI. If Result is Success.
PaymentBrandarray[string]Type of payment card. Brands available for payment by the card and not chosen by the Customer.
PaymentInstrumentDataobjectData related to the instrument of payment for the transaction. Sent in the result of the payment transaction. For a card, it could also be sent in the
response, to be processed by the Sale System.PaymentInstrumentTypestringType of payment instrument. Possible values:
- Card
- Cash
- Check
- Mobile
- StoredValue
ProtectedCardDatastringSensitive information related to the payment card, protected by CMS. SensitiveCardData protected by CMS EnvelopedData.
CardDataobjectInformation related to the payment card used for the transaction. Allows acquisition of the card data by the Sale System before the Payment, CardAcquisition, or BalanceInquiry request to the POI. It can also be sent in the CardAcquisition response, to be processed by the Sale System.
PaymentBrandstringType of payment card. If card PAN is readable. Indicates the card used to pay in the PaymentResponse. Sent in the CardAcquisitionResponse, to leave the Cashier to choose between several applications in a smartcard, or several brand in a co-branded card. In this case, the CardAcquisitionRequest.ForceCustomerSelectionFlag must contain the value False. Brands are part of the POI and Sale Systems configurations.
MaskedPanstringMasked Primary Account Number Part of the PAN is replaced by a string of * characters, to identify a customer account or relationship. Presence of this data element, which replace the PAN when SensitiveCardData is protected and replaced by ProtectedCardData. Alternatively the MaskedPAN can be used as a token to identify a customer.
PaymentAccountRefstringReference of the PAN, which identifies the PAN or the card uniquely, named also PAR (Payment Account Reference). This reference may be defined by the card issuer or by a token service provider under the control of the card issuer, and cannot be used for a payment transaction.
EntryModearray[string]Entry mode of the payment instrument information. In the Payment, Loyalty or StoredValue Request messages, it informs the POI System the entry mode of the payment instrument information when read by the Sale Terminal. In the Payment, Loyalty or StoredValue Response messages, it informs the Sale System the entry mode of the payment instrument. Possible values:
- Contactless
- File
- Keyed
- MagStripe
- Manual
- Mobile
- Scanned
- SynchronousICC
- Tapped
CardCountryCodeintegerMinimum: 3Maximum: 3Country Code attached to the card (3 numerics). If available in the card.
ProtectedCardDatastringSensitive information related to the payment card, protected by CMS. SensitiveCardData protected by CMS EnvelopedData.
SensitiveCardDataobjectThis data structure could be CMS protected (EnvelopedData). In this case the data structure SensitiveCardData is replaced by the data structure ProtectedCardData of type ContentInformationType. When this data is protected, the exact content is unknown by the Sale System, and might include all the information which are required by an external backup POI Server to make a batch payment transaction in case of problem with the POI System. Sensitive information related to the payment card, entered or read by the Sale System.
PANintegerMinimum: 8Maximum: 28Primary Account Number.
CardSeqNumbintegerMinimum: 2Maximum: 3Card Sequence Number. If EntryMode is File, Keyed, or Manual.
ExpiryDateintegerMinimum: 4Maximum: 4Date after which the card cannot be used. If EntryMode is File.
TrackDataarray[object]Magnetic track or magnetic ink characters line. If EntryMode is MagStripe or RFID .
TrackNumbintegerMinimum: 1Maximum: 3Card track number.
TrackFormatstringMagnetic track or magnetic ink characters line. Possible values:
TrackValuestringCard track content.
AllowedProductCodearray[integer]Product codes that are payable by the payment card. If not all the products are accepted for the payment card proposed by the Customer. In this case, Result is failure, ErrorCondition is Payment Restriction. For One Time Reservation, the POI can send product codes payable by the payment, even if the POI did not send SaleItem in the request. If at least one product sent in the request is accepted, the Result is Success. Product codes that are payable by the payment card. If all the products are not accepted for the payment card proposed by the Customer. In this case, Result is failure and ErrorCondition is Payment Restriction. For One Time Reservation, the POI can send product codes payable by the payment, even if the POI did not send SaleItem in the request. If at least one product sent in the request is accepted, the Result is Success.
AllowedProductarray[object]Product that is payable by the payment card.
ProductCodeintegerMinimum: 1Maximum: 20Product code of item purchased with the transaction.
EanUpcintegerStandard product code of item purchased with the transaction.
ProductLabelstringProduct name of an item purchased with the transaction.
AdditionalProductInfostringAdditionl information related to the line item.
PaymentTokenobjectSurrogate of the PAN (Primary Account Number) of the payment card to identify the payment mean of the customer. It allows, for a merchant, to identify the customer.
TokenRequestedTypestringType of token replacing the PAN of a payment card to identify the payment mean of the customer. It allows, for a merchant, to use a token for a transaction only or for a longer period. Possible values:
- Customer
- Transaction
TokenValuestringPayment token replacing the PAN of the payment card to identify the payment mean of the customer.
ExpiryDateTimestringExpiry date and time. Limits the validity of a payment token.
CustomerOrderarray[object]Customer order attached to a customer, recorded in the POI system. Allows the management of customer orders by the POI, for instance in a multi-channel or a click and collect sale transaction.
CustomerOrderIDstringAdditional and optional identification of a customer order.
SaleReferenceIDstringIdentification of a Sale global transaction for a sequence of related POI transactions. Identification of a reservation transaction for the sequence of reservation and the completion.
OpenOrderStatebooleanSpecifies if a customer order is currently Open. An open customer order is an order waiting for further operations.
StartDatestringDate time of the beginning of an operation.
EndDatestringDate time of the end of an operation.
ForecastedAmountnumberMaximum: 99999999.999999Depending on the choice of the sale system it could equal the initial amount of the order or the global amount of the order. If ForecastedAmount equals the initial amount of the order it will allow the system to follow any additional payment. In case of equality with the global amount of the order, the system will then be able to follow remaining amounts.
CurrentAmountnumberMaximum: 99999999.999999Total amount of all completed transactions of a customer order.
CurrencystringCurrency of a monetary amount.
AccessedBystringIdentification of an entity accessing data to perform an operation. Allow the synchronisation of customer order processing, when several parts of the Sale System access a customer order at the same time. The Sale entity active on the customer order is identified by this data.
AdditionalInformationstringUnqualified information.
CheckDataobjectInformation related to the paper check used for the transaction. Allows the check information to be provided by the Sale System before requesting the payment, or stored by the Sale System after processing of the payment.
BankIDstringIdentification of the bank. Mandatory if TrackData absent.
AccountNumberstringIdentification of the customer account. Mandatory if TrackData absent.
CheckNumberstringIdentification of the bank check. Mandatory if TrackData absent.
TrackDataobjectMagnetic track or magnetic ink characters line. ISO 7813 - ISO 4909. Generic data structure for a card track, used when the magstripe card reader is located on the Sale Terminal, or for magstripe Card Reader device request. The data structure is also used to store the line at the bottom of a bank check.
TrackNumbintegerMinimum: 1Maximum: 3Card track number.
TrackFormatstringMagnetic track or magnetic ink characters line. Possible values:
TrackValuestringCard track content.
CheckCardNumberstringCheck guarantee card number. If provided by the customer.
TypeCodestringType of bank check. Possible values:
- Company
- Personal
CountrystringCountry of the bank check. Absent if country of the Sale system.
MobileDataobjectMobile phone is used as a payment instrument for the transaction. Information related to the mobile for the payment transaction.
MobileCountryCodeintegerMinimum: 3Maximum: 3Identifies the country of a mobile phone operator. If data available.
MobileNetworkCodeintegerMinimum: 2Maximum: 3Identifies the mobile phone operator inside a country. If data available.
MaskedMSISDNintegerMasked Mobile Subscriber Integrated Service Digital Network. If data available.
GeolocationobjectGeographic location specified by geographic or UTM coordinates. If data available.
GeographicCoordinatesobjectLatitudestringAngular distance of a location on the earth south or north of the equator.
LongitudestringAngular measurement of the distance of a location on the earth east or west of the Greenwich observatory.
UTMCoordinatesobjectUTMZonestringUTM grid zone combination of the longitude zone (1 to 60) and the latitude band (C to X, excluding I and O).
UTMEastwardstringX-coordinate of the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system.
UTMNorthwardstringY-coordinate of the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system.
ProtectedMobileDatastringSensitive information related to the mobile phone, protected by CMS. SensitiveMobileData.
SensitiveMobileDataobjectSensitive information related to the mobile phone. If unprotected mobile data.
MSISDNintegerMobile Subscriber Integrated Service Digital Network (i.e. mobile phone number of the SIM card). Country, National Destination Code, and Subscriber Number.
IMSIintegerInternational Mobile Subscriber Identity. Unique number associated with the mobile phone user, containing the Mobile Country Code (MCC), the Mobile Network Code (MNC), and the Mobile Identification Number (MSIN)
IMEIintegerInternational Mobile Equipment Identity. Unique number associated with the mobile phone device.
StoredValueAccountIDobjectIdentification of the stored value account or the stored value card and the associated product sold by the Sale System for stored value requests.
StoredValueAccountTypestringType of stored value account. Allows the distinction of the stored value instrument to access the stored value account. Possible values:
- GiftCard
- Other
- PhoneCard
StoredValueProviderstringIdentification of the provider of the stored value account load/reload. When the ProductCode is not sufficient to identify the provider host which delivers the load or reload of the stored value account (for example if it contains the identification of the application.)
OwnerNamestringName of the owner of a stored value account.
ExpiryDateintegerMinimum: 4Maximum: 4Date after which the card cannot be used. If EMV expiry date is present, it overrides Track2 information. Format is MMYY.
EntryModearray[string]Entry mode of the payment instrument information. In the Payment, Loyalty, or StoredValue Request messages, it informs the POI System the entry mode of the payment instrument information when read by the Sale Terminal. (e.g. because the payment instrument information are a barcode read by the Cashier on a scanner device). Possible values:
- Contactless
- File
- Keyed
- MagStripe
- Manual
- Mobile
- Scanned
- SynchronousICC
- Tapped
IdentificationTypestringType of account identification. In a request message, it informs the POI System the type of the account or card identification, when provided by the Sale Terminal. (e.g. because the card information is a barcode read by the Cashier on a scanner device). In a response message, it informs the Sale System the type of the account or card identification. Possible values:
- AccountNumber
- BarCode
- ISOTrack2
- PhoneNumber
StoredValueIDstringStored value account identification. The identification of the stored value account conforming to the IdentificationType.
LoyaltyAccountarray[object]Data related to the loyalty System.
LoyaltyAccountIDobjectIdentification of a Loyalty account. In the Payment or the Loyalty Request message, it allows to identify the loyalty account by the Sale Terminal instead of the POI Terminal (e.g. because the account identification is a bar-code read by the Cashier on a scanner device).
EntryModearray[string]Entry mode of the payment instrument information. In the Payment, Loyalty or StoredValue Request messages, it informs the POI System the entry mode of the payment instrument information when read by the Sale Terminal. In the Payment, Loyalty or StoredValue Response messages, it informs the Sale System the entry mode of the payment instrument. Possible values:
- Contactless
- File
- Keyed
- MagStripe
- Manual
- Mobile
- Scanned
- SynchronousICC
- Tapped
IdentificationTypestringType of account identification. In a request message, it informs the POI System the type of the account or card identification, when provided by the Sale Terminal. (e.g. because the card information is a barcode read by the Cashier on a scanner device). In a response message, it informs the Sale System the type of the account or card identification. Possible values:
- AccountNumber
- BarCode
- ISOTrack2
- PhoneNumber
IdentificationSupportstringSupport of the loyalty account identification. Allows knowing where and how you have found the loyalty account identification. Possible values:
- HybridCard
- LinkedCard
- LoyaltyCard
- NoCard
LoyaltyIDstringLoyalty account identification conforming to the IdentificationType.
LoyaltyBrandstringIdentification of a Loyalty brand. If a card is analysed.