Get a list of raised disputes


Returns a list of raised disputes that match the query parameters.

This endpoint supports cursor-based pagination. The response returns the first page of results, and returns links to the next page when applicable. You can use the links to page through the results. The response also returns links to the previous page when applicable.

Endpoint destination URL
Click to copy

Query Parameters


The number of items returned per page, maximum of 500 items. By default, the response returns 100 items per page.


The number of items that you want to skip.


Only include disputes that have been created on or before this point in time. The value must be in [ISO 8601]( format. For example, 2021-05-30T15:07:40Z.


Only include disputes that have been created on or after this point in time. The value must be in [ISO 8601]( format. For example, 2021-05-30T15:07:40Z.


The unique identifier of the payment instrument.


The current status of the dispute.

Possible values: draft, submitted, closed, won, chargeback, secondPresentment.

Response parameters

After submitting a call, you receive a response message to inform you that your request was received and processed.

Depending on the HTTP status code of the response message, it is helpful to build some logic to handle any errors that a request or the system may return.

HTTP Responses

  • 200 - OK

    The request has succeeded.