Get a list of transactions


Returns a list of transactions for an account holder's accounts. You can specify the accounts and transaction statuses to be included on the list. The call returns a maximum of 50 transactions for each account. To retrieve all transactions, you must make another call with the 'page' value incremented. Transactions are listed in chronological order, with the most recent transaction first.

Endpoint destination URL
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Request Parameters


The code of the account holder that owns the account(s) of which retrieve the transaction list.


A list of accounts to include in the transaction list. If left blank, the last fifty (50) transactions for all accounts of the account holder will be included.


A list of statuses to include in the transaction list. If left blank, all transactions will be included.

Permitted values:

  • PendingCredit - a pending balance credit.
  • CreditFailed - a pending credit failure; the balance will not be credited.
  • Credited - a credited balance.
  • PendingDebit - a pending balance debit (e.g., a refund).
  • CreditClosed - a pending credit closed; the balance will not be credited.
  • CreditSuspended - a pending credit closed; the balance will not be credited.
  • DebitFailed - a pending debit failure; the balance will not be debited.
  • Debited - a debited balance (e.g., a refund).
  • DebitReversedReceived - a pending refund reversal.
  • DebitedReversed - a reversed refund.
  • ChargebackReceived - a received chargeback request.
  • Chargeback - a processed chargeback.
  • ChargebackReversedReceived - a pending chargeback reversal.
  • ChargebackReversed - a reversed chargeback.
  • Converted - converted.
  • ManualCorrected - manual booking/adjustment by Adyen.
  • Payout - a payout.
  • PayoutReversed - a reversed payout.
  • PendingFundTransfer - a pending transfer of funds from one account to another.
  • FundTransfer - a transfer of funds from one account to another.

Response parameters

After submitting a call, you receive a response message to inform you that your request was received and processed.

Depending on the HTTP status code of the response message, it is helpful to build some logic to handle any errors that a request or the system may return.

HTTP Responses

  • 200 - OK

    The request has succeeded.

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  • 202 - Accepted

    The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.

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  • 400 - Bad Request

    A problem reading or understanding the request.

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  • 401 - Unauthorized

    Authentication required.

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  • 403 - Forbidden

    Insufficient permissions to process the request.

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  • 422 - Unprocessable Entity

    A request validation error.

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  • 500 - Internal Server Error

    The server could not process the request.

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