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Legal entity

Provide information about the legal entity.

The legal entity is your registered business with a unique VAT, TaxID, or registration number. As part of the KYC checks, Adyen verifies with your local commercial registry that your legal entity is an active, registered company.

Some of the information may already be filled in, in case we received it from your franchisor. When you submit your application, make sure this information is correct, and update if necessary.

Required information

  • Legal Business Name
  • Trading name
  • Type of company
  • Registration number: To see which registration number you need to provide, refer to Registration number.
  • Registration address of the legal entity
  • Tax Information (VAT number), if applicable in your country/region. For information on the required format, refer to VAT numbers. If your company does not have a VAT number, select the Exempted form tax checkbox.
  • You can optionally also provide a company registration document.

Make sure that the information matches your company registration documents exactly. For example, if your official company name is John Johnston LLC., entering John Johnston Company would cause the KYC check to fail.

Registration number

Use the following table to identify which registration number is required. If multiple registration numbers are given for a country/region, you can choose which one to provide.

Country/region Registration number Example
Australia Australian Business Number (ABN) or
Australian Company Number (ACN)
ABN: 51 064 874 531
ACN: 064 874 531
Austria Firmenbuchnummer FN123456m
Belgium Company Number/Numéro d'entreprise 1234567890
Brazil CNPJ 42.318.949/0001-84
Canada Business Number 123456789
Czech Republic IČO 123 45 678
Denmark CVR-nummer 22756214
Estonia Registrikood 10345833
Finland Y-TUNNUS 1234567-8
France SIRET number or
SIREN number
SIRET: 542051180-00066
SIREN: 542051180
Germany Handelsregisternummer HRB 100484
Greece GEMI number
ΑΡΙΘΜΟΣ Γ.Ε.ΜΗ ( Γενικού Εμπορικού Μητρώου)
Hungary Cégjegyzékszám 01-17-000705
Ireland Company Number 123456
Italy Codice fiscale or
CCIAA number
Codice fiscale: 00470400011
CCIAA number: TO0091712
Latvia Reģistrācijas numurs 50003251661
Lithuania Įmonės kodas 210316340
Luxembourg RCS number
Numéro RCS
Netherlands Kamer van Koophandel (KvK) 34179503
Norway Organisasjonsnummer 923 609 016
Poland Numer KRS or
Numer identyfikacyjny REGON
Numer KRS: 0000123456
Numer identyfikacyjny REGON: 610188201
Portugal NIPC 123456789
Spain Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF) A39000013
Slovakia Identifikačné číslo (IČO) 12345679
Slovenia Matična številka 0101006500006
Sweden Organisationsnummer 202100-5489
Switzerland UID/IDE/IDI or
UID/IDE/IDI: CHE123456789
CH-number: CH-550.0.067.293-5
United Kingdom Company Number 04366849
United States Employer Identification Number (EIN) 101002749

VAT numbers

Use the following table to identify what format of VAT number is required. For some countries/regions, you can choose which format to provide.

Country/region Accepted formats
Albania ALJ + 8 letters or numbers + 1 letter
ALK + 8 letters or numbers + 1 letter
Argentina AR + 11 numbers
Austria ATU + 8 numbers
Australia 11 numbers
Belgium BE0 + 9 numbers
BE1 + 9 numbers
Bulgaria BG + 9 numbers
BG + 10 numbers
Bolivia BO + any amount of characters or symbols
Brazil 14 numbers
2 numbers + . + 3 numbers + . + 3 numbers + / + 4 numbers + - + 2 numbers: 22.333.333/4444-22
Belarus BY + 9 numbers
Canada 9 numbers
Switzerland CH + 6 numbers
CHE + 9 numbers + TVA
CHE + 9 numbers + MWST
CHE + 9 numbers + IVA
Chile CL + 8 numbers + - + 1 number
Colombia CO + 10 numbers
Costa Rica CR + 9 numbers
CR + 10 numbers
CR + 11 numbers
CR + 12 numbers
Cyprus CA + 9 letters or numbers
Czech Republic CZ + 8 numbers
CZ + 9 numbers
CZ + 10 numbers
Germany DE + 9 numbers
Denmark DK + 8 numbers
Dominican Republic DO + any amount of characters or symbols
Default Any sequence of letters, numbers, _, ., <space> and/or-`
Ecuador EC + 12 numbers
Estonia EE + 9 numbers
Greece EL + 9 numbers
Spain ES + 1 letter or number + 7 numbers + 1 letter or number
Finland FI + 8 numbers
France FR + 2 uppercase letters or numbers + 9 numbers
Great Britain GB + 9 numbers
GB + 9 numbers in 3 blocks: GB333 4444 22
GB + 12 numbers
GB + 12 numbers in 4 blocks: GB333 4444 22 333
GBGD + 3 digit number between 000 and 499: GBGD000 - GBGD499
GBHA + 3 digit number between 500 and 999: GBHA500 - GBHA999
Guatemala GT + 7 numbers + - + 1 number
Honduras HN + any amount of characters or symbols
Croatia HR + 11 numbers
Hungary HU + 8 numbers
Ireland IE + 7 numbers + one uppercase letter
IE + 7 numbers + two uppercase letters
IE + one number + one uppercase letter + 5 numbers + one uppercase letter
IE + one number + + + 5 numbers + one uppercase letter
IE + one number + * + 5 numbers + one uppercase letter
Isle of Man GB + 9 numbers (starting with 00): GB003456789
GB + 9 numbers in blocks (333 4444 22, first block starting with 00): GB003 4444 22
GB + 12 numbers (starting with 00): GB003456789012
GB + 12 numbers in blocks (333 4444 22 333, first block starting with 00): GB003 4444 22 333
India IN + 11 numbers + V
IN + 11 numbers + C
Italy IT + 11 numbers
Japan 13 numbers
Lithuania LT + 9 numbers
LT + 12 numbers
Luxembourg LU + 8 numbers
Latvia LV + 11 numbers
Malta MT + 8 numbers
Mexico 3 letters + 6 numbers + 3 letters
Nicaragua NI + any amount of characters or symbols
Netherlands NL + 9 numbers + B + 2 numbers
Norway NO + 9 numbers + MVA
New Zealand 8 or 9 letters or numbers mixed
Panama PA + any amount of characters or symbols
Peru PE + 11 numbers
Philippines 12 numbers
Poland PL + 10 numbers (optionally separated by - characters)
Portugal PT + 9 numbers
Paraguay PY + any amount of characters or symbols
Romania RO + 2 numbers
RO + 3 numbers
RO + 4 numbers
RO + 5 numbers
RO + 6 numbers
RO + 7 numbers
RO + 8 numbers
RO + 9 numbers
RO + 10 numbers
Serbia RS + 9 numbers
Russia RU + 10 numbers
RU + 12 numbers
Sweden SE + 10 numbers + 01
Singapore 9 or 10 letters or numbers mixed
Slovenia SI + 8 numbers
Slovakia SK + 10 numbers
San Marino SM + 5 numbers
El Salvador SV + any amount of characters or symbols
Turkey TR + 10 numbers
Ukraine UA + 12 numbers
United States Valid SSN: 9 numbers
Valid SSN: 3 numbers + - + 2 numbers + - + 4 numbers: 333-22-4444
Valid EIN: 2 numbers + - + 7 numbers: 22-7777777
Uruguay UY + any amount of characters or symbols
Venezuela VEE- + 9 numbers
VEE- + 8 numbers + - + 1 number
VEJ- + 9 numbers
VEJ- + 8 numbers + - + 1 number
VEG- + 9 numbers
VEG- + 8 numbers + - + 1 number
VEV- + 9 numbers
VEV- + 8 numbers + - + 1 number

Exempted from tax

If your company doesn't have a valid VAT number, select the Exempted from tax checkbox, and fill in the reason. Adyen will then ask you to provide either one or both of the following documents:

  • Confirmation of legal counsel / accountant to confirm the reason why a tax number is not present.
  • Signed confirmation by Authorized Signatory, to whom your legal entity is paying local taxes.

Registration document

Providing the company registration document is optional. We recommend that you provide it, as this will speed up the process of the KYC review, and allow us to give you more accurate feedback in case there is an issue with your application.

The company registration document must be:

  • Issued by a reliable, independent source (RIS) such as the national commercial register of the country/region where the business is registered.
  • Issued within the last year, or contain a signature and a state of affairs with the date not older than one year.

When you upload a company registration document, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Allowed formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (max. 2 pages)
  • Minimum allowed size: 1 KB for PDF, 100 KB for other formats
  • Maximum allowed size: 4 MB