Plugins-2 icon

Headless integration

Integrate a Adobe Commerce headless storefront with the Adyen platform for v8 or earlier.

This page describes the headless setup for v8 of the plugin. If you are using v9.0.1 or later, see the newer documentation.

On this page we provide Adyen-specific information for building a Progressive Web Application (PWA) storefront. The PWA storefront works with a headless Adobe Commerce back end that has the Adyen plugin installed and configured.

Two web APIs can be used to utilize the Adyen functionality:

  • REST - This is the most widely used web API. All of the functionalities provided by the Adyen plugin can be accessed using this method.
  • GraphQL - This is an alternative way to interact with web APIs. The Adyen plugin utilizes the /graphql endpoint exposed by the Adobe Commerce back-end and adds the functionality that is related to the plugin. All of the essential functionalities provided by the Adyen plugin can be accessed using this method. For more information, checkout the Adobe Commerce GraphQL documentation.
    GraphQL is only available on plugin v8.2.0 or later.

Ecommerce checkout flow

With a headless Adobe Commerce back end, you build your own payment form for the Adobe Commerce PWA storefront. In the checkout flow, data passes from the PWA storefront through the Adobe Commerce back end to the Adyen API. Then, data passes back from the Adyen API through the Adobe Commerce back end to the PWA storefront. In the checkout flow, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Get the payment methods that are available on the Adyen platform, and for each of them determine the data that you need to collect.
  2. Collect shopper details by presenting the payment methods on your payment form. Then, when the shopper selects a payment method, present the fields to fill out or the options to choose from, and collect these details.
  3. Place the order.
  4. Check the payment status to see if you need to perform any extra steps before redirecting the user to the success page or showing an error message.
  5. Handle additional actions like redirecting the customer to the issue page for additional authentication, or presenting a QR code to complete the payment. If the payment fails, the following attempts will need to handle the additional actions as well

The next sections explain these steps in more detail.


Before you start integrating a Adobe Commerce PWA storefront with the Adyen platform:

  1. Make sure that you have completed the procedures to configure the Adobe Commerce back end:

    Setting up point of sale is not required for a PWA storefront.

    V8.0.0 of the plugin includes breaking changes.

  2. From version 8.0.0 onwards, you have to use a Adobe Commerce OAuth authenticated API integration. To do this, follow the Adobe Commerce developer documentation:

    1. Add a new integration.
      1. For Resource Access select Custom. Select all the resources under the Adyen directory. Select Save.
    2. Activate your integration.
    3. When you send a request to one of the Adyen resources, include the Access Token of your integration in the Authorization header as a bearer token.

For debugging purposes you can find every Adyen API request and response in the adyen/info.log file.

Step 1: Get available payment methods

In this step, the Adobe Commerce back end retrieves the available payment methods from the /paymentMethods API endpoint and adds some extra information that you will need for rendering the components on the front end.

To get the payment methods that are available to the shopper and the data that you need to collect, make a POST request. If you are using REST, the endpoint differs per use case. If you are using GraphQL, the endpoint is /graphql.

The request calls the getPaymentMethods method, which then makes a POST request to the /paymentMethods endpoint.

The Adobe Commerce back end receives a response from Adyen API containing all available payment methods for the current session filtered by currency, amount, country/region, etc. For each payment method, the Adyen /paymentMethods API response includes:

  • name: Name of the payment method, which you can show to your shopper in your payments form.
  • type: Unique payment method code. Pass this back to indicate the shopper's selected payment method when you place an order.
  • details: Array that contains the required fields for the payment method.

The plugin also collects some extra information other than the /paymentMethods response. This data is included in the /retrieve-adyen-payment-methods response as the following fields:

  • icon {url, width, height}: Payment method icon details.
  • configuration: Includes any extra payment method specific configuration that the checkout component should get on the front end which is not accessible from the /paymentMethods details response.
  • isOpenInvoice (boolean): Indicates if the payment method is an open invoice payment method. Note that this field is deprecated and will be removed later.

The /retrieve-adyen-payment-methods response is a JSON encoded string which looks like this:

"{\"paymentMethodsResponse\":{\"paymentMethods\":[{\"details\":[{\"items\":[{\"id\":\"1121\",\"name\":\"Test Issuer\"},{\"id\":\"1154\",\"name\":\"Test Issuer 5\"},{\"id\":\"1153\",\"name\":\"Test Issuer 4\"},{\"id\":\"1152\",\"name\":\"Test Issuer 3\"},{\"id\":\"1151\",\"name\":\"Test Issuer 2\"},{\"id\":\"1162\",\"name\":\"Test Issuer Cancelled\"},{\"id\":\"1161\",\"name\":\ …"

To use the details from the response, parse this string to get a JSON object. For example, using JSON.parse();.

After parsing the response, you get two root objects:

  • paymentMethodsResponse: Includes the full and unmodified response object from the Adyen /paymentMethods API endpoint.
  • paymentMethodsExtraDetails: Holds the extra information that the plugin gathered for each payment method that is available in the paymentMethodsResponse.

Here's an example /retrieve-adyen-payment-methods response after parsing:

Step 2: Collect shopper details

Next, present the available payment methods on your front end, and collect the shopper details that are required for the payment method selected by the shopper. To do so:

  1. Use the name values from the /paymentMethods response to show all available payment methods to your shopper. You can access the paymentMethodsResponse by using /retrieve-adyen-payment-methods described in the previous step.

    If you need payment methods and issuer logos for your payment form, use the paymentMethodsExtraDetails.icon from the /retrieve-adyen-payment-methods response as described in the previous step.

  2. After the shopper selects a payment method, render the input fields to get the required payment details. This can be done in two ways:

Render the input fields using our Drop-in or Components

We provide two front end solutions that can render the necessary fields and do the validations for you:

If you decide to use Web Components, we recommend to pass the full paymentMethodsResponse object to the Web Component configuration when implementing multiple payment methods in your PWA storefront. After creating the new AdyenCheckout object, you can loop through the methods and generate the components instead of creating components manually for each payment method. This also ensures that your integration can handle new payment methods when enabled in your Customer Area.

Render the input fields manually

Use the details array from the paymentMethodsResponse for the selected payment method to determine what you need to collect from the shopper.

  • key: Shopper detail you need to collect using your payments form.
  • type: Input type for collecting the payment detail from the shopper:
Type Description
emailAddress Email address.
radio Radio buttons showing the options specified within the items array.
select A list showing the options specified within the items array. Usually the options represent issuer (bank) names. Present each name in this array to the shopper.
tel Telephone number.
text Generic string. For "type": "scheme", if you are fully PCI compliant you can alternatively collect and submit raw card data. Otherwise, you need to use our solution to encrypt card data.

If a payment method does not have a details array, you do not need to collect any shopper details in your form. This usually means that the shopper must be redirected to another site to complete the payment.

Step 3: Place the order

Now that the customer has filled in their data, you can place the order. In this step, the storefront makes a request to the Adobe Commerce back end which then makes a payment request to the /payments endpoint.

To start the payment process, place the order from your front end in a way that the default Adobe Commerce checkout flow requires. To do so:

  1. Create a data object to send in the Adobe Commerce API request.
  2. Place the order with the created object.

Create a data object

First, create a data object that you can later send in the Adobe Commerce /payment-information Adobe Commerce 2 REST API request.

To get the necessary details for this object, you can either use from the Web component or replicate the request object yourself based on the documentation for the /payments endpoint. To replicate the object, follow this structure:

  • method: Payment method name in Adobe Commerce. For example, adyen_cc, adyen_hpp, or adyen_oneclick.
  • cc_type (only for adyen_cc and adyen_oneclick): Card type. Get the card type available in Adobe Commerce based on the or state.brand as you can find in the example here. The brand can be found in the as the field or if you implement the onBrand callback for the checkout component then also as state.brand as seen in the example here.
  • brand_code (only for adyen_hpp): field
  • recurringProcessingModel (optional, only for adyen_cc and adyen_hpp): Defines the recurring processing model for the request, and overwrites the default value in the plugin configuration. This field accepts one of the following values: Subscription, CardOnFile, or UnscheduledCardOnFile.
  • stateData: JSON.stringify() the object that you get from the Web Component or Drop-in. For example, this is how it is done in the plugin. The object can be saved in a separate call to accommodate special checkout flows.

Example request for a card payment method:

Example request for an alternative payment method:

Place an order

Place the order with the /payment-information endpoint from the Adobe Commerce REST API. Use the object created in the previous step.

Full example of the /payment-information request:

For more information, refer to the Adobe Commerce API documentation.

The response of the /payment-information Adobe Commerce contains orderId in the integer format that you need for the next step.

Step 4: Check payment status

To see if there are any additional steps required after placing the order, call the payment status endpoint:

  1. Parse the JSON response and evaluate it. There are two main paths that you can follow based on the isFinal response field.

    If the isFinal field is true:

    • If the resultCode field is Authorised, Received or PresentToShopper then the payment was successful and you can redirect the customer to the success page.
    • If the resultCode field is Refused, Error or unhandled, the API responds with 400 HTTP result code and a default Adobe Commerce localized error response which looks like this:

Step 5: Handle additional actions

This step is only needed if there is action in the response of the previous step.

Based on the previous step response, you can see if the payment status is final or not, and whether you need any additional steps to finish the payment process.

Handle action from the /payment-status or /payment-details response

Some payment methods require additional action from the shopper such as, to scan a QR code, to authenticate a payment with 3D Secure, or to log in to their bank's website to complete the payment. To handle these additional front-end actions, follow the Web Components documentation or find specific documentation for each payment method in this list.

Note that all payment methods use the createFromAction method, except for PayPal. The PayPal Component uses the handleAction method to process additional action from the PayPal pop-up window.

Optional: Validate the from the action component

In case the shopper is already redirected to the success page, you do not need to validate anything because the Component just presents a QR code or additional information to the customer, and there are no additional steps required from your side. Adyen is going to send a notification to your system as soon as the customer finishes the payment.

The plugin handles webhooks on its own.

In case the shopper is still in the checkout process, you need to perform additional checks of the that you get back from the Component. To do this, implement the onAdditionalDetails callback when creating the new AdyenCheckout component.

To validate the, use the /adyen/paymentDetails endpoint exposed by the plugin.

Create your request

Create your request with the following field:

  • payload: JSON.stringify() the object that you get from the action component in the field after you add the orderId as well.

Example request:

Handling the paymentsDetails response

Evaluate the response. There are 2 main paths that you can follow based on the isFinal response field.

If the isFinal field is true:

  • If the resultCode field is Authorised, Received or PresentToShopper then the payment was successful and you can redirect the customer to the success page.
  • If the resultCode field is Refused, Error or unhandled, the API responds with 400 HTTP result code and a default Adobe Commerce localized error response which looks like this:
  • If the action field is present and is not empty, then handle the action using the Web Component. This is, for example, to provide the additional information to the shopper in order to finalize the payment.

If the isFinal field is false:

Setting the payment in a separate request

Plugin v7.2.0 and later support setting the payment's by using the /adyen/stateData endpoint. This is useful for checkout flows where this information cannot be sent using the /payment-information Adobe Commerce REST API endpoint.

The /adyen/stateData endpoint receives the following parameters:

Parameter Description
state_data from the Web Component.
quote_id The ID of the Adobe Commerce quote related to saved with this endpoint is used in the payment request if no was supplied in the /payment-information request.


When you get unexpected results, you can:

  • Check the endpoints on Adyen's GitHub as a starting point to see if there are any changes. In addition, check your /swagger where all the endpoints are listed.

  • Use our API Explorer to try out calls to the Adyen API endpoints and for example see what kind of errors you might get. Make sure that you select the API version that the Adobe Commerce plugin uses. Check the library and API versions you are using.

Checking library and API versions

The Adobe Commerce plugin uses a specific version of the Adyen PHP library, which in its turn uses specific versions of the Adyen APIs. You can try out calls to the Adyen APIs in our API Explorer. The API Explorer is versioned, so before trying a call you need to select the API version that your Adobe Commerce plugin version is using.

To look up which PHP library and Adyen API versions you are using, refer to the release notes. Or if it is still missing then:

  1. Go to the Adyen Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento 2) plugin on GitHub. In the Branch dropdown, on the Tags tab, select the version of your Adobe Commerce plugin.

  2. At adyen/php-api-library, find the version of the Adyen PHP library that the plugin uses. For example, "adyen/php-api-library": "~2.1".

  3. Go to the Adyen PHP library. In the Branch dropdown, on the Tags tab, select the library version you have just found.

  4. Refer to the API constants to find the versions of the Adyen APIs that the PHP library uses, for example const API_CHECKOUT_VERSION = "v41".

See also