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When you use Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce as your omnichannel solution, the Dynamics 365 Payment Connector for Adyen allows you to process payments across your sales channels through the Adyen payments platform. With the Adyen payment connector you can accept:
- All major global credit and debit cards, both online and in-store.
- Point-of-sale transactions with Givex and SVS gift cards.
- Point-of-sale transactions with Android Pay, Apple Pay, and Samsung Pay wallets.
You can use the Adyen payment connector with all Dynamics 365 Commerce channels:
- Modern POS (MPOS) - Interfaces with the Adyen Terminal API using local communications. It allows you to continue processing payments when offline, and to access payment terminals, printers, and cash drawers directly.
- Cloud POS (CPOS) - Interfaces with the Adyen Terminal API using cloud communications. It runs in a browser and therefore cannot work offline and can only access the payment terminals, printers, and cash drawers through a hardware station.
- e-Commerce - Interfaces with the Adyen Checkout API.
- Call Center - Interfaces with the Adyen Checkout API.
Before you begin to integrate, make sure you have followed the Get started with Adyen guide to:
- Get an overview of the steps needed to accept live payments.
- Create your test account.
If you use more than one sales channel, for example MPOS and e-Commerce, request additional merchant accounts. You need to have a separate merchant account for each channel.
While you wait for your application for a live account to be approved, you can:
- Configure your Adyen account.
- Order Adyen payment terminals for your MPOS or CPOS retail channel (if applicable).
- Set up the Adyen payment connector in Dynamics 365.
Step 1: Configure your Adyen account
Our Support Team will take care of part of your account configuration. But there are a few steps that you need to do yourself. The most important step is to create separate API credentials for each of your sales channels.
Select the following tabs to see what you need to do for MPOS, CPOS, e-Commerce, or Call Center.
Log in to your Customer Area and make sure you are on the company account level (in the top-right corner, under the name of your company account, no merchant selected is shown).
Create a new API credential for MPOS:
Do not use or configure the default API credential ws@Company.[YourCompanyAccount] that was created when you signed up with Adyen.
Go to Developers > API credentials.
Select Create new credential.
Under Credential type, select Web service. You can add a description here.
Make a note of the API credential name.
Select Create credential.
Under Server settings > Authentication, elect the API key tab.
Select Generate API key.
Copy the API key using the copy icon and store your API key securely in your system.
You will need to add this API key in the Dynamics 365 configuration for MPOS.If you lose this API key you won't be able to restore it later.
Under Roles and Associated Accounts, enable the following roles:
- Merchant Recurring Role
Our Support Team will enable more roles for you:
- POS initial Configuration
- Terminal Registration Role
- Terminal Management API Role
- Device with Payload Encryption Role
- Allow firmware download for POS devices
Select Save changes.
Configure response settings:
- Switch to the merchant account you created for MPOS.
- Go to Developers > Additional data.
- Select the Toggle all fields checkbox.
- Deselect the checkbox under Risk.
Make sure no capture delay is set:
- In your MPOS merchant account, go to Settings > Account settings.
- From the POS Capture Delay list, select Immediate.
Contact our Support Team and ask them to configure the back-office for you. Let them know:
- The name of your MPOS merchant account.
- The name of the API credential you created for MPOS, so that they can enable the remaining roles.
- Whether you process Givex or SVS gift cards.
Step 2 (MPOS or CPOS): Get your Adyen payment terminals
For your MPOS or CPOS channel, the Adyen payment connector can only communicate with payment terminals that are injected with Adyen software. To obtain these terminals:
- Create store IDs for the stores where you are using MPOS or CPOS.
- Select the terminal models that suit your business.
- Order test terminals and a test card from your test Customer Area.
- Board your terminals to associate them with a store and make them ready to accept test payments.
Step 3: Set up Dynamics 365
To set up and configure the Adyen payment connector in Dynamics 365 Commerce:
Follow the instructions in the Dynamics 365 Commerce documentation.
For e-Commerce and Call Center: When requested to specify the Optional Domain, you can leave this field blank for the test environment. But when going live you must provide your Adyen merchant prefix, otherwise you get a
error. To find your merchant prefix:- Log in to your live Customer Area and select your merchant account.
Go to Developers > API URLs. The merchant prefix is a value formatted like this example:
For CPOS: When requested to specify the Optional Domain, you can leave the field blank in the test environment. When going live, specify
. -
When requested to set up a POS hardware profile for the Adyen payment terminals you are using with MPOS or CPOS, find the required values as follows:
- Log in to your Customer Area.
- Go to In-person payments > Terminals and select your terminal.
On the Settings page, find:
- The terminal's IP address under Connectivity.
- The POIID, in the format [device model]-[serial number], in the page title.
The Key identifier, Key passphrase, and Key version under Integrations > Encryption key.
The Adyen payment connector supports tokenization, but this functionality requires some configuration on our end. Contact our Support Team to enable tokenization.
Test and go live
Test your integration
Before you start accepting payments, test your integration:
Use our test card numbers to test online payments and/or use your test terminal and test card to test in-person payments.
To test Givex gift cards, ask your Givex contact for the credentials to supply to Adyen.
When a test gift card needs to be reset, contact the provider (SVS or Givex).
Test all the payment methods that you want to offer in each channel that you are using.
Review details on each test payment in your test Customer Area.
Go live
When you have a live Adyen account and the credentials for your test Customer Area:
- If you use more than one sales channel, for example MPOS and e-Commerce, request additional merchant accounts. You need have a separate live merchant account for each channel.
- If you are using MPOS or CPOS:
- Create store IDs under your live merchant account.
- Order live terminals from your live Customer Area.
- Board your terminals to make them ready to accept live payments.
- Configure your live Adyen account as described in Step 1.
- In Dynamics 365 Headquarters, do the following:
- Set Gateway environment to Live.
- Enter the Optional Domain. Refer to Step 3 and the Prerequisites in the Dynamics 365 documentation for the Adyen payment connector.