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Set up Pay by Link

Learn how to set up and use Pay by Link with NetSuite.

You can use Pay by Link in NetSuite to offer payment links as a payment method when you generate an invoice, sales order, or customer deposit in NetSuite. A payment link is a URL that will take your customer to an Adyen-hosted payment page to make the payment.


  1. Create a Pay by Link payment method instance.
  2. Configure Pay by Link in your Payment Processing Profile.
  3. Configure Pay by Link in Custom Preferences.
  4. Configure Pay by Link Record Configuration.

Step 1: Create a Pay by Link payment method instance

Follow the instructions to create a Pay by Link payment method instance when you set up your NetSuite Customer Center. To use Pay by Link invoice transactions, you must also set up a Pay by Reference payment method instance.

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Payment Processing Profiles.

  2. Edit the Payment Processing Profile you use for Pay by Link.

  3. Configure the following fields:

    Adyen SuitePayment Main Config

    Field Description
    PAY BY LINK: PAYMENT METHODSelect the payment method you are using for Pay by Link.
    PAY BY LINK: TIMEOUT (HOURS)Your default timeout hours.
    PAY BY LINK: BLOCKED METHODSEnter payment codes or brand codes of blocked payment methods. Separate each value with a comma. You can leave this field blank otherwise.
    PAY BY LINK: ALLOWED METHODSIf you limit Pay By Link to specific payment methods, enter the payment codes or brand codes. Separate each value with a comma. You can leave this field blank otherwise.
    CHECKOUT API KEY ENTRYEnter the API Key from your Adyen Customer Area. This is only required when using Pay by Link Invoices in Netsuite.
  4. Only if you want to enable tokenization features for Pay by Link, configure the following fields:

    Adyen SuitePayment Main Config

    Field Description
    PAY BY LINK: TOKENIZATION Select the checkbox if you want to tokenize shopper payment details used in a Pay by Link transaction.
    PAY BY LINK: DEFAULT VIA TOKENIZATION Select the checkbox if you want to save the tokenized payment details for a Pay by Link transaction as the default payment method for a shopper. This feature only works if the PAY BY LINK: TOKENIZATION box is also checked.
  1. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences.
  2. Configure the following fields in the Custom Preferences tab:

    Field Description
    PAY BY LINK TEST MODE Check this box to turn on test mode.
    GENERATE PAY BY LINK ON BEFORE SUBMIT Check this box if you want the Pay by Link payment URL to generate before you submit an invoice. Otherwise, the payment URL generates after you submit.
    GENERAL TOKEN: PAYMENT METHOD Select Adyen General Token.
    PAY BY LINK: PAYMENT METHOD 1 Select a payment method in a payment profile that uses Pay by Link.
    PAY BY LINK: PAYMENT METHOD 2 Select a payment method in a payment profile that uses Pay by Link.
    PAY BY LINK: PAYMENT METHOD 3 Select a payment method in a payment profile that uses Pay by Link.
  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Record Types.
  2. Find [ES] Adyen Pay by Link Config and select New Record in the same row.
  3. Configure the following fields:

    Field Description
    NAME Enter a name for this record.
    PAYMENT PROCESSING PROFILE INTERNAL ID Enter the record ID for the Payment Processing Profile (PPP).
    To find the record ID:
    1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Payment Processing Profiles.
    2. Select View for the PPP you use for Pay by Link. The ID is the last number in the URL.
      For example, in the URL, the ID is 5.
    SUBSIDIARY Select the subsidiary assigned to the PPP.
    ADYEN SUITEPAYMENT CONFIG Select the SuitePayment Config ID.
    To find the Config ID:
    1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Payment Processing Profiles.
    2. Select View for the PPP you use for Pay by Link.
    3. Find the CONFIGURATION LINK and select Open Configuration. The ID is the last number in the URL.
      For example, in the URL, the ID is 39602.

You can generate a payment link on the Invoice record,on the Sales Order record, or on a Customer Deposit record.

Generate a payment link on the Invoice record

  1. Create a new invoice in NetSuite:
    1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Create Invoices > List.
    2. Select New Transaction.
    3. Fill in the relevant fields for the invoice.
  2. On the Billing tab, in the ADYEN PAY BY LINK CONFIG field, select the name of the configuration record you use for Pay by Link.
  3. Finish creating the invoice and select Save.
  4. Get the payment link: Select the record you saved, and on the Billing tab find the generated ADYEN PAY BY LINK URL.
  5. Give the payment link to your customer. The URL will take them to the Adyen-hosted payment page to make the payment. After the shopper completes the payment, it takes approximately 15 minutes for the payment record to be created.

To include a Pay by Link URL in your invoice PDFs, you need to add the field to your PDF template.

If you are using the Standard template:

  1. In your Netsuite Customer Center, go to Customization > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.
  2. Next to Standard Invoice PDF/HTML Template, select Customize,
  3. Select the plus icon to add a new field to the template. This opens a Fields window.
  5. Select Save.

If you are using an Advanced template:

  1. In your Netsuite Customer Center, go to Customization > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.
  2. Select the template in which you want to include Pay by Link URLs.
  3. Add the Pay by Link URL to your template. How you do this depends on your view mode:
    • If you are using the source code mode:
      1. Add the custbody_es_adyen_pbl_url field to the template.
    • If you are using the WYSIWYG mode:
      1. Select the plus icon to add a new field to the template. This opens a Fields window.
      2. Select ADYEN PAY BY LINK URL.
  4. Select Save.

Generate a payment link on the Sales Order record

  1. Create a new Sales Order in Netsuite:
    1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Order.
    2. Fill in the relevant fields for the sales order.
  2. If Payment Instruments are turned off in Netsuite, select Get Authorization in the Sales Order.
  3. On the Billing tab, in the PAYMENT METHOD field, select the payment method you have set up for Pay by Link.
  4. In the Handling Mode field, select Process.
  5. Finish creating the sales order and select Save.
  6. Get the payment link: Select the record you saved, and on the Billing tab find the generated ADYEN PAY BY LINK URL.
    The order is in Payment Hold until the customer pays using the payment link.
  7. Give the payment link to your customer. The URL will take them to the Adyen-hosted payment page to make the payment.

Generate a payment link on the Customer Deposit record

You can issue payment links to collect full or partial payments and record them as Customer Deposit records in NetSuite. You can then apply the deposit amount to an invoice. This allows you to offer your shoppers to option to modify the payment amount for a transaction.

This feature is only supported for payments with cards, alternative payment methods, and ACH.

  1. Create a new Customer Deposit in Netsuite:
    1. Go to Transactions > Customers > Record Customer Deposits.
    2. Fill in the relevant fields for the customer deposit.
  2. On the Payment Method tab:
    1. Set PAYMENT OPTION to Pay by Link.
    2. Set PAYMENT PROCESSING PROFILE to the payment processing profile you use to accept Pay by Link payments.
    3. Set HANDLING MODE to Process.
  3. If you want your shoppers to be returned to a URL after completing their payment, for example to your store website, provide the URL in ADYEN PBL RETURN URL.
  4. Select Save.
  5. Get the payment link: Select the record you saved, and on the Payment Method tab find the generated ADYEN PAY BY LINK URL.
  6. Give the payment link to your customer. The URL will take them to the Adyen-hosted payment page to make the payment.

After your shopper has successfully completed the payment, you can apply the deposit to an invoice:

  1. Select the Customer Deposit record that you want to apply to an invoice.
  2. Select Apply.
  3. On the Invoices tab, select an open invoice.
  4. Select Save.

To verify that the deposit amount has been successfully applied to an invoice, verify that the amount and invoice appears on the Applied to tab of the respective Customer Deposit record.

See also