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Upgrade to Adyen Payments for Salesforce OMS v3

Learn how to upgrade your Adyen Salesforce OMS package from v2 to v3.

This page explains the steps to upgrade your Adyen Salesforce Order Management System (OMS) package from v2 to v3. See our release notes to learn what has changed in this version.

If you are using v1 of our package, follow the steps to install and set up the package from scratch. You cannot update from v1 to v3 following the steps in this guide.

Step 1: Update your Payment Gateway configuration

The package now includes a Payment Gateway Provider Record, and you no longer need to create your own. To use the new record with your integration:

  1. In your Salesforce OMS Org, go to App Launcher, enter Payment Gateways in the search field, and select it.

  2. On the Payment Gateways page, select Adyen.

  3. Update the following fields in the Payment Gateway record:

    Field Value
    Payment Gateway Provider Select Adyen OMS Provider.
    Merchant Credential Select AdyenCheckout.
    If you cannot select AdyenCheckout, go to Setup > Named Credentials, and select Adyen Checkout. Then, go back to the Adyen Payment Gateway record, select Refresh, and try again.
  4. Select the Adyen OMS Provider hyperlink.
    This opens the Payment Gateway Provider page.

  5. In the Site URL, find the ID, starting with 0cJ.

  6. Save this ID in your system, you will need it when you update your webhook configuration.

Step 2: Update your webhook configuration

In v3:

To make sure your integration can handle the changes introduced in this version:

  1. Update your webhook configuration in the Adyen Customer Area.
  2. Add your HMAC key in Salesforce.

After you have completed the steps, test your webhook configuration to make sure the new webhook configuration works correctly.

Update your webhook configuration in the Adyen Customer Area

Update your existing webhook configuration to add your new webhook endpoint URL and enable new events:

  1. In your Customer Area, go to Developers >  Webhooks.

  2. Select the webhook that you have configured for the package.

  3. Select the pencil icon to edit this webhook.

  4. Under Server Configuration, update the URL with your Payment Gateway ID that you saved when you updated your Payment Gateway configuration. Use the following format:

    Webhook endpoint URL format
    Expand view
    Copy link to code block
    Copy code
    Copy code

    For example:

    Example Webhook endpoint URL
    Expand view
    Copy link to code block
    Copy code
    Copy code
  5. Under Security, generate a HMAC Key, copy it, and store it securely in your system.

  6. Under Events, select CAPTURE_FAILED, and REFUND_FAILED.

  7. Select Save configuration.

Add your HMAC key in Salesforce

  1. In your Salesforce B2B Org, go to Setup > Custom Code > Custom Metadata Types.
  2. Select Adyen Adapter.
  3. Add your HMAC key to the Adyen Adapter Layout:
    1. Scroll down to Adyen Adapter Layout, and select Edit.
    2. Drag the HMAC Key field, and drop it into the layout.
    3. Select Save.
  4. Select Manage Adyen Adapter.
  5. Next to Adyen Default, select Edit.
  6. Set the HMAC Key field to the HMAC key you generated in the Adyen Customer Area.
  7. Select Save.

Step 3: Verify your sales channel setup

In v3, we changed how the Adyen merchant account field is populated for Salesforce sales channels. Choose one of the following options:

  • Use the merchant account that you configured in the Adyen Default custom metadata record.
    For this option, leave the merchant account field empty in the sales channel object:
    1. In your OMS Org, go to the App Launcher, and search for Sales Channels.
    2. Select a sales channel.
    3. Leave the Adyen Merchant Account field empty.
  • Link a specific merchant account to one of your sales channels.
    For this option, follow the steps to configure sales channels.

We recommend to update the help text that appears for the merchant account field in the Sales Channel object:

  1. In your Salesforce OMS Org, go to Setup > Object Manager.

  2. Select Sales Channel.

  3. Select Fields & Relationships, and then select Adyen Merchant Account.

  4. Select Edit to replace the help text that appears for this field. For example:

    Expand view
    Copy link to code block
    Copy code
    Copy code
    The Adyen merchant account name used for this Sales Channel. When you leave this field empty, the merchant account configured for the Adyen Default custom metadata record will be used.
  5. Select Save.

Step 4: Update your Named Credential setup

The package includes the Named Credential by default, and uses API keys for authentication instead of basic authentication.

To enable the new Named Credential in your integration, follow the steps to set up a Principal Credential.

Go live

After you have completed your upgrade, follow the steps to go live with this version.