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Onboard sellers

Understand how Adyen's Mirakl connector manages onboarding and handles KYC checks.

Each seller you add to your Mirakl marketplace goes through a KYC verification for their onboarding.

If a seller has multiple shops to accept payments in different currencies, each shop is treated as a separate legal entity by Adyen. Therefore, each shop needs to be onboarded separately.

How it works

  1. You add a seller to your Mirakl marketplace.
    • The seller is required to provide the following information to create the legal entity in Adyen. The data provided must match the data format per country/region, for the country/region where the seller is based.
      • Email
      • Company name (legalBusinessName)
    • When address is provided, it must include the following fields:
      • City
      • Country/region
      • Postal code
      • Street
      • State or Province (only required if the address is in the US or Canada)
    • When bank account is provided, it must include the following fields:
      • Currency code
      • Owner name
      • Country code
      • IBAN
  2. The connector submits the seller's information to Adyen in a /legalEntities request.
  3. With the next sync, the Hosted Onboarding Page (HOP) link is created and the seller can access it in Mirakl.
    To check if a link was created successfully:
    1. In the Mirakl back office, go to Shops > All shop accounts.
    2. Select the shop account for which you want to check if the HOP is generated.
    3. On the shop account page, check if the Additional Information > Hop Url field is populated with a link.
  4. When the seller clicks on the link, they are directed to a connector page where they have to answer security questions.
  5. After the seller correctly responds to the security questions, the connector redirects the seller to the Adyen HOP.
  6. On the Adyen HOP page, the account holder and any additional shareholders go through KYC checks.
  7. When the checks are completed, the KYC status in Mirakl is updated. The statuses between Mirakl and Adyen are automatically synced by the connector.
    • If the seller passes the checks, their KYC process is successfully completed. The seller receives an email that they have passed KYC verification.
    • If the seller does not pass the checks, the seller receives an email about the issue. The Mirakl shop page displays information related to the issue as well.

KYC statuses

The sellers that are in the KYC verification process can have one of the following statuses:

  • Awaiting KYC data
  • Awaiting KYC verification
  • KYC failed

Data sync from Mirakl to Adyen

To ensure that your sellers' information is synced correctly to Adyen, the information fields must be filled according to the data format requirements. Your sellers must follow the requirements below, in addition to the data formats per country or region.

Phone numbers

Your sellers must enter phone numbers using the + sign and country code. For example, a seller with a Dutch phone number must be filled as +31612345678, where 31 is the country code.

This requirement also applies to the phone number field that sellers must fill in the Adyen HOP.

Bank data

There are different types of data that a seller can provide about their bank account. For example, bank name, business identifier code (BIC) of the bank, and IBAN.

In Mirakl, the Bank name and BIC fields are mandatory, but the Adyen HOP only requires the seller to provide an IBAN. As a consequence:

  • If the data is provided by the seller through the Mirakl seller form, the connector syncs this information to Adyen.
  • If the data is provided through the Adyen HOP, the IBAN is synced to Adyen and the connector populates dummy values for the Bank name and BIC fields.

Therefore, we recommend to populate bank details in Mirakl first, before proceeding to the Adyen hosted onboarding process. You can also explain this flow to your sellers to avoid receiving questions about the dummy values the connector populates.

Next steps