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Set up the Adyen Customer Area

Set up the app in the Adyen Customer Area.

To use the Adyen Payments App for Salesforce B2B commerce, you need to configure an API key to authenticate with Adyen. You also need to inform us of the additional data you want to receive, your preferred payment capture method, and the payment methods you want to accept.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have created a test account with Adyen. With this account, you will be able to access the test Customer Area, and apply for a live account. While you wait for your live account credentials, you can start integrating by using your test account. 

Step 1: Set up API credentials

To connect your B2B Commerce Org to Adyen, you need to set up an API key and a client key in the Adyen Customer Area. You need to copy these keys over to the B2B Commerce Org when you set up the B2B Commerce Org.

  1. Log in to your Customer Area.
  2. Go to Developers > API credentials, and select the credential username for your integration, for example ws@Company.TestCompany.
  3. Under Server settings > Authentication, select the API key tab.
  4. Select Generate API key.
  5. Copy and store your API key securely in your system. You won't be able to restore it later.
    If your API key is lost or compromised, you need to generate a new one.
  6. Under Client settings > Authentication, select the Client key tab.
  7. Select Generate client key.
  8. Copy and store your client key securely in your system.
    The client key is linked to your API credential and environment.
  9. Under Add allowed origins, enter the URL to your web store and select Add.
  10. Select Save changes at the bottom of the page.
  11. Ask our Support Team to enable the API PCI Payments role for your merchant account.

Step 2: Set up additional data

You need to configure additional payment data of the authorisation API response. To do this:

  1. Log in to your Customer Area with your merchant account.
  2. Go to Developers > Additional data.
  3. Enable the following fields:
    • Card > Card summary
    • Payment > Recurring details
  4. Select Save configuration.

Step 3: Set up a capture method

For credit cards, the payment is completed in two steps:

  1. Authorisation: the payment details of the shopper are verified with the issuer, and the funds are reserved.
  2. Capture: the reserved funds are transferred from the shopper to your account.

You can capture payments manually in Salesforce, or use automatic capture. You can set up automatic capture immediately after authorisation, or after a delay of a fixed number of days.

The default setting is immediate automatic capture.

To set up your preferred capture method:

  1. In the Adyen Customer Area, go to Settings > Account settings.
  2. In the Capture Delay list, select one of the following:
    • manual: capture all payments manually in Salesforce.
    • [N] days: automatic capture N days after authorisation.
    • immediate: automatic capture immediately after authorisation.
  3. Select Submit.

Step 4: Add payment methods to your account

Before you can accept any payment methods, you need to request them in your Customer Area.

  1. Log in to your Customer Area.

  2. Switch to your merchant account.

  3. Go to Settings > Payment methods.

  4. Select Request payment methods.

  5. Start entering the name of the payment method, then select it from the drop-down list.

  6. Select Submit.

Next steps