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Log in with single sign-on

Learn how to verify your email address to log in to Customer Area using single sign-on (SSO).

Single sign-on (SSO) lets you use the same set of credentials to securely access several other services. You use these credentials to log in to your identity provider, which then allows you to access your Customer Area.
The identity provider is software like Okta, Azure, or Microsoft AD FS.

Verify your email address

When your administrator adds you as a user for the Customer Area, you'll get an automated email asking you to verify your email address.

You need to do this procedure separately for your test Customer Area and for your live Customer Area.

To verify your email address:

  1. On the automated email you received, select Verify email address.
    • If the link expires, you'll need to contact your administrator to request a new link to verify your email address.
  2. You are directed to a page with the confirmation message Email successfully verified.
  3. You can optionally enter your first and last name into the corresponding input fields. Select Save.

To log in after you verify:

  1. In the Username field, enter the email address you verified.
  2. Select Next.
    • If you're already logged in to your identity provider, you're redirected to your Customer Area.
    • If you're not logged in your identity provider account, you're redirected to your identity provider to log in. After you log in, you're redirected to your Customer Area.

All set! From now on, you must access Customer Area using SSO. You can access Customer Area either from the log in page or by logging in through your identity provider.

Log in from Customer Area

After verifying your email address, you log in to the Customer Area using your identity provider credentials. Keep in mind that you need to verify your email address separately for the test and live Customer Area.

  1. Go to the Customer Area.
  2. In the Username field, enter the email address you verified.
  3. Select Next.
    • If you're already logged in to your identity provider, you are redirected to your Customer Area.
    • If you're not logged in your identity provider account, you're redirected to your identity provider to log in. After you log in, you're redirected to your Customer Area.

Log in from your identity provider

When you log in to your identity provider and choose to access your Adyen Customer Area, you are redirected there.